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(2.04 MB 640x1136 video.mp4)
/agatha2/ girls ranked from best to worst, based on everything Anonymous 03/11/2022 (Fri) 09:50 [Preview] No. 10757 [X] >>10761>>10762>>10770>>10774>>10808>>10848>>10849>>11043>>11138>>11144>>12221>>23397
1 - Kennedi
2 - Ashley
3 - (prime) Agatha
4 - Sunny
5 - Marky
6 - Lily
7 - Ciara
8 - Kelly
9 - Kasper
10 - Avery
11 - Erica
12 - Asteria
13 - Tahlia

The others aren't even worth mentioning.

Anonymous 03/11/2022 (Fri) 12:46:09 [Preview] No.10758 [X] del >>10759>>10850
Sunny has no business being anywhere but the lower end if not the bottom of the list. She is ugly in all departments inside and out.

Anonymous 03/11/2022 (Fri) 13:26:09 [Preview] No.10759 [X] del >>10763>>10764
Have you talked to her?
She's extremelly nice.

Anonymous 03/11/2022 (Fri) 15:36:47 [Preview] No.10761 [X] del
(142.65 KB 1600x898 1415528606802.jpg)
prime marky is number one for me,then sunnyn then kennedy for a third place
all the other may as well not exist

Anonymous 03/11/2022 (Fri) 15:51:47 [Preview] No.10762 [X] del
yeah idk any e girl but kaya so idk why she isnt at the top fag ass

Anonymous 03/11/2022 (Fri) 16:27:23 [Preview] No.10763 [X] del
sunny is absolute shit tier
her whole persona is cringe and pickmeish and she looks retarded

Anonymous 03/11/2022 (Fri) 16:40:19 [Preview] No.10764 [X] del
She's fake-nice which isn't hard to tell if you've ever interacted with her and aren't incredibly gullible.

Anonymous 03/11/2022 (Fri) 17:10:39 [Preview] No.10765 [X] del
Agatha in-character is #1 for me, very sweet, just a goofy idiot cooking food and making dumb videos.
Real life Agatha is far lower down on the list, with the smug prick attitude, being easily offended, pretentious and all the anti-men stuff, but I'd say not anywhere near the bottom.
She does, however, have the absolute best feet I've ever seen in my life. Agatha gave me a fetish for women with big feet. Very very erotic.
Ciara is my #2 for that reason, actually. No idea about her personality lol.
Rose should be near the top, since she has a pretty decent attitude and isnt a whore. Maybe #3 for me.

Anonymous 03/11/2022 (Fri) 19:35:40 [Preview] No.10770 [X] del >>10771
1-Kennedi, I talked to her a few times, she seems like a nice girl.
2-Agatha (2016) I liked the character she played but it was just a character, it wasn't real.
3-Marky, she has great pair of tits and a nice whore face I would do very dirty things to her.
4- Ciara, she tried to scam me but she was still a very entertaining whore, her death was very unfortunate I hope she is having a good time in the other world

5-Sunny, cheap copy of ciara never attracted me.

Anonymous 03/11/2022 (Fri) 19:38:38 [Preview] No.10771 [X] del
what did you talk to ken about and what was she like

Anonymous 03/11/2022 (Fri) 20:28:23 [Preview] No.10774 [X] del >>10776>>10777
the only 3 interesting people in this whole site are kennedi , marky and alice tbh

Anonymous 03/11/2022 (Fri) 21:17:55 [Preview] No.10776 [X] del >>10802
those are my picks too.

i did not know ciara until i found this board. she became interesting to me too but only in her AI-resurrected form.

Anonymous 03/11/2022 (Fri) 21:19:22 [Preview] No.10777 [X] del >>10780
You're forgetting Joh, who makes arguably the best content, but nobody cares about her because shes not le quirky egirl.

Anonymous 03/11/2022 (Fri) 21:35:05 [Preview] No.10780 [X] del >>10781
Idk who that is. She's never been posted here. I like women who are interesting and not just cute.

Anonymous 03/11/2022 (Fri) 22:03:15 [Preview] No.10781 [X] del >>10783
See what I mean? Everyone either doesnt care about her, or doesnt even know who she is.

Anonymous 03/11/2022 (Fri) 22:03:41 [Preview] No.10782 [X] del
Where was she in this video btw? Weird environment. Maybe a friend works in a corporate office. It almost looks like a company storage room.

