/CAN/ - Canadian Politics

Discussion of Canadian politics and the glory of diversity

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/CANGen/ Canadian Politics General: De-niggerfication Edition Anonymous 04/21/2017 (Fri) 08:06:56 [Preview] No. 1

Help us stop the bleeding. It's going to take a bit more than meme magick to reverse a 50-year trend in immigration policy.
>320k non-whites a year
>300k non-white temporary foreign workers
>350k foreign students, mostly rice-eaters, all of whom are then fast-tracked towards citizenship.

No choice in the matter; Defeatism is Judaism.

Anonymous 04/21/2017 (Fri) 08:13:46 [Preview] No. 2 del
Before Pierre Trudeau = Immigration mostly from UK and Europe.
After Pierre Trudeau = 80% Asians + Niggers, Arabs, etc.


P. Trudeau studied marxism as a doctoral student, and was a fanatical anti-nationalist.
>Reduce proportion of whites in Canada + intitute systemic multiculturalism = fragment population into multiple competing ethnic groups.

Anonymous 04/21/2017 (Fri) 08:57:17 [Preview] No. 7 del
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(11.60 MB 720x480 GBA.webm)
According to Statscan, Canada is now approx. 20% non-white and growing

Can it get any worse?

Enter GBA+
>Gender-based Analysis+ (GBA+) is an analytical process which can be used to assess the potential impacts of policies, programs, services, and other initiatives on diverse groups of women and men. It can be used by analysts, researchers, policymakers, and service providers across all sectors to guide the systematic consideration of gender and other identity factors throughout the development of policies, programs, and legislation.
>The Government of Canada expects GBA+ to inform the development of policies, programs, and legislation.


Anonymous 04/21/2017 (Fri) 18:07:23 [Preview] No. 9 del
Justin Trudeau is ruining this country, if we can get him out we'll be fine, r-right?

The conservatives were initially the first, under Mulroney, to raise the yearly intake to 250k non-whites.

They had multiple opportunities, including 8 years under Harper, to change the immigration paradigm and they did "NOTHING".
It would be counterintuitive for any party to actually challenge the current model, considering the amount of non-whites in the country. The CPC is part of the same problem.

Anonymous 04/21/2017 (Fri) 18:22:13 [Preview] No. 12 del
Relevant websites

Great content there, especially the latter. I specifically recommend the following 10-part essay, written by UNB prof. Ricardo Duchesne:


Literally the only academic worth his salt who's challenging the narrative, and yes I'm aware of Peterson...


>The answer I now have, stated in the most abstract terms, is that a new set of norms came to take a firm hold over Western liberal democracies after WWII calling for the dissolution of ethno-nationalism in Western states and for the complete discrediting of racial identities among Europeans, on the supposition that ethnocentrism and racial identities were ultimately responsible for conflicts among humans, and that if future wars as deadly as WWII were to be avoided Western nations had to institute human rights, offer Western citizenship to peoples across the world, and create multiethnic and multicultural states.
>I argue that once these norms were accepted, and actions were taken to implement them institutionally, they came to "entrap" Westerners within a spiral of radicalization, because these norms have an in-built tendency for never-satisfied "solutions," because they inevitably entail ever more demands for equality in face of the stubborn reality of ethnocentric tendencies among humans and racial inequalities in talents and achievements. Moreover, since this drive for equality has been a planned experiment carried out, with ever more determination, by countries that were overwhelmingly White, it has entailed and involved the arrival of endless masses of immigrant minorities in need of continuous equalization programs coupled with ever more radical assertions in favour of the ethnic interests of minorities with a strong sense of the political, of collective identity, against every perceived form of "White privilege.

>The West is stuck pursuing an utopia of racial harmony and diversity through mass immigration that nowhere can be fulfilled because it is premised on unattainable goals. Hostile ethnic elites inside the West have exploited, and continue to exploit, these universal norms of racial equality, human rights, and multicultural citizenship, for their own particular ends, creating ever more tensions and calls for further radicalization by brainwashed Europeans with a weak sense of ethnic identity backed by an immense economic, political, and cultural establishment encrusted within the West, benefiting from this radicalization, unwilling to let go of its privileges, but insisting instead that ever more radical versions of these norms into ever wider areas of life need to be implemented.

