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Anonymous 10/30/2024 (Wed) 02:24 [Preview] No.108974 [X] del

Anonymous 10/30/2024 (Wed) 03:03 [Preview] No.108988 [X] del >>109005>>109068
I learned she was a non-virgin, lost all interest and forgot about her until this thread even though she is the best looking girl here.
Proof that looks don't actually matter as much if you're a girl.

Anonymous 10/30/2024 (Wed) 03:31 [Preview] No.108999 [X] del
Don't try to piggyback on marky or insert her into your pics and just post your own shit and I'll support your thread this time

Anonymous 10/30/2024 (Wed) 03:40 [Preview] No.109005 [X] del
Wym non-virgin

Anonymous 10/30/2024 (Wed) 07:39 [Preview] No.109043 [X] del >>109050>>109367
Kay's bubblebutt

Anonymous 10/30/2024 (Wed) 08:18 [Preview] No.109046 [X] del >>109049
i hate you with all my being you filthy nigger

Anonymous 10/30/2024 (Wed) 08:31 [Preview] No.109049 [X] del
woah calm down, Jamal

Anonymous 10/30/2024 (Wed) 08:40 [Preview] No.109050 [X] del >>112334
damn, she got a phatty?

Anonymous 10/30/2024 (Wed) 09:48 [Preview] No.109052 [X] del
could someone reupload canthinky / canthinker / joymaxxing / .chudfu / .chudfu.v2 / chudfu_v3 / https.bomber.gov / terroristwhitegirl / feminineboyloverr / fourtinieateyatemeowflop archives please
https://gofile.io/d/WXZucR 404'd

Anonymous 10/30/2024 (Wed) 10:52 [Preview] No.109055 [X] del >>109060
This isnt sturdychan , kill yourself

Anonymous 10/30/2024 (Wed) 11:26 [Preview] No.109060 [X] del
fuck sturdychan, kay is /agatha2/ core

Anonymous 10/30/2024 (Wed) 12:07 [Preview] No.109068 [X] del >>109072

Anonymous 10/30/2024 (Wed) 12:49 [Preview] No.109073 [X] del >>109099
I can't fucking believe this. It's over. I'm ending it tonight.

Anonymous 10/30/2024 (Wed) 13:46 [Preview] No.109096 [X] del

Anonymous 10/30/2024 (Wed) 14:02 [Preview] No.109099 [X] del
Just in time for halloween!!!

Anonymous 10/30/2024 (Wed) 21:53 [Preview] No.109336 [X] del
Bump for more pics

sage Anonymous 10/31/2024 (Thu) 05:44 [Preview] No.109367 [X] del >>110184
thats crimmy retard

Anonymous 11/03/2024 (Sun) 16:33 [Preview] No.110151 [X] del >>110156
That's a girl. Look at the hands.

Anonymous 11/03/2024 (Sun) 16:45 [Preview] No.110156 [X] del
Thats her hands dumdum , trace the sleeves

Anonymous 11/03/2024 (Sun) 17:28 [Preview] No.110184 [X] del
Crimmy....my love~

Anonymous 11/05/2024 (Tue) 15:43 [Preview] No.110931 [X] del
Kay...come back to us...

Anonymous 11/11/2024 (Mon) 20:49 [Preview] No.112334 [X] del >>112361>>112365
(1.01 MB 1080x810 1711363139658303.png)
yh but she only sells porn of herself to a handful of guys now after a literal nigger leaked
shes expensive
one pays 1000 a month for it
another just recently paid 500
she collects their doxxes as collateral so you have to play the nice guy for awhile for her to consider

Anonymous 11/11/2024 (Mon) 21:03 [Preview] No.112341 [X] del >>112361>>112365
(187.46 KB 1440x1116 image.jpg)
oh she also gives porn to the owner of sturdychan so in exchange he will ban anyone that talks about her selling
so if you have a position similar you might be able to get something

Anonymous 11/11/2024 (Mon) 22:00 [Preview] No.112361 [X] del >>112420

how did you get these??

Anonymous 11/11/2024 (Mon) 22:09 [Preview] No.112365 [X] del >>112367>>112373>>118874
Why is it so hard for egirls to not whore out? Not even joking there's so many examples of it being a bad idea and they still do it anyway

Anonymous 11/11/2024 (Mon) 22:16 [Preview] No.112367 [X] del
Isn't it women's nature, being the beautiful sex, to want to show their beauty to the world?
Before the wall, before the menopause?

Anonymous 11/11/2024 (Mon) 22:43 [Preview] No.112373 [X] del
Everybody wants to be desired.

Anonymous 11/12/2024 (Tue) 09:08 [Preview] No.112420 [X] del >>112425
from her instagram you fucking nigger
>I’m clothed don’t be weird I had a strapless dress on

Anonymous 11/12/2024 (Tue) 09:55 [Preview] No.112425 [X] del
>don’t be weird
Kek she knows what she is doing

Anonymous 11/12/2024 (Tue) 10:06 [Preview] No.112427 [X] del >>112465
do any you fucking faggots have a picture of her feet?

Anonymous 11/12/2024 (Tue) 14:50 [Preview] No.112494 [X] del >>112718>>114353
she's so cute i wanna marry her and live a happy lesbian life ♡ (im not a tranny though)

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 06:19 [Preview] No.112718 [X] del
You can only have one.