Anonymous 03/11/2022 (Fri) 22:04:43 [Preview] No.10783 [X] del >>10784
How am I supposed to know if she's never been posted KEKW

Anonymous 03/11/2022 (Fri) 22:21:08 [Preview] No.10784 [X] del
I mean, you could've known about her from her youtube videos like I did.
Sorry, I feel like you're trolling me. You really have NEVER heard anything about Joh?

Anonymous 03/12/2022 (Sat) 08:53:58 [Preview] No.10798 [X] del >>10804
#1 My ex.
- power gap -
#2 Tahlia, because her nudes are hot and so is she.
- even more massive power gap, I don't have a particular interest in any of these -
#3 Kasper, had some nice chats with her.
#4 Kennedi, nice style and cute face.
#5 Marky, since I saw a boob pic of her once, but otherwise she's a visual chore.
And the rest are even less distinct to me. Have absolutely nothing to say about them.

Anonymous 03/12/2022 (Sat) 18:35:44 [Preview] No.10802 [X] del >>10805
ciara is overrated, her whole personality was a hoax and a smokescreen for something very dark and sad

Anonymous 03/12/2022 (Sat) 18:44:10 [Preview] No.10804 [X] del >>10829
Your ex is one of these chicks?

Anonymous 03/12/2022 (Sat) 19:02:30 [Preview] No.10805 [X] del
What hoax and smokescreen? Everyone knew exactly what she was really like from early on. She didn't even try to hide it

Anonymous 03/12/2022 (Sat) 19:18:45 [Preview] No.10808 [X] del >>10810>>10819
why should i care what you think

Anonymous 03/12/2022 (Sat) 20:23:36 [Preview] No.10810 [X] del >>10812
Which girl are you?

Anonymous 03/12/2022 (Sat) 21:28:57 [Preview] No.10811 [X] del >>10823
best are agatha and ciara, the rest are somewhere in the middle, marky is the worst

Anonymous 03/12/2022 (Sat) 21:44:18 [Preview] No.10812 [X] del
She is probably one lower down on the list lol. Only a sensitive retard would be offended by a fucking list.

Anonymous 03/13/2022 (Sun) 04:56:29 [Preview] No.10819 [X] del
>I'm butthurt but I'm going to pretend I'm not

Anonymous 03/13/2022 (Sun) 05:56:31 [Preview] No.10823 [X] del >>10828
why is marky the worst? looks or personality?

Anonymous 03/13/2022 (Sun) 09:58:52 [Preview] No.10828 [X] del
She's way too cold

Anonymous 03/13/2022 (Sun) 10:13:20 [Preview] No.10829 [X] del
No, but she also falls into the category "e-girl".

Anonymous 03/13/2022 (Sun) 18:09:18 [Preview] No.10833 [X] del >>10834
(193.88 KB 1080x1080 Kennedi.jpg)
Does Ken work?
What does she do all day?

Anonymous 03/13/2022 (Sun) 18:55:21 [Preview] No.10834 [X] del
she works at a bakery. are you new here or something

Anonymous 03/14/2022 (Mon) 03:44:42 [Preview] No.10848 [X] del
(8.18 KB 149x231 nice.jpg)
very yummy, anon

Anonymous 03/14/2022 (Mon) 04:46:44 [Preview] No.10849 [X] del
Crazy Angel Ciara is top tier, and has a kind of dynamism around her that others didn't. She was always doing something or getting into some hijinks.

Anonymous 03/14/2022 (Mon) 04:47:46 [Preview] No.10850 [X] del






Anonymous 03/17/2022 (Thu) 01:43:06 [Preview] No.10934 [X] del >>10941
>that 1000 BBC stare
worst girl

Anonymous 03/17/2022 (Thu) 01:57:48 [Preview] No.10935 [X] del
I love you, Sunny
I love you so much

Anonymous 03/17/2022 (Thu) 03:34:15 [Preview] No.10941 [X] del
And the picture of her torso with the phone hiding her face, thats another tell too.

Anonymous 03/21/2022 (Mon) 01:27:29 [Preview] No.11043 [X] del >>11137
(180.46 KB 200x200 1487267871890.gif)
1 - Asteriaa
2 - Erica
3 - Ciara
4 - Agatha
5 - Tahlia
6 - Marky
7 - Avery
8 - Kelly
9 - Kennedi
10 - Lily
11 - Kasper
12 - Sunny
13 - Ashley

Anonymous 03/23/2022 (Wed) 04:38:40 [Preview] No.11137 [X] del >>23416
hells yeah!

