02/20/2020 (Thu) 18:31:35
No.32902 [X]

>Here's what happened: you didn't post
Silly dude. That is a symptom not a cause.
Why did I and almost all of me stopped posting?
>actual site itself is constantly going down or causing issues in some other way.
That's part of the problem but it wasn't big enough of a problem for /aM/ to move. Couple months before server breakdown everything worked quite well but /aM/ slowed down regardless.
>You should have followed their example.
I shouldn't and I didn't because no one knew who held sportschan /am/ and despite promising ban will be made public they never did that.
>But nobody is going to post on a board with an administrative burden.
On the contrary. Majority of /aM/ stayed at /am/ during split when Nito backpedaled a bit and not that many dudes were raising their voices against what he was doing together with me in the first place. Nito was an outsider without feeling for /am/'s needs. If administration fills those needs it's not a burden.
>How do you think you're going to cause activity to appear by banning users?
It's not supposed to. It's only function is preserving environment conducive of fun.
>The worst thing someone can do is not contribute.
>No post is a bad post, some posts just don't contain any useful content.
I tried believing in that. Then I thought maybe it isn't working just for me because I'm oversensitive or some shit. Then one dude said he won't be around anymore and asked for archives of /am/ because he wanted to find one thread he was nostalgic about. I asked what was that thread. I never got an answer.
Then I started paying attention and noticed several posting styles missing. I asked if anything was wrong in 'we're going to post pictures our completed shitposts' thread hoping that a look at what we've achieved so far will raise morale if it wasn't only me. And it wasn't only me. Then next one said he's leaving. I hope we've prevented that at that time. For a while the dark shadow wasn't there and dudes felt like they were among their /aM/igos again but it didn't last. Then I had a bit of a sage cabal talk with another dude. You probably missed that. I tried cheering him up but ultimately it failed as I think he was the one who posted that gravestone goodbye since there lied that 1 wewf I paid for a shitpost string that never came to be. My private experiment with freeposting is over. I thought those that raved loudest about it knew something that I didn't so I took the bait but it doesn't work and I explained why in three walls of text somewhere in the middle of this thread.
A child will use every occasion to get away from a house where parents argue all the time. People are very preferential about their company and will move away from people they dislike, unless we're talking about some pathological cases at least. /intl/'s dogmas are false because they ignored psychology involved in formation of communities.
>you'll lose, for example, all torposters.
I asume you talking about how torposters seem to have the same IP. Hmm, that is a bit of a pickle. Let's see...
Hello! Any torposters here?