/76chan/ - 76chan

rip in peace

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Anonymous 05/07/2017 (Sun) 09:57:33 [Preview] No. 6
first openchan
now 76chan

I stand in sorrow

Anonymous 05/14/2017 (Sun) 16:55:06 [Preview] No. 7 del
30chan died too. Have you given 99chan a try? They did lose years of posts but they came back. Finalchan of course too, but the posters there are so humorless. There's stil a handful of smalll chans for you to go and check out.

Anonymous 08/10/2017 (Thu) 22:30:50 [Preview] No. 10 del
fuck finalchan. I have beef with Pac that goes way back. I managed to get finalchan shut down one time which was fun

Anonymous 09/28/2017 (Thu) 19:45:54 [Preview] No. 11 del
What the hell is the url for 99 chan. Or has it died in 3 months?

Anonymous 12/02/2017 (Sat) 04:40:38 [Preview] No.12 del

Were still here

Anonymous 12/02/2017 (Sat) 04:47:02 [Preview] No.13 del

Pac legitimately passed away 9 months ago. You won.

Anonymous 01/09/2018 (Tue) 23:00:57 [Preview] No.16 del
to answer your question extremely late yes 99chan died for a few months cause rick b had a meth induced break down. its back now.

Anonymous 01/09/2018 (Tue) 23:14:05 [Preview] No.17 del
isn't this a board still?

Anonymous 01/10/2018 (Wed) 19:07:26 [Preview] No.18 del
I heard a few other chans are down too, like freech.

WTF is going on? Is there a chan purge coming?

Anonymous 01/10/2018 (Wed) 19:10:09 [Preview] No.19 del

/b/ says uboachan, hikichan and freech are all down.

Seems like a purge is coming, might be big tech censors trying to buy the domains up to shut us all down, or something nefarious.

Anonymous 01/15/2018 (Mon) 05:24:39 [Preview] No.20 del
all 3 of those were basically dead its no great loss. i can think of a few more that shut down recently too, synchan, whitechan, pepechan. if no ones really posting there there's no real incentive to keep a website up. there isn't some sort of purge going on, its just websites dying because they don't have a userbase which keeps them from being worth the work it takes to maintain them.

Anonymous 01/15/2018 (Mon) 05:26:32 [Preview] No.21 del
yeah i made this board before 76 was made. more people went to 76 than here. i didnt advertisize it really so thats probably why this board didnt take off at all.

Anonymous 01/15/2018 (Mon) 05:45:54 [Preview] No.22 del
oh looks like 76 was deleted so i guess this really is all there is now wew

Anonymous 09/26/2018 (Wed) 15:48:24 [Preview] No.36 del

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