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 17:53 [Preview] No.112830 [X] del
i wish i could be a lesbian without being a tranny :(

Anonymous 11/16/2024 (Sat) 03:58 [Preview] No.113467 [X] del

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 10:35 [Preview] No.114098 [X] del >>114119>>114532
(278.39 KB 1170x1547 IMG_6934.jpeg)
Anyone have the uncensored version of this photo?

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 14:23 [Preview] No.114119 [X] del
Uncensored? I don't get it.

Anonymous 11/19/2024 (Tue) 07:13 [Preview] No.114297 [X] del
(161.83 KB 959x1280 GMRo6nDaIAAOodG.jpeg)

Anonymous 11/19/2024 (Tue) 16:39 [Preview] No.114353 [X] del
Her fate is being gangraped by a pack of abos,hitting the wall by 20 , losing all her following and dying in a mass shooting

Anonymous 11/19/2024 (Tue) 18:58 [Preview] No.114372 [X] del >>114373
Does anybody have something of her in the D.Va bunnysuit or maybe the TikTok were she puts her foot in the cam

Anonymous 11/19/2024 (Tue) 19:13 [Preview] No.114373 [X] del

Anonymous 11/19/2024 (Tue) 22:32 [Preview] No.114401 [X] del
(97.59 KB 720x1280 GYrRBj4bkAAftD1.jpeg)

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 18:44 [Preview] No.114532 [X] del >>114535>>114537>>114557
its strange that she is so slutty even to the point of selling softcore porn to random coomers but then makes youtube videos about how she cares about being pure lol

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 18:57 [Preview] No.114535 [X] del >>114539
(210.17 KB 1920x1080 cover12.jpg)
Almost like shes a hypocrite grifter and knows very well what shes doing...

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 19:02 [Preview] No.114537 [X] del >>114539>>114541
almost like shes a young teenage girl and has to learn from her mistakes, she doesnt do this anymore.the "lewds" and the video talking about purity are from different years. people change, get over it.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 19:14 [Preview] No.114539 [X] del >>114691
true ig
she is still selling porn to her handful of gooner simps. one just dropped $500 on her and we know she gets more through dming giftcards
if she didnt have a history of selling "lewds" and lying about it maybe i would believe you

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 19:25 [Preview] No.114541 [X] del
she does trad larp and puts literal SS propaganda on her walls while sending sexually sugestive pictures to pedrophiles , there is no "learning" goin on here , its oportunism plain and simple

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 21:14 [Preview] No.114557 [X] del
This is completely normal for conservative and racist people?
Not sure why you are surprised.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 02:44 [Preview] No.114604 [X] del
if you were a attractive woman you would the same shit dont lie its really easy to influence desperate lonely meng

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 10:22 [Preview] No.114653 [X] del >>114658
She must have a foot fetish

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 11:03 [Preview] No.114658 [X] del
No woman has a foot fetish, she just sells to perverts.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 17:51 [Preview] No.114691 [X] del
do you have proof she is selling porn or are you just speculating

Anonymous 11/24/2024 (Sun) 11:25 [Preview] No.115065 [X] del >>115213
does someone have bootypics of her

Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 01:27 [Preview] No.115213 [X] del
(389.51 KB 1083x1397 IMG_20241120_185828.jpg)

People keep mentioning that she has pictures like that, but I can't find a single one, all I can find is normal stuff and Nazi stuff

Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 06:46 [Preview] No.115268 [X] del >>115303
as the faggot in the last thread said she only sells to her extreme loyal followers for hundreds of dollars and collects info on them so they aint ever gonna leak and if they do ill eat a shit burger

Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 06:48 [Preview] No.115269 [X] del
heres something close jiggaboo

Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 09:57 [Preview] No.115303 [X] del
you just hit her up and offer or what?

Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 18:36 [Preview] No.115396 [X] del >>115432>>115444>>115597>>115603>>116054
(524.92 KB 946x2048 IMG_7087.png)
From Twitter

Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 21:33 [Preview] No.115432 [X] del >>115435
>Light color eyes
By this she means "white". Sneaky little Kay.

Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 22:03 [Preview] No.115435 [X] del
hysterical coming from an italian

Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 22:56 [Preview] No.115444 [X] del
>BMI 19 and under
She’s interested in manlets and holocaust survivors.

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 13:47 [Preview] No.115597 [X] del

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 14:01 [Preview] No.115603 [X] del >>116082
what is Mtn+

Anonymous 11/27/2024 (Wed) 13:15 [Preview] No.116054 [X] del >>116158
it's very conspicuous that she doesn't mention any sort of requirements regarding age

Anonymous 11/27/2024 (Wed) 14:50 [Preview] No.116082 [X] del >>116099
at least slightly attractive

Anonymous 11/27/2024 (Wed) 15:23 [Preview] No.116099 [X] del >>116120
what's it stand for though? i've never seen mtn+ used

Anonymous 11/27/2024 (Wed) 16:42 [Preview] No.116120 [X] del
i just searched it up on desuarchive and looks like it stands for 'mid tier normie'. retarded zoomer incel slang.
i was sitting here trying to figure out what the fuck mountain+ was supposed to mean god i hate zoomers

Anonymous 11/27/2024 (Wed) 18:54 [Preview] No.116143 [X] del >>116150>>116176>>116191
Someone looks a bit different…

Anonymous 11/27/2024 (Wed) 19:22 [Preview] No.116150 [X] del
Cute Kay. I wonder if she still visits this board..

