11/22/2019 (Fri) 21:26:11
No.32648 [X]
Japan has been under control by freemasons since WWII ended, so this should be of no surprise. The surge in isekai-esque productions should be a hint. Many of the anime made popular today contain themes alluding to occult criteria so to captivate the audience via hidden knowledge.
In all honesty, judaism has permeated the core of anime long ago, yet few speak up about the symbology displayed and the reality surrounding it as the viewer becomes entranced in the show's programming. News like this will fly over people's heads, because over in Japan, people are dominated by the power leveraged away from them by appointed members, stripping the essence of Japanese culture off its people. Notice how reproduction rates have fallen. Notice also how immigration is promoted largely by this media. The youth are attracted to it, making it a powerful tool to mold its target population. There will only remain the sparsely few anime (becoming lesser by the day) displaying facts in subliminal fashion, just as anything with a screen typically does.