Alice 09/16/2024 (Mon) 20:46 No.5761 del
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I tried to be nice and look at me!
I won't make this mistake again!
As George W, said:
Either you're with us or you're with the terrorists!

And you know what happens to terrorists in the end.

>beg for food
I seriously don't know if we are her friends or just some annoying strangers. When your friends offer you food and healing and you're just nah fuck it I don't need your crap see ya, that's not exactly friendship-like. And an Ashley with unnecessarily low HP/MP is not exactly helpful either. But eh, I don't even care anymore.

>Ashley hops out of the bushes and rolls on her back, seemingly trying her best to be non-threatening though it comes off as awkward.
How's this awkward? It's awesome! Be glad I'm down, if you do that around me you will get petted and fluffed without mercy!


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