Anonymous 11/27/2024 (Wed) 20:50 [Preview] No.116176 [X] del
Starting to grow up, but what is it with that stupid nickname

Anonymous 11/27/2024 (Wed) 22:46 [Preview] No.116191 [X] del >>116200
checked her tictac and she looks very cute here. based kay.

Anonymous 11/28/2024 (Thu) 00:14 [Preview] No.116200 [X] del >>116206>>116228
That was a month ago to a decade old song.

Anonymous 11/28/2024 (Thu) 01:28 [Preview] No.116206 [X] del >>116234>>116265
(2.59 MB 576x1024 1732757240536.mp4)
2hours old. is that too old for you still?

Anonymous 11/28/2024 (Thu) 04:53 [Preview] No.116228 [X] del
The nazi is having a hard time with his copem

Anonymous 11/28/2024 (Thu) 05:49 [Preview] No.116234 [X] del

I could help her clean up 😋

Anonymous 11/28/2024 (Thu) 19:30 [Preview] No.116265 [X] del
trying so hard to be marky, really cringeeee

Anonymous 11/28/2024 (Thu) 20:09 [Preview] No.116273 [X] del
Okay. This is epic.

Anonymous 11/28/2024 (Thu) 20:54 [Preview] No.116276 [X] del
She could be Marky's little kid

Anonymous 11/28/2024 (Thu) 21:05 [Preview] No.116278 [X] del
I don't think markys cut suits her

Anonymous 11/28/2024 (Thu) 21:05 [Preview] No.116279 [X] del
getting raped by older men? yeah sure

Anonymous 11/28/2024 (Thu) 21:59 [Preview] No.116290 [X] del >>116294>>116295>>116300
kay low-key kind of mogs marky tbh

Anonymous 11/28/2024 (Thu) 22:14 [Preview] No.116294 [X] del
Nah no way

Anonymous 11/28/2024 (Thu) 22:17 [Preview] No.116295 [X] del
Marky just has fat tits, but a subpar face and ugly skin, hands and hair.

Anonymous 11/28/2024 (Thu) 22:47 [Preview] No.116300 [X] del
Markys face perfectly follows the golden ratio: peak beauty

Anonymous 11/28/2024 (Thu) 23:42 [Preview] No.116312 [X] del
she's so cool, she follows me on twitter

Anonymous 11/29/2024 (Fri) 00:10 [Preview] No.116322 [X] del >>116355>>116361>>116363>>116393
seems desperate for sam's attention
desperate for the marky treatment

Anonymous 11/29/2024 (Fri) 00:35 [Preview] No.116355 [X] del
She is already too old for him.

Anonymous 11/29/2024 (Fri) 01:03 [Preview] No.116361 [X] del
>Exterminate niggers in the gas chamber
I saw that, kay.

Anonymous 11/29/2024 (Fri) 01:18 [Preview] No.116363 [X] del
(34.75 KB 607x608 e96.jpg)
jealous , wants to get gapped

Anonymous 11/29/2024 (Fri) 08:10 [Preview] No.116391 [X] del >>116400>>118019
Do you think her parents couldve predicted their daughter would be trying to get groomed by neo nazis online? wonder what the grandparents think

Anonymous 11/29/2024 (Fri) 08:28 [Preview] No.116393 [X] del
marky will most likely be pissed off when she comes back to read her agatha2 thread and finds this

Anonymous 11/29/2024 (Fri) 10:44 [Preview] No.116400 [X] del
They obviously dont care seen as everything she does is public aswell as in the biggest social media platform of all time.

Anonymous 11/29/2024 (Fri) 19:55 [Preview] No.116445 [X] del
Bitch I told you to stop skin walking marky

Anonymous 11/29/2024 (Fri) 21:17 [Preview] No.116458 [X] del >>116460
Can’t get enough of her

Anonymous 11/29/2024 (Fri) 21:22 [Preview] No.116459 [X] del >>116471>>116472>>116516
i want to be one of the special ones in her inner circle that receives nudes from her. how do i accomplish this? no task is too great. i will do whatever it takes.

Anonymous 11/29/2024 (Fri) 21:34 [Preview] No.116460 [X] del >>116464
She's getting chubby.

Anonymous 11/29/2024 (Fri) 22:02 [Preview] No.116464 [X] del
I only see two chubby things there

Anonymous 11/29/2024 (Fri) 22:04 [Preview] No.116466 [X] del
Fuck i didn’t mean to repost the video

Anonymous 11/29/2024 (Fri) 22:36 [Preview] No.116471 [X] del >>116508
Most likely the same way with everybody, money.

Anonymous 11/29/2024 (Fri) 22:40 [Preview] No.116472 [X] del
You need to be black

Anonymous 11/30/2024 (Sat) 02:36 [Preview] No.116508 [X] del >>116516>>117929
is there literally any evidence she reciprocates or is sending without any expectations supposed to be the vetting process?

