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08/11/2024 (Sun) 17:57 [Preview] No. 4098 [X]
I wake up and sit down and listen to the rest of it and then play it again and go on with my day, I slip my feet into my cosy mission impossible size 10 uk, comfy slipper and go to the bathroom, I look into the mirror as I slowly put on my tom cruise mask and brush my teeth with it on. I finish brushing my teeth and look at the mirror and scream "WHY" into the mirror for hours on end, I normally stop around 3 PM. I got to my tom cruise shrine and pray to it, i then start to replicate his laugh. I make sure to do this while I'm playing to him, this was i can consume the tom cruise energies and gain sustenance from the emissions of tom cruise energy. I no longer eat, I only suck in the tom cruise energy, to maintain the chilled body I have to once again replicate tom cruise. I go downstairs, where I read my book on scientology and write notes in it, my notes mainly consist of me writing my idols name about 20 times per page as 21 is my lucky number but I only save that number for the special scientology book. I then go upstairs,by now its 5 PM, I then replicate my idols enticing laugh and put on a couple movies. Normally I watch mission impossible 2 but I change thing up a bit sometimes and watch number 3. I then put on another 10 hour loop of mr. Cruise laughing and change into a new set of tom cruise jammies. I then drift off and start my day again...

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