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The problem with Doom3 lamer 01/13/2018 (Sat) 11:12:36 [Preview] No. 400 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Doom3 is such a fucking terrible mess, it hurts. For a start there are three projects to choose from:
ioDoom3 - https://github.com/iodoom/iod3
Literally fucking nothing, a complete false start with zero work done, not even 64bit port, pathetic.

dhewm3 - https://github.com/dhewm/dhewm3
Updated but completely breaks compatibility with the SDK and thus existing soft mods. In particular the mods that made the game look half way decent like sikkmod and dentons's enhanced doom. What's more a complete lack of interest in implementing comparable advanced graphics features of their own.

RBDoom3BFG - https://github.com/RobertBeckebans/RBDOOM-3-BFG
A fork of the updated Doom3 release. All the added engine features are a pile of fucking crap that just make the game brighter. It also cannot be played online without Steam, yuck. Robert has added new shadow rendering which is cool. However they also completely couldn't give a fuck about maintaining compatibility with mods, they fuck with settings without a care for compatibility.

What really fucking kills me is that users are better off with an original version of the game with soft mods like sikkmod and a texture pack. It's like all this work has just been to make doom3 worse.

It's not fucking rocket science. All you need is a port with:
Backwards SDK compatibility

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Quadrilateral cowboy lamer 12/01/2017 (Fri) 10:28:18 [Preview] No. 385 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Anyone tried to compile this fucking game? I think the code released doesn't include the linux and mac ports which are being sold. That's a GPL violation if true, right?

lamer 12/01/2017 (Fri) 10:40:08 [Preview] No.386 del
I've sent an e-mail, no telling if I'll get a reply.

lamer 12/06/2017 (Wed) 14:31:00 [Preview] No.388 del
Still no reply. Going to ask around and see how to approach this.

lamer 12/06/2017 (Wed) 15:38:41 [Preview] No.389 del
Okay, apparently it's in there, just no way to compile the thing other than visual studio. The date on the source release still makes me think it's not up-to-date but I can't check it without compiling it so... this thing really needs cmake.

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Mr Boom - bomberman clone lamer 09/10/2017 (Sun) 10:02:59 [Preview] No. 346 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Fresh code, reverse engineered, all MIT.

Includes standard gameplay, up to 8 players, AI and netplay. Available as libretro addon or standalone.


lamer 09/10/2017 (Sun) 10:13:38 [Preview] No. 347 del
i miss play that game :(

lamer 09/10/2017 (Sun) 10:37:38 [Preview] No. 350 del
I remember having friends and we would all play bomberman on the sega.

lamer 10/08/2017 (Sun) 06:16:31 [Preview] No. 357 del
Straight in the trash.

lamer 10/09/2017 (Mon) 21:27:56 [Preview] No. 358 del
Haha, calm down

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Captain Holetooth lamer 09/30/2017 (Sat) 11:12:56 [Preview] No. 355 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Exploration platformer using GoDot, currently porting to GoDot 3


lamer 09/30/2017 (Sat) 11:47:03 [Preview] No. 356 del
Seems cool. Thanks for sharing.

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Yorg lamer 09/10/2017 (Sun) 10:23:40 [Preview] No. 349 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Yorg is FLOSS: the code of the game is released under GPLv3. Ya2’s art assets are released under CC BY-SA.

third person visual perspective;
8 different pilots;
7 different cars;
4 different tracks;

Not seen this one before, maybe very early in development. Nice to see real progress on projects like these.

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scrape dump Anonymous 02/02/2017 (Thu) 15:14:52 [Preview] No. 216 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

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Postal went GPL Anonymous 06/05/2017 (Mon) 10:51:56 [Preview] No. 331 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck, how did this happen and I didn't hear of it!!!


>It was in September, 1997 – over 19 years ago (we’ll round that out to 20, for marketing reasons) – when us humble folk from Running With Scissors unleashed our Robotron-inspired isometric shooter POSTAL to the unsuspecting public at large. It was an instant hit, grabbing the attention of gamers, parents and politicians across the country, and we’ve been supporting and updating it ever since. But now, (almost) 20 years later, we are entrusting our fans with the future of our game, by releasing its source code to the public. Consider it a belated Christmas present!

Only a matter of time until it's ported.

Anonymous 06/05/2017 (Mon) 10:58:43 [Preview] No. 332 del

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LynxVania Anonymous 05/23/2017 (Tue) 17:58:00 [Preview] No. 329 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I've been working on a while on this project for a metroidvania.
I am focusing on the technology itself to allow for people to easily create metroidvanias and content for games designed for the engine and less on the game itself.

I think I got it on a state that its worth posting on agdg places.