Anonymous 11/30/2024 (Sat) 03:07 [Preview] No.116515 [X] del
Her cat died. And she will take a break from posting 😭

Anonymous 11/30/2024 (Sat) 03:12 [Preview] No.116516 [X] del >>116521>>116524
This isn't true at all actually.
no leaks = no proof.

anyone saying otherwise is just making things up to ruin her reputation

Anonymous 11/30/2024 (Sat) 03:24 [Preview] No.116521 [X] del
>"nobody has come to publicly post cp so that means its fake"
Yeah man i cant imagine why

Anonymous 11/30/2024 (Sat) 03:29 [Preview] No.116524 [X] del
not much of a reputation tbf, but i dont even mean leaks. just a dm exchange or something similar. something implicit you know?

Anonymous 11/30/2024 (Sat) 06:06 [Preview] No.116550 [X] del
what's kay's opinion of audrey

Anonymous 11/30/2024 (Sat) 16:01 [Preview] No.116615 [X] del
New hair color

Anonymous 12/01/2024 (Sun) 03:47 [Preview] No.116810 [X] del >>116837>>116838>>116914>>116935
Im going to ask a no brainer question. Do you guys think she'll ever get a meaningful career or remain an online personality in the near future? Her digital footprint will be the bane of her future, unless she enjoys it.

Wait, does she even want to continue with online content? I have a feeling she want's to vanish off the face of the web.

Anonymous 12/01/2024 (Sun) 07:59 [Preview] No.116837 [X] del >>116838
i dont think shes planning on living long enough for it to be a problem

Anonymous 12/01/2024 (Sun) 08:33 [Preview] No.116838 [X] del >>116839>>116843
>Her digital footprint will be the bane of her future
Most definitely.

She's not going to kill herself, you idiot.

Anonymous 12/01/2024 (Sun) 08:39 [Preview] No.116839 [X] del >>116842
selfpost post much lol

Anonymous 12/01/2024 (Sun) 08:45 [Preview] No.116842 [X] del >>116858
Low IQ assumption.
Egirls usually think what they post online has no bearing on their real life.
Her nazi shit will definitely bite her in the ass one day.

Anonymous 12/01/2024 (Sun) 08:46 [Preview] No.116843 [X] del
unless shes actually retarded thats the only logical explanation i can think of

Anonymous 12/01/2024 (Sun) 09:21 [Preview] No.116858 [X] del >>116906
if it wasn't her than like whats the point of making these about girls that wont even come on this site?

Anonymous 12/01/2024 (Sun) 11:04 [Preview] No.116906 [X] del
Oh sweet summer child...

Anonymous 12/01/2024 (Sun) 12:06 [Preview] No.116913 [X] del
kay is fucking mid

Anonymous 12/01/2024 (Sun) 12:09 [Preview] No.116914 [X] del
Getting raped and forgotten upon hitting the wall

Anonymous 12/01/2024 (Sun) 17:26 [Preview] No.116931 [X] del
Kay's existence drives trannies to suicide.

Anonymous 12/01/2024 (Sun) 17:43 [Preview] No.116933 [X] del >>116938>>116942>>116959
Sematary is the most spastic libtarded antifa trannychasing underground rapper and she has his picture and rainbow bridge hung on her wall next to her nazi ephemera. The zoomers are a doomed race.

Anonymous 12/01/2024 (Sun) 17:44 [Preview] No.116935 [X] del
she'll just find some betabux provider to take care of her and won't need a real career

Anonymous 12/01/2024 (Sun) 17:47 [Preview] No.116938 [X] del >>116941
I’m glad I’m not the only one bothered by that poster. I would rape that faggot to a pulp if he laid a finger on my beautiful queen

Anonymous 12/01/2024 (Sun) 17:51 [Preview] No.116941 [X] del
I point that out cause it belies her shallowness. She’s a cute face but has nothing to say.

Anonymous 12/01/2024 (Sun) 17:55 [Preview] No.116942 [X] del
I don't know who or what that is, nor what all your little buzzwords mean.

Anonymous 12/01/2024 (Sun) 19:28 [Preview] No.116959 [X] del
I think she said she doesn't like sematary anymore on a livestream

Anonymous 12/02/2024 (Mon) 17:57 [Preview] No.117127 [X] del
kill yourself you fucking nigger

Anonymous 12/04/2024 (Wed) 23:03 [Preview] No.117929 [X] del >>117930>>117932>>117933>>117943>>117944>>118026>>118103
(188.61 KB 380x688 1673884923.png)
(113.64 KB 1170x2532 IMG_8656.png)
(26.92 KB 263x302 fdhg.jpg)
(1.80 MB 913x1065 image (196).png)
she collects doxxes on the people she sells to and lurks all the cosplayer leaks chats to make sure she isnt getting leaked. she seems VERY scared of it
she gets a sus amount of money from her throne for what she produces publicly but when its lewds deals are made in dm's and money is sent in giftcard codes. its how most cosplayers sell sus shit to avoid being found out
the men on her throne are known for donating to cosplayers that sell sexual content privately like wilda, frenchybread, evielnss etc. kosaki is the biggest one on her throne (changes his name frequently now and uses alts) used to brag about getting sexual shit from her like a thighfucking custom. she probably told him to stfu
so she probably doesnt do absolute nudes since she doesnt have to to make money just highly sexually suggestive stuff. this is what kosaki used to say at least
oh and the owner of sturdychan (who kay also gives private pics to) made an element group for perverts trying to get nudes out of tiktok girls /tv/2343803
so much for that nigger playing innocent

Anonymous 12/04/2024 (Wed) 23:04 [Preview] No.117930 [X] del
oops ignore that last pic thats not related

Anonymous 12/04/2024 (Wed) 23:07 [Preview] No.117932 [X] del
I am curious any from th old bonbibonkers days on there?

