/CAN/ - Canadian Politics

Discussion of Canadian politics and the glory of diversity

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Serious Discussion Thread Anonymous 04/23/2017 (Sun) 00:43:34 [Preview] No. 15
I have two questions to Canadians.

1.) How do you deal with Americans? They're annoying enough from across the pond.

2.) Why are there Canadians who can't stop meddling in US politics? Lauren Southern, the Rebel Media people and various Youtube "public intellectuals" like the DefooMan come to mind.

Anonymous 04/23/2017 (Sun) 09:11:14 Id: 378598 [Preview] No. 16 del
>How do you deal with Americans?
I don't. That being said i like americans just fine, especially the constitution-loving, intolerant variety.
>Why are there Canadians who can't stop meddling in US politics?
That annoys me to no end, but the answer is simple - it gets views on jewtube. How many euro youtbubers do the same? At least canadians have an excuse to be american-obsessed I guess, seeing how our economies are indivisible but it's pretty pathetic to live vicariously through another country's politics.

Anonymous 04/24/2017 (Mon) 23:09:30 Id: 541843 [Preview] No. 22 del
The United States is the main regional power, both culturally and economically. What they do affects us much more than the reverse, hence both Canadian interest in US politics, and the attempted meddling. You could probably look at Canada as practically being analogous to one of the more minor constituent nations of the United Kingdom.

Anonymous 04/25/2017 (Tue) 00:14:41 Id: 45b1da [Preview] No. 24 del
i live a half hour from the border.

honestly the worst part of dealing with americans is when you see them driving around and you spot their new york plates that are gold and blue (ours are white and blue) and they are only annoying when they dont drive the right speed. cars are in mp/h and signs are in km/h and i dont think some of them know how to convert.

secondly, i dont know, go fucking ask them if you want to know

Anonymous 04/25/2017 (Tue) 00:15:51 Id: 45b1da [Preview] No. 25 del

sorry (im canadian) i meant miles/hour and kilometers/hour obv.

Anonymous 04/28/2017 (Fri) 07:47:52 Id: 0d2478 [Preview] No. 35 del
2.) Canadians meddle because the media market is bigger, and Americans aren't as soft skinned as Canadians. Canada is 10 years ahead of USA in globalist endgame.

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