You can find the code and stuff over gitgud.io/LynxVania

More videos at
https://youtube.com/watch?v=QuDFW62DYVE [Embed]&list=PL6ExG1loqbUg1HsQ8X8Z5RO8uKpTpJfgd

Anonymous 05/24/2017 (Wed) 18:20:55 [Preview] No. 330 del
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Nice, any support for shooting yet?

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The proprietary game that broke your heart Anonymous 01/15/2017 (Sun) 19:10:31 [Preview] No. 207 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Let's face it, we all have at least one. Name the games you had to say goodbye to.
13 posts and 1 image omitted.

Anonymous 03/13/2017 (Mon) 17:31:39 [Preview] No. 243 del
To take it a step further,

I am a huge fan of "Advanced Tactics: Gold", which, is a Matrix Games product, but which basically has one dude at the helm, and that is great, because it's easily the best war sim on the market at this time. The reason we like it, is because the engine is truly a clockwork of war and battle. It allows you to see, each unit, and their rolls against the enemy. It allows you to see the cogs, if not the mainspring, of something we study called "war and battle"

However, imagine if, you could snap into a "superhot" sort of gameplay, within AT:G, during battle. Suddenly the battle which takes five seconds, can take an hour. You are one man, on that hexfield, and you can literally, run from Germany to Moscow, getting 10,000 slow motion kills. Hah! You just visualized it and know what I mean!

So, in some ways this ties back to Max Payne, another game I would throw onto OP's table. Version one, had time dilation effect, we all loved it. Max Payne as a title was ruined then. Completely. However time dilation effect, as proven by superhot, has the power to alter gameplay itself. Indeed I wonder now that I described it, how long it will be until we have all war sims with a first-person mode, so you can go in, and be that superhero, on the battlefield. Obviously when we see it we will know it, but, actual war may come first.

This thought occurs to me in BF2 mods I play where I wish they had a slow motion button, it's just fun, to play in slo mo. However some players do not like it. Again, Max Payne brought what? Most of the elements had been used before, but bullet time, is something that even right now, is an untapped realm. I don't play console games or steam or anything recent, so if there are better games with time dilation than max payne or superhot then mention them because it could make your heartbreaker game from the past, relevant tomorrow. Hence when they release "Max Payne: Superhot edition" is it retro or new?

Anonymous 03/13/2017 (Mon) 18:38:14 [Preview] No. 244 del
Fuuuuuuuuuuck! Thanks so much for turning me to this.
That is an amazing quake mod, using darkplaces!

>Perhaps it is true that people play "dating sims" but know they will never go on a date.
https://homeward.renai.us/ I think dating sims are pretty good, though I have been on a date. Sims are better.

>I play war games that allow me to understand war
What aspect of war? Strategy?

I guess the only thing like a war sim I have played is Slay. You ever play Slay?

Anonymous 03/14/2017 (Tue) 15:30:13 [Preview] No. 245 del
I long for the 90s of gaming to resurrect in foss.

Deus ex, Thief, C&C/RA, Alpha Centauri, Diablo, Fallout, GTA, Neverwinter Nights, Heroes of Might and Magic, Postal, Elder Scrolls, Starcraft, System Shock, Unreal, Wipeout, Fzero, Tomb Raider, Warcraft, Worms and all the bullfrog games dk, rct, th etc.

Anonymous 05/10/2017 (Wed) 22:26:23 [Preview] No. 322 del
I had more than 200 games bought on steam
I had more than 50 games on CD/DVD
I don't regret losing steam which was fucking with me.
I don't regret the games,no, that isn't what heartbroke me.
I regret that people look at me differently.
Like if I was a madman to say
>I care about my freedom
Why are people so disgusted when I just say that I want to be able to control my computer ?
I don't say anything when they use a hammer or any random tool.

Anyway I am happy to see that people are making game engines under free software like openmw or falltergeist.
It would be great when the content will be under a copyleft license too.

Anonymous 05/11/2017 (Thu) 08:11:33 [Preview] No. 323 del
Completely understand. I told a friend of mine "I quite liked the Doom3-BFG edition" and he said "I didn't realise you played those kind of games." I then mumbled something about freedom and changed the subject.
On a separate occasion with my two other friends "Hey, lets install windows on your computer so we can all play lan together." I said "Proprietary software will never touch that machine!" At which point they both looked at me with such contempt, then there was a long period of silence.
I have told them enough times how I feel about it, but they seem to genuinely not understand and look away after a few seconds. It's like trying to tell a cow they are going to become steak.

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Anonymous 03/17/2017 (Fri) 13:12:00 [Preview] No. 261 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Just updated the newbie guide. Should accurately reflect the current changes with AMD. Plus a few tweaks.

Anonymous 05/07/2017 (Sun) 13:06:23 [Preview] No. 320 del
It says to "play games and love life" but we are not allowed to love cute young girls as child brides, so how can we love life? Women banned this 100 years ago.

Anonymous 05/07/2017 (Sun) 18:10:00 [Preview] No. 321 del