Anonymous 12/04/2024 (Wed) 23:07 [Preview] No.117933 [X] del >>117935
omg shes getting over 5k a month from orbiters just for existing? shes not even big or famous. this is crazy.

Anonymous 12/04/2024 (Wed) 23:08 [Preview] No.117935 [X] del
>a month
I think thats the lifetime leaderboard no

Anonymous 12/05/2024 (Thu) 00:02 [Preview] No.117943 [X] del
what are you talking about take your meds

Anonymous 12/05/2024 (Thu) 00:25 [Preview] No.117944 [X] del
seething skinwalking freak
find the nearest active volcano immediately schizo

Anonymous 12/05/2024 (Thu) 05:57 [Preview] No.118019 [X] del >>118024
(1.38 MB 576x1024 download (3).mp4)
She doesnt have parents. Her mom is dead from oding and her father is a felon now out of prison but with a different family. She lives with her grandma who she hates and her grandpa is actually mentally retarded

Anonymous 12/05/2024 (Thu) 06:10 [Preview] No.118024 [X] del
I could be her daddy if she needs one

Anonymous 12/05/2024 (Thu) 06:36 [Preview] No.118026 [X] del >>118038
don't tease me like that

Anonymous 12/05/2024 (Thu) 08:48 [Preview] No.118038 [X] del
Are you having delusions again?

Anonymous 12/05/2024 (Thu) 09:50 [Preview] No.118044 [X] del
Sex with Emory. A Kay is fine too.

Anonymous 12/05/2024 (Thu) 12:11 [Preview] No.118048 [X] del >>118051>>118052>>118057>>118086>>118119
(43.60 MB 1080x1920 I miss my fu.mp4)
>we will never get this kay back
its over

Anonymous 12/05/2024 (Thu) 12:31 [Preview] No.118051 [X] del >>118063>>118065
This video is so fucking sad.
And I mean it being made, the disgusting intention behind it.

Anonymous 12/05/2024 (Thu) 12:36 [Preview] No.118052 [X] del >>118056
Yeah man she changed so much...in the last 6 months???

Anonymous 12/05/2024 (Thu) 12:49 [Preview] No.118056 [X] del >>118061
It's almost as if... most people don't stay children forever!

Anonymous 12/05/2024 (Thu) 13:06 [Preview] No.118057 [X] del >>118065
Yeah this is pretty depressing actually

Anonymous 12/05/2024 (Thu) 13:55 [Preview] No.118061 [X] del
14 year old child to 15 year old adult woman , amazing , such a difference

Anonymous 12/05/2024 (Thu) 13:56 [Preview] No.118063 [X] del

Anonymous 12/05/2024 (Thu) 14:36 [Preview] No.118066 [X] del >>118067>>118069
Massive pedro vibes.
Incredibly creepy "my perfect angel" bullshit, wanting somebody to be a stupid and innocent kid forever, because that's what they are attracted to... or you are still mentally a child yourself and thus don't want others to grow up.

Anonymous 12/05/2024 (Thu) 14:41 [Preview] No.118067 [X] del >>118086
Holy fucking shit. Can I go and look at egirls for one day here without someone accusing someone else of pedrophilia? It's a girl enjoying herself with no ... 'pedro vibes' the fuck that even is. Fuck you and die. Go somewhere else if you you're just going to hate on everything

Anonymous 12/05/2024 (Thu) 14:43 [Preview] No.118069 [X] del
Massive projection.

Anonymous 12/05/2024 (Thu) 15:04 [Preview] No.118086 [X] del >>118110
>It's a girl enjoying herself
Yes and the webm plus comment by >>118048 is clearly of an anon who wants said girl to only enjoy herself in a way he deems appropriate.

Anonymous 12/05/2024 (Thu) 16:42 [Preview] No.118103 [X] del >>118110
the element group is strictly for 18+ , you know that right?

Anonymous 12/05/2024 (Thu) 17:40 [Preview] No.118110 [X] del
she tailored her fanbase to be full of them

Anonymous 12/05/2024 (Thu) 18:17 [Preview] No.118119 [X] del
what went wrong?

Anonymous 12/05/2024 (Thu) 18:18 [Preview] No.118120 [X] del
It's not fucking fair...

Anonymous 12/05/2024 (Thu) 18:35 [Preview] No.118121 [X] del
be a dumb twitch thot or no substance having whore catering to peds for all i care, but keep markys name and image out your mouth bitch. youve been warned. i have spoken.

Anonymous 12/05/2024 (Thu) 20:27 [Preview] No.118139 [X] del >>118141
She visited this thread on stream lol

Anonymous 12/05/2024 (Thu) 20:31 [Preview] No.118141 [X] del

Anonymous 12/07/2024 (Sat) 13:55 [Preview] No.118352 [X] del >>118359>>118370>>118829
(590.51 KB 1080x2340 16032882295.jpg)
(4.38 MB 576x1024 download.mp4)
very dark triad much school shooter
im not sure if mr roof or mr tarrant would have approved of her sexting blacks and jews behind her boyfriends back though. or sucking max's tranny dick
and she seems a little sensitive when pointing out her retard felon father abandoning her and causing her wigger mother to OD
not very evil gang of her
good thing shes surrounded by a horde of disingenuous shitskin gooners endlessly jorking it to her or she might feel a bit lonely and misunderstood
lucky girl

Anonymous 12/07/2024 (Sat) 14:12 [Preview] No.118359 [X] del >>118360>>118401
Cope more, shitskin.

