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(39.69 KB 450x450 End-clapboard.jpg)
(61.08 KB 400x600 Drive.jpg)
Rolero Admin 03/29/2021 (Mon) 14:34:28 [Preview] No. 9692 [X]
Hola, Rollers!
I want to invite you guys for our monthly movie "night" on our cytube channel.
We are going to watch Drive.
When? April 3rd, 9:00 and 20:00 UTC. (I think you guys are spread to many time zones, so I'm not sure which one to give, so I only write UTC)
Where? Here: https://cytu.be/r/endcorner

Also here's the full movie thread: >>>/operate/10923

Come join us, watch the movie, and participate in the banter.

Rolero 03/29/2021 (Mon) 17:09:44 [Preview] No.9697 [X] del >>9700
Thank you admin but most people here only speak spanish kek

Rolero Admin 03/29/2021 (Mon) 17:12:36 [Preview] No.9698 [X] del >>9699
Then maybe we should watch Torrente, eh?

Rolero 03/29/2021 (Mon) 17:29:56 [Preview] No.9699 [X] del >>9701
That'd be epic

Rolero 03/29/2021 (Mon) 17:39:10 [Preview] No.9700 [X] del >>9702
(149.70 KB 976x589 1509247911876.png)
>No quiero aprender inglés el inglés es el cancer de la sociedad gegegege

Rolero 03/29/2021 (Mon) 17:40:50 [Preview] No.9701 [X] del
I planned, but I couldn't get a copy in English, nor Spanish.

Rolero 03/29/2021 (Mon) 18:08:24 [Preview] No.9702 [X] del
Sé inglés kek

Rolero 03/29/2021 (Mon) 18:35:38 [Preview] No.9706 [X] del
Calmate negro, es un hecho que algunos negros del chan no saben ingles, porque vienen de redes normies.

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