10/02/2024 (Wed) 06:41
No.103721 [X]
>homely and easy to see as attainable
>always responds
>covered in cuts
>pretended to be a child for years because shes an autopedrophile in an open relationship with an actual child molester and serial groomer proven to have possessed cp of sunny, ciara, and asteriaa
>faked a pregnancy for drama
>samefag selfposting addict
>publicly documented "running away from home" aka leaving sosa's mom's house to sit in the woods before getting sent to the psych ward for being bpd
>had candid pics expose her filtermaxxed catfishing
>befriended a confirmed pedrophile who groomed another girl she was jealous of and introduced him to kids by getting him to join discord servers
>hasnt been able to keep a single female friendship
>has schizo beef with girls she thinks are posting in her threads
>goes back and forth on loving and hating threads about her based on how much backlash her selfposting gets when caught
egirls are, dare i say it, so back bros