Anonymous 12/07/2024 (Sat) 14:14 [Preview] No.118360 [X] del
You are the blackest African here

Anonymous 12/07/2024 (Sat) 14:31 [Preview] No.118370 [X] del >>118401
why are you so obsessed with slandering a teen girl

Anonymous 12/07/2024 (Sat) 15:16 [Preview] No.118401 [X] del

Anonymous 12/07/2024 (Sat) 19:38 [Preview] No.118478 [X] del >>118479
I like her chris chan cosplay

Anonymous 12/07/2024 (Sat) 19:44 [Preview] No.118479 [X] del
She looks especially beautiful with brown hair

Anonymous 12/08/2024 (Sun) 18:31 [Preview] No.118829 [X] del >>118836
She never had a boyfriend

Anonymous 12/08/2024 (Sun) 18:51 [Preview] No.118836 [X] del >>118837

Anonymous 12/08/2024 (Sun) 19:04 [Preview] No.118837 [X] del >>118841
Doesn’t mean that’s her boyfriend

Anonymous 12/08/2024 (Sun) 19:14 [Preview] No.118841 [X] del
Just a pump and dumper then , awesome!!!!!!

Anonymous 12/08/2024 (Sun) 20:17 [Preview] No.118870 [X] del >>118879>>118931
these girls look honestly happy. theyre enjoying themselves without the concern for judgement coming from a bunch of looksmaxxing narcissists
why hide your face constantly out of fear of what these rat utopia "beautiful ones" would say?
you were even so anxious you forgot to do your satanist/baphomet pose you were so excited for
i thought you had a hard time making friends or cant make friends but its easy to see the real problem
you just cant think of anyone outside of how to use them to make yourself look good in the eyes of a bunch of BAP bisexuals and british schizos
and all they do is compare you to girls they fucked before but "oh you look so much cuter than them!"
every compliment you receive from these perverts is them just trying to shove their dick in your mouth. you will never get honest praise and will always be only a hole to them
these girls are being made fun of by you and your shitskin gooner fans for being mid or ugly but at least theyre happier than you

Anonymous 12/08/2024 (Sun) 20:35 [Preview] No.118874 [X] del >>118880
women should use their youth, fag

Anonymous 12/08/2024 (Sun) 20:59 [Preview] No.118879 [X] del
thats because her main source of happiness is attention and validation online. she is a narcissist who needs constant appraisal to keep her self esteem afloat. she constantly caters to incels simps and pedros because they are the most desperate and easiest to take advantage of

Anonymous 12/08/2024 (Sun) 21:01 [Preview] No.118880 [X] del
Being a whore is bad,actually

Anonymous 12/08/2024 (Sun) 21:47 [Preview] No.118931 [X] del >>119051
I don't know what's sadder the idea that you are just one big elaborate troll or you are genuine about everything. either way, take your meddies. you are wasting your time typing schizo allegations on this dead imageboard.

Anonymous 12/08/2024 (Sun) 21:50 [Preview] No.118932 [X] del
Kay's entire fanbase is a bunch of 30yo basement dwelling shitskins who goon to the thought of her stomping on their balls and calling them niggers.

Anonymous 12/09/2024 (Mon) 09:38 [Preview] No.119051 [X] del >>119052>>119067
>lives in southern hemishpere
>brown eyes
>1/64 italian
>listens to (or pretends) belarusian post-punk
All points considered, she's basically a latina, a good starting point for fellow shitskins to deprogram ourselves from liking yt girls and accepting our future fate of having to marry some vantablack dalit pajeena.

Anonymous 12/09/2024 (Mon) 09:43 [Preview] No.119052 [X] del
>All points considered, she's basically a latina

Anonymous 12/09/2024 (Mon) 10:59 [Preview] No.119066 [X] del >>119068>>119078>>119085>>119155>>119383
kay did you really stop selling porn to jacob? is that why he's moved onto emory now?
i saw ivy called him out for trying to buy porn from her and he freaked layla out to where she stopped selling too
its good if you stopped. he is still typing out nasty things and deleting them like saying how he can get any girl to give him nudes since he's rich and he got you cause all you really care about is money

Anonymous 12/09/2024 (Mon) 11:09 [Preview] No.119067 [X] del >>119115
Xir , we prefer latinx...

Anonymous 12/09/2024 (Mon) 11:13 [Preview] No.119068 [X] del >>119381
Who are these people

Anonymous 12/09/2024 (Mon) 11:43 [Preview] No.119078 [X] del
can you stop spreading rumors, it's nasty and bad faith.

