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video games in freedom

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Shockolate lamer 01/01/2020 (Wed) 21:44:15 [Preview] No. 503
Well squeeze me grapes. I was digging around for new games for the new year and came across this:

Shockolate is a cross platform source port of System Shock, using SDL2. This runs well on OSX, Linux, and Windows right now, with some missing features that need reviving due to not being included in the source code that was released.

Wow, I actually didn't think it would come that quick. The dev is working hard and getting shit done.

Just me posting, only me gonna care.

lamer 01/01/2020 (Wed) 22:09:09 [Preview] No.504 del
I care. Not necessarily about this particular game, but I care that the board gets updated.

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