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Ion Fury lamer 08/15/2019 (Thu) 08:02:07 [Preview] No. 482
I'm doing a little research into this. It's based upon EDuke32, which is GPL, so I'm looking for source because apparently the engine has been 'tweaked' for the release. Still not sure if those tweaks are now standard EDuke32 or if it has its' own release tree.

In other news, it's likely to push better networking support for eduke32 which is a little unstable atm.

The lead role is a woman, which is kind of expected in 'current year.' However, it's a pretty solid game, not just a sloppy agenda push. I think we can also expect a 'bikini' patch of some kind in the future, like in the tomb raider days.

lamer 09/27/2019 (Fri) 06:55:22 [Preview] No.494 del
The new Polymer renderer runs like absolute dogshit on my r9 270x, 3.8ghz, 16gb ddr3 rig. I ran it with GLXOSD and my graphics card isn't being pushed AT ALL, it's 2fps with zero temp increase in gpu or cpu. I wonder if this might be a driver problem? Or maybe polymer uses some newer cpu instructions for shadows?

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