Anonymous 12/09/2024 (Mon) 11:58 [Preview] No.119085 [X] del
kosaki probably moved on after his gazillionth gooning session, he truly lives the life being 30 in his childhood bedroom, grooming underage girls into online whores all day

Anonymous 12/09/2024 (Mon) 12:04 [Preview] No.119090 [X] del
they're so desperate to slander kay and whoever that other person is to the point of making things up. it's sad

Anonymous 12/09/2024 (Mon) 14:46 [Preview] No.119109 [X] del
gtfo my board stacy

Anonymous 12/09/2024 (Mon) 15:22 [Preview] No.119115 [X] del
Latina slvt

Anonymous 12/09/2024 (Mon) 18:00 [Preview] No.119151 [X] del
Does anybody have the link to the discord?

Anonymous 12/09/2024 (Mon) 18:12 [Preview] No.119155 [X] del >>119158
Who the fuck is Jacob?

Anonymous 12/09/2024 (Mon) 18:22 [Preview] No.119158 [X] del >>119161>>119180>>119381
(2.61 MB 720x1280 kosaki (2).webm)
her biggest donator who has given her upwards of 4000$, he donates to tons of other egirls (mostly underage) as well and brags about it on other sites. He is also the guy always defending her in this thread. He is a 30 year old pothead with a part time job, lives with his parents so basically his entire income goes to egirls.

Anonymous 12/09/2024 (Mon) 18:37 [Preview] No.119161 [X] del
That was very disappointing to read.

Anonymous 12/09/2024 (Mon) 19:52 [Preview] No.119180 [X] del >>119381
he works flips burgers at McDonald's, gets welfare checks and then gives it all to e-girls.

that's pretty funny ngl

Anonymous 12/10/2024 (Tue) 00:38 [Preview] No.119260 [X] del >>119278>>119362>>119383>>119522
(3.11 MB 1170x2532 IMG_0938.png)
Interesting to see all the “headcannons” you guys come up about me hehehehe

Anonymous 12/10/2024 (Tue) 02:07 [Preview] No.119278 [X] del
shut up ugly retard self poster no one cares about you stop astroturfin
>what if le marky

Anonymous 12/10/2024 (Tue) 04:55 [Preview] No.119321 [X] del
Kay knows where Marky is

Anonymous 12/10/2024 (Tue) 08:49 [Preview] No.119362 [X] del
tits or gtfo

Anonymous 12/10/2024 (Tue) 10:44 [Preview] No.119368 [X] del >>119449
not very skibbiddy fourth reich of you

Anonymous 12/10/2024 (Tue) 11:48 [Preview] No.119381 [X] del >>119382>>119387>>119452
tiktok cosplay girls that sell pics and vids privately to grown men
jacob (kosaki) is a 30yo failure to launch jewish nepobaby. he gets an allowance from his millionaire parents and they hooked him up with a do nothing tech job so he's online 24/7
hes constantly bragging about his wealth and how spending money means nothing to him but also how he "just cares so much for others that he doesnt treat himself well enough 🥺"
he's focused on getting underage uppermiddle class white girls to send him porn. the type that you'd think would never do it. thats his self-admitted fetish. its why he likes kay so much
these are funny memes but mostly not true
except the sending $1000s to egirls part. he does that

Anonymous 12/10/2024 (Tue) 12:29 [Preview] No.119382 [X] del
why do you care so much

Anonymous 12/10/2024 (Tue) 12:37 [Preview] No.119383 [X] del >>119385
But >>119066 aren't fake?

Anonymous 12/10/2024 (Tue) 12:39 [Preview] No.119385 [X] del >>119386
Everything in that post is a lie

Anonymous 12/10/2024 (Tue) 12:42 [Preview] No.119386 [X] del
So this ig pics arefake?

Anonymous 12/10/2024 (Tue) 12:55 [Preview] No.119387 [X] del
cool fanfic m8

Anonymous 12/10/2024 (Tue) 15:21 [Preview] No.119449 [X] del
Wow 2140 people on the group.
But can someone explain what is that group?

Anonymous 12/10/2024 (Tue) 15:42 [Preview] No.119452 [X] del >>119467
Why would he admit that publicly? That would be selling CP no?

Anonymous 12/10/2024 (Tue) 16:17 [Preview] No.119467 [X] del
they have a vendetta against him and Kay for some reason. notice how they have no proof for anything they're claiming, their "source" of information are posts from an anonymous imageboard lol

Anonymous 12/10/2024 (Tue) 18:16 [Preview] No.119522 [X] del >>119590
Round-faced low-t bitch, eugh

Anonymous 12/10/2024 (Tue) 19:21 [Preview] No.119557 [X] del
I watched some of Kay's twitch stream, she was playing fortnite, I don't know anything about zoomer games like that but watching a pretty white tiktok zoomer girl playing fortnite with her cute friends made my dick rock hard.

Anonymous 12/10/2024 (Tue) 20:21 [Preview] No.119585 [X] del
I need her to get leaked again

Anonymous 12/10/2024 (Tue) 20:25 [Preview] No.119590 [X] del
Objectively good traits for women. Your point?

