11/06/2024 (Wed) 01:59
No.34189 [X]
>>34185Other Mystery Schools' initiates (e.g. freemasons, OTO, ONA, alchemists, jesuits, witches, kabalists etc.). At least on one level that's fairly tangible, but there are deeper levels, just saying.
What do you mean by "appeal with evil"? I might not have understood that. Which thing we discussed so far was that exactly? Disguising Venus/Lucifer as a quasi anime girl or that snake shaped building?
Letting others know their intentions, in a way that's inperceptible for them, might be a way to avoid karmic consequences. Or some manner of justification and silencing guilty conscience ("we told them everything, it's their fault for not paying attention") just like a rapist can try to excuse himself by pointing out that the woman he raped was scantily clothed so she asked for it.
Their true intentions huh... I can make educated guesses but I can't really know and it depends on the level you want the answer at. Staying at a basic human conspirator level - world domination, global turbofeudalist utopia with masses owning nothing and being happy and select few living the life of oppulence, keeping manageable noumbers of people to stave off inbreeding and maybe for entertainment. There's also alchemical Magnum Opus, Tikkun Olam which is merging masculine and feminine polarities on many different levels of existence, which also possibly includes merging heavens and earth which would mean providing some was of supernatural to manifest into this reality. But again - levels of understanding. You haven't told me how deep do you want to go. Telling you something that goes too deep will just make your mind shut the information off. I know, I've seen that in my own self when I engaged things that were too out there for me at that time.