Tamamo 08/31/2024 (Sat) 10:41 No.5528 del
What are you even doing with all those ears?

We ran all day without eating except for breakfast. How long can we go on without resting or eating?

>they have a vague feeling you're nearby
Damn, Cat brought the 4 goblin alcohol flasks as a present. The plan was to make them drunk. Any chance to leave them nearby so they find them and have a sip?

>expect many
Without dwarf reinforcement there's not a lot we can do against a zerg rush.
Best strategy would be to shoot off anyone who comes outside. Attacking them inside is suicide. We could set the entrance on fire with our oil and some wood debris to smoke them out. Gotta assume every human/dwarf inside is already dead.

We get 3 shots per round, 2 bows and one Sacred Flame. I'd rather not have Ashley's summons defeated right at the beginning.