Anonymous 04/23/2017 (Sun) 00:13:03 Id: 083c18 [Preview] No. 13 del
Looks good mate.

Anonymous 04/23/2017 (Sun) 00:31:50 Id: f33772 [Preview] No. 14 del
>Looks good mate.
Yeah, not too bad right? Didn't take too long to get it all set up, honestly. Been busy all weekend or else i'd have built up the thread a little more but it's ok for now

Anonymous 04/23/2017 (Sun) 22:21:10 Id: e9429d [Preview] No. 17 del
Yeah this will be a good hub for discussion away from prying eyes.

Anonymous 04/24/2017 (Mon) 00:35:35 [Preview] No. 18 del
>good hub for discussion away from prying eyes.
Only downside so far of this place as opposed to h8chan is that i'm not sure about jewtube embed functionality; tested it out but it just opens the video in a new tab. Kind of lame but the webm size limit is gigantic which is nice

Anonymous 04/24/2017 (Mon) 04:49:22 Id: 5b7de5 [Preview] No. 19 del
It will need some getting used to, ultimately this is a good spot for our hq.

Anonymous 04/24/2017 (Mon) 05:13:54 Id: 1dde2c [Preview] No. 20 del
i haven't been following the race, is bernier leading then? hopefully the NDP put forward a strong candidate, I'm going to shill NDP on some social sock accounts to try splitting the vote. that could be an effective tactic for us.

Anonymous 04/24/2017 (Mon) 12:30:45 [Preview] No. 21 del
>good spot for HQ
Agreed. On another note, I may be mistaken, but are there actually THREE different anons ITT?


Unless it's just due to Torposting. In which case, carry on.
>is bernier leading then?
had to jewgle it, but it seems lik Bernier and O'Leary are neck and neck at this point. Sigh. Although according to late march's polls, Leitch is not doing too bad. Ultimately a CPC govt is preferable to another LPC govt, but that's like saying AIDS is better than ebola cause it's more manageable.

Anonymous 04/24/2017 (Mon) 23:12:13 Id: f9d959 [Preview] No. 23 del
Quotation marks are not for emphasis, anon.

Anonymous 04/25/2017 (Tue) 01:06:56 [Preview] No. 27 del
I would be satisfied if Bernier won at this point. With the rest of the country seemingly cheering at the thought of their own extinction I'd be happy just to have the firearms needed to live through the obligatory violence.

Anonymous 04/25/2017 (Tue) 02:11:34 Id: d76041 [Preview] No. 28 del


Having a can/pol/ is indeed the begin of the end. (lol)

I know being anon has it's advantages over going by a pseudonym but you could reach a larger audience on steemit.


You just have to be very precise, use scientific language, and support all your controversial statements as you will be reaching normalfags and /tech/ early-adopters.

Anonymous 04/25/2017 (Tue) 02:59:48 Id: f33772 [Preview] No. 29 del
>I would be satisfied if Bernier won at this point
The word "satisfied" is way too fucking generous.
>obligatory violence.
That's a bit closer. I'll be satisfied at Rahowa - having to compromise and vote for an uneniable cuck is all so tiresome.
>you will be reaching normalfags and /tech/ early-adopters.
Ugh, namefagging makes me want to kill myself. More than usual i mean

Anonymous 04/27/2017 (Thu) 23:46:43 Id: 4166e4 [Preview] No. 31 del
(8.16 MB 512x288 macron btfo.mp4)
when the election rolls around, there will be international help on the online front. People are going hard for Le Pen on social media

Anonymous 04/28/2017 (Fri) 01:12:43 Id: f33772 [Preview] No. 32 del
>there will be international help on the online front.
We can certainly hope for this - but to expect it would be foolish. Also, a mere change of government in Canada would be a minor setback at best for the multiculturalist; none of the parties are really that dissimilar in terms of the quanity and type of immigrants they want. the conservatives might pay less lip service to the wonders of diversity than the libs but they will still tow the line

Anonymous 04/28/2017 (Fri) 07:45:40 Id: e2a951 [Preview] No. 34 del
>setbacks to multiculturalism
The conservatives consider themselves "progressives" too.
All that occurs with conservatives is a pause, not a stop, not a rewind, when it comes to marxist social issues.

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