01/03/2020 (Fri) 03:10:43
No.32761 [X]
Eh, screw it, do your worse.
Normally I wouldn't say this but I'm not OP.
Even when one of you dudes comes up with a brilliant response to shut them down they won't even respect the wit. I hoped the string of bad luck for drawing retards in would end eventually but it's not going to stop and, frankly, I'm really tired of people that can't take a hint. I hoped being irrelevant board on a backwards IB would be enough but the system isn't working. For me it's over, I can no longer motivate my brain to go into creative mode and if last of the few dudes capable of OC leaves then death is only a matter of time. I'm not one to mind a slow board but in context of everything else that means significant part of you feels similar and started giving up.
If you wish to go on I won't hinder you but can't do much to help in that regard anymore I'm afraid.