Anonymous 03/23/2022 (Wed) 04:41:19 [Preview] No.11138 [X] del
>1 - Kennedi
The redditor choice

Anonymous 03/23/2022 (Wed) 10:29:46 [Preview] No.11144 [X] del
1 - Tahlia
2 - Ashley
3 - Ciara
4 - Marky
5 - Agatha
6 - Sunny

Anonymous 04/16/2022 (Sat) 17:07:46 [Preview] No.11944 [X] del >>46547
0. Aggie. No one can beat her obviously
1. Marky
3. Kennedi
4. Audrey
5. Kasper
6. Muffy

Anonymous 04/29/2022 (Fri) 11:16:59 [Preview] No.12211 [X] del
1 Sunny
2 Sunny
3 Sunny
4 Kennedi
5 Maky

Anonymous 04/29/2022 (Fri) 22:42:59 [Preview] No.12212 [X] del
1. Rose
2. Ashley
3. Sunny
4. Marky
5. Kennedi
6. Asteria
7. Tahlia
8. Agatha
9. Kasper
1000. Ciara

Anonymous 04/30/2022 (Sat) 16:55:24 [Preview] No.12221 [X] del

Anonymous 04/30/2022 (Sat) 22:39:05 [Preview] No.12222 [X] del
(95.35 KB 540x708 1650229019702.jpg)
Laura B
All other e-whoers
Black girls

Anonymous 05/03/2022 (Tue) 00:01:17 [Preview] No.12263 [X] del
1. Marky (you have a beautiful face, even though I'd like to fart on it sometimes for how spiritually retarded you are)

Anonymous 05/10/2023 (Wed) 02:16 [Preview] No.23174 [X] del

Anonymous 05/10/2023 (Wed) 13:35 [Preview] No.23397 [X] del
1. ken
2. literal shit
3. the rest

Anonymous 05/10/2023 (Wed) 14:08 [Preview] No.23416 [X] del
she's pregnant now lol

Anonymous 01/12/2024 (Fri) 14:42 [Preview] No.46547 [X] del
lol Funny because I was just thinking Aggie is number 0. It's like the S rank in video games. You aren't surpassing that.

Anonymous 01/12/2024 (Fri) 21:43 [Preview] No.46596 [X] del >>46597>>46598
I made this thread in 2022, we're in 2024 and I'm still here, lol
I'm such a loser

Anonymous 01/12/2024 (Fri) 21:50 [Preview] No.46597 [X] del >>46598
If you think that's bad, I've been here since the original board in 2018...

Anonymous 01/12/2024 (Fri) 21:52 [Preview] No.46598 [X] del >>46602>>46615>>46616
How are your lives?
Fallen in love with any egirls over the years?

Anonymous 01/12/2024 (Fri) 22:35 [Preview] No.46602 [X] del >>46604
Well, my life is awful, which is why I ended up here in the first place, and I don't see any possibility of it ever changing. Hopefully it won't last too much longer, though.
I've been obsessed with several e-girls over the years. The entire thing is pointless, I know, but it serves as something of a distraction from my misery, fodder for pleasant fantasies, and if not this I'd probably occupy my time with something equally fruitless, anyway.

Anonymous 01/12/2024 (Fri) 22:43 [Preview] No.46604 [X] del
What girls have you obsessed over and what fantasies do you have? How is your life awful?

Anonymous 01/12/2024 (Fri) 23:37 [Preview] No.46607 [X] del
damn, she gotta have some hot italian blood in her

sunny is the only egirl that
i can confidently say a 100% Stacy

i dunno how she ended up on 4chan

Anonymous 01/13/2024 (Sat) 01:08 [Preview] No.46615 [X] del >>46627
I'm another anon that is personally new to this site, but not 4Chan. I came here a month or so ago, and have been on 4Chan since 2016 after avoiding it for a while.
I can't remember what prompted me to go there but all I cared for was porn. Yes, to be a coomer. I'd lurk in threads and such and I learned about Ciara when I saw her McDonald's video. Thought it was cute thought she was cute but I didn't care too much past that.
I learned about Sunny overtime too but I don't remember where or when. Thought she was cute but she also just slightly reminded me of a male friend in highschool. The other girl I learned about was Kelly. I cared about her even less than the other two but I blew loads to her feet. I saw Ashely and thought she was cute as hell.
But I never orbited any of these girls and now that I'm taking the time to learn about them, I regret not doing so.
Everything around them is fascinating and full of bullshit and drama, but the guys who got to interact with them, be friends with them for a time, they'll have that for the rest of their lives. For what it's worth. My life has been mainly uneventful and boring, online and irl. At least compared to what happened around the Chans and Discord.
I fantasize about how I'd behave those situation, what I'd get up to with all these characters. I'd have wanted to talk to Ciara especially. Sunny, too.

