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Welcome to hate jews /news/
The news nobody reads because they'd rather let jews lie to them
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Jews in Australia Make Threat to the Goyim Reader 02/25/2024 (Sun) 09:07 Id: e29863 [Preview] No. 22161
Australian Jews are threatening non-Jews or as they call us the goyim. Check out this message. They don’t want us to understand them and they are not asking us to love them. They are just telling us not to mess with them. It is too late for that Jews. You messed with the world and you are going to deal with the consequences of doing so. Did you kikes really think you could do a genocide in front of the whole world like you have and not expect retaliation against your demonic race? You Jews had a good run, but your time is coming to an end. You know it and I know it. Just face it. It’s over.


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