01/13/2024 (Sat) 01:08
No.46615 [X]
>>46598I'm another anon that is personally new to this site, but not 4Chan. I came here a month or so ago, and have been on 4Chan since 2016 after avoiding it for a while.
I can't remember what prompted me to go there but all I cared for was porn. Yes, to be a coomer. I'd lurk in threads and such and I learned about Ciara when I saw her McDonald's video. Thought it was cute thought she was cute but I didn't care too much past that.
I learned about Sunny overtime too but I don't remember where or when. Thought she was cute but she also just slightly reminded me of a male friend in highschool. The other girl I learned about was Kelly. I cared about her even less than the other two but I blew loads to her feet. I saw Ashely and thought she was cute as hell.
But I never orbited any of these girls and now that I'm taking the time to learn about them, I regret not doing so.
Everything around them is fascinating and full of bullshit and drama, but the guys who got to interact with them, be friends with them for a time, they'll have that for the rest of their lives. For what it's worth. My life has been mainly uneventful and boring, online and irl. At least compared to what happened around the Chans and Discord.
I fantasize about how I'd behave those situation, what I'd get up to with all these characters. I'd have wanted to talk to Ciara especially. Sunny, too.
We can say what we will about the guys who did orbit them but some of those guys got lucky and fucked their brains out. That's something none of us will ever get. Even if by some miracle we lucked out with one of them we aren't going to make them feel like those other Discord dudes who met up with them. Ever. Let alone any girl irl.
Oh well.