We can say what we will about the guys who did orbit them but some of those guys got lucky and fucked their brains out. That's something none of us will ever get. Even if by some miracle we lucked out with one of them we aren't going to make them feel like those other Discord dudes who met up with them. Ever. Let alone any girl irl.
Oh well.

Anonymous 01/13/2024 (Sat) 01:20 [Preview] No.46616 [X] del
But like the other anon said, I hope it won't last much longer.
BUT, funnily enough in December I learned that an egirl lives in my state. Not only does she live in my state, she lives a short car ride up the street from me. That blew my fucking mind. I wasn't obsessed with her. I've known about her for two or so years now. I always had a suspicion that she lived in my state because what little of the neighborhoods I saw in her videos looked too close to what they look like near me. I tried to see street names but they were too blurry. I stopped lurking for a year then I come back to see how she's doing. I go to her insta and see a photo of somewhere. I type in the name and what do you know? That area was in my state. I still wasn't too convinced even with google maps. Then I see another photo of an area that looked WAY too familiar, and it was because I'd been up that street countless times.
I was blown away and couldn't get over it. Still can't sort of. That she just so happens to live that close to me.
I'm not going to stalk her, and I'm not saying her name. I don't think I've ever seen her on 4Chan and she isn't posted here either. I won't be surprised when she is, though.

Anonymous 01/13/2024 (Sat) 10:48 [Preview] No.46627 [X] del >>46628
You are unreasonably idealizing them. I've been friends with a few of them, even a big name, and overall it's a pretty terrible experience. They have too many people in their dms to genuinely care about any of them. You will be treated as an orbiter even if you make it clear that you don't want anything more than a platonic friendship.
You haven't missed out on anything. Only unbalanced relationships where you give 10 and receive 1 all the time.

Anonymous 01/13/2024 (Sat) 11:38 [Preview] No.46628 [X] del
Fair enough. I'd say I idolize the experience everyone around them more than the girls themselves. The rational part of me already knows any friendship/relationship with them would be terrible in the long run. I'd probably be bitter from the experience, I just thought it would be better than how uneventful things have been for me over the years. But that drama isn't worth it.

Anonymous 06/04/2024 (Tue) 14:21 [Preview] No.70499 [X] del >>89234>>103201
(192.23 KB 491x697 q7cCQou.jpg)
Ciara outshines everyone else in appearance so hard it's sad, making everything else unimportant and therefore winning effortlessly

Anonymous 06/04/2024 (Tue) 17:11 [Preview] No.70520 [X] del >>70567
sunny's appeal was being underage. she had that soft, tight skin and chubby cheeks. the moment she grows up she will look average. ciara fogged her because she would've looked good even in her 20s

Anonymous 06/04/2024 (Tue) 22:58 [Preview] No.70567 [X] del
Sunny's still cute but yeah she's nowhere near how she looked in her younger years. Maybe she shouldn't have lost the chub. It wasn't that bad and added to her attractiveness. The "Ms. Piggy" comments got to her.

Anonymous 08/08/2024 (Thu) 22:09 [Preview] No.89234 [X] del

Basically this. BAC is forever the greatest of them all.

Anonymous 10/01/2024 (Tue) 03:57 [Preview] No.103201 [X] del >>103207>>103375
She's ugly
Tinker is objectively the prettiest girl on this board

Anonymous 10/01/2024 (Tue) 04:03 [Preview] No.103207 [X] del
This thread is cooked, the fucker put a commie as #1

Anonymous 10/01/2024 (Tue) 04:05 [Preview] No.103211 [X] del
For me it's Lucerne

Anonymous 10/01/2024 (Tue) 13:31 [Preview] No.103375 [X] del
This but the opposite. Also this is Delastalle the esl retard lmao

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