10/25/2020 (Sun) 08:24:16
No.33552 [X]
But Satania's ego and level of intelligence often proves too much for Vigne to handle, which results in her often losing her temper (even more when paired with Gab) and the fact that Vigne's serious personality makes her does not tolerate foolishness, Satania is afraid of her. Even so, Satania views her to be dependable and a great friend to have.
Raphiel Ainsworth Shiraha: Like Gab, Satania views Raphi as rival as they are demon and Angel. However, Satania is no match for her intelligence and often her pride became Raphi's greatest weapon to manipulate and bully her. When Satania found Raphi's weakness, she uses it as revenge before finally return as friends. At one point Satania even developed a temporary paranoia towards her and even showed vigilance as she may fear of Raphi may be planning something, however it immediately dissipates and they end up as best friends. Whenever the group splits, Satania prefer to tag herself with Raphi, despite she is afraid of her and Raphi is an Angel.
Satania is taste deaf as is shown in both episode 02 and 03, and as a result can eat seemingly unlimited quantities of spice without feeling it's heat. However, she is capable of tasting other taste like salty, as she complained the sea water is salty in episode 04.
Her name based from "Satanachia", a powerful demon who is the right-hand of Satan. Ironically, Satanichia is the most abused and often the most undermined in her group.
Satanichia is a slightly altered name from "Satanachia" which is made to made her name sound more feminine.
Her family owned a bakery in Hell named "Kurumizawa Bakery" which seems to be quite successful and based on the fact that she came from a middle-upper class family. Because of her family business, it's possibly the reason why she loves melon pan very much.
Both Angels loves to bully Satania, since she is very naive and the Angels are very crafty. However, Gabriel tends to abuse her physically (albeit passively for counter attack purpose) and Raphiel tends to manipulate her (actively tricks her to make Satania as her toy and to an extent, slave).
Satania is the only character who has a pet both in Hell and Human World, Since she has a pet in her home world, it's most likely the reason why she cared about the dog.
Satania calls her friends with full name rather than nickname and refers to herself as "Satanichia" not "Satania", this is because of her pride which came from more successful family (except Raphiel).
In chronological and order of appearance Satania is the last main character to appear in the Anime, because Raphi was already seen during Gab's graduation. While in the Manga, Raphi is the last to appear.
The only time she has done something remotely devious is when she discovered Raphi's fear of frogs and chased after her with them.
Episode 8 reveals Satania is quite good at athletics.