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Zelensky Changes Law To Allow Democratic Neo-cons To Fight For Ukraine Reader 02/22/2024 (Thu) 16:40 Id: 882cb2 [Preview] No. 22155
Zelensky Changes Law To Allow Democratic Neo-cons To Fight For Ukraine

We often hear so many of our politicians and fellow American voters crowing about how Ukraine needs to keep fighting Russia. Well we have some very good news for those people: now they can join the Ukrainian forces to fight Russia on the front lines!

Foreigners and "stateless persons" will be allowed to serve in Ukraine's National Guard, according to a decree signed Feb. 21 by President Volodymyr Zelensky.

The announcement, published on the presidential office website, comes as the government attempts to ramp up mobilization efforts in 2024. The new law goes into immediate effect as of Feb. 21.

"Foreigners who are legally on the territory of Ukraine, have not been previously convicted, and meet the requirements for military service as defined by the law of Ukraine 'On Military Duty and Military Service' may be accepted on a voluntary basis (under contract) for military service in the National Guard of Ukraine," the decree says.

You see, Ukraine is getting very desperate after the loss of Avdeyevka, and all those Americans claiming they support Ukraine now have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to go there and join Ukrainian forces to fight Russia. So to all those Democrats and Republicans who support Ukraine in their efforts, I say, please go for it! Go fight Russia!


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