Anonymous 12/11/2024 (Wed) 12:34 [Preview] No.120033 [X] del >>120185
(12.73 MB 720x1280 download.mp4)
Canthinky dont worry about these schizos saying gross things about you. they are just upset that they are poor and cant afford high quality uncensored pictures of a cute innocent white girl. sfw of course

these idiots dont understand that receiving money for hard work is normal and taking pictures is VERY hard work with things like lighting and stuff. they just dont get it. i'd say the men paying you are lowballing even but thats just my opinion

also for you schizos i know for a fact kay doesnt like to be sexualized and has never "baited" or whatever. she's made whole videos yapping about it. so stop with your sick fantasies

Anonymous 12/11/2024 (Wed) 18:38 [Preview] No.120185 [X] del >>120630
a 30yo man giving $5000 to a 16yo girl for "private selfies"
thats just the one guy. theres more and they are in those telegram leaks chats of her and her friends
she tells them to go through insta dms instead of her wishlists so we dont know how much she is making now
we only know that she is still making money but isnt putting out any public content so i guess we can only speculate on how shes earning that lmao

Anonymous 12/11/2024 (Wed) 21:28 [Preview] No.120209 [X] del
I'm probably not the first to say this, and definitely a year or 2 late. But what this chick does at, painfully reminds of BonbiBonkers. Tranime cosplays for tiktok, a sprinkle of empty, trendy retro-fetish LARP on youtube channel to promote the main business. And how long ago did Bonbi become popular, 6 years, 2018?

Are we stuck in an algorithm-blackbox normalisation time loop? Colorful image in - colorful image out, no thought or esthetic process applied, consume and get a jolt of short-term joy (hardly any "happiness" to be found here despite all attempts to modify the language). From now on all young women come as weird dress-up dolls with detachable colored wigs and plastic aliexpress dresses, a permanent mishmash of lowest effort oriental something-kei. Is 2012-2015's sincerity a speck on cosmicity of mankind's timeline never bound to return?

I pity those who inherit this place after us.

Anonymous 12/12/2024 (Thu) 12:40 [Preview] No.120630 [X] del
no proof once again, did she block you or something?

Anonymous 12/14/2024 (Sat) 07:21 [Preview] No.121265 [X] del
I spit at the followers of moloch

Anonymous 12/16/2024 (Mon) 00:17 [Preview] No.121610 [X] del >>121613>>121822>>122083>>122796>>123780>>124321
Canthinky whats your thoughts on getting leaked?
Do you have an idea of who will leak your topless pics?
He said he will leak after you turn 18 so he can deny you being 15/16 in them.
Do you think the mods will delete them anyway?
Whats your plan after it happens?
Will you start selling porn explicitly?
Or will you just keep it to the guys you sell porn to now?
What if they dont want to buy porn from you anymore cause your of age and the fetish is no longer there?
Will you get a job working in the government?
Maybe you can sell your body to another jew since you already have the experience
Maybe you could find another trans bf to support you or one of those nazi gooner cults you follow

Anonymous 12/16/2024 (Mon) 00:35 [Preview] No.121613 [X] del
That looks like a boy in that picture.

>Do you think the mods will delete them anyway?
They have done that for everybody so far.
Better safe than sorry.

Anonymous 12/16/2024 (Mon) 01:33 [Preview] No.121822 [X] del >>121836
who is the fag in the picture?

Anonymous 12/16/2024 (Mon) 01:36 [Preview] No.121836 [X] del >>121887>>122083
It's her trans boyfriend

Anonymous 12/16/2024 (Mon) 01:41 [Preview] No.121887 [X] del

Anonymous 12/16/2024 (Mon) 18:41 [Preview] No.122083 [X] del
What a terrible day to have eyes 😔

Anonymous 12/18/2024 (Wed) 03:43 [Preview] No.122433 [X] del >>122435>>122524>>122563>>131235
Its that her trans boyfriend or brother or whatever?

Anonymous 12/18/2024 (Wed) 03:57 [Preview] No.122435 [X] del
I want to rape these zoomers while the skibidi toilet song played in the background

Anonymous 12/18/2024 (Wed) 17:25 [Preview] No.122524 [X] del >>122530
Most likely a relative. Must be the same guy in >>109072

Anonymous 12/18/2024 (Wed) 17:53 [Preview] No.122530 [X] del
Holy copium

Anonymous 12/18/2024 (Wed) 20:56 [Preview] No.122563 [X] del >>122606
If only for once you wouldn't use some shitty quirky codec that browsers can't play...

Anonymous 12/19/2024 (Thu) 00:17 [Preview] No.122606 [X] del
I don't know what you mean, nigga.
It works for me on Chrome and Brave.

Anonymous 12/19/2024 (Thu) 08:57 [Preview] No.122633 [X] del >>122659>>122676>>131235
Even a crossdressing emo can put his unwashed dick inside Kay's quirky e-girl's cunny.
Truly a horrible day to be a simp.

Anonymous 12/19/2024 (Thu) 16:10 [Preview] No.122659 [X] del >>122660
You don't know that they had sex

Anonymous 12/19/2024 (Thu) 16:16 [Preview] No.122660 [X] del
(743.01 KB 640x640 cope-pepe.gif)

Anonymous 12/19/2024 (Thu) 16:32 [Preview] No.122663 [X] del >>122667
Acts edgy online with alt right bs but loves trannys crazy

Anonymous 12/19/2024 (Thu) 17:00 [Preview] No.122667 [X] del >>122825
There's actually a 100% correlation between those two things

Anonymous 12/19/2024 (Thu) 18:34 [Preview] No.122676 [X] del
What a terrible day 😔

Anonymous 12/19/2024 (Thu) 18:48 [Preview] No.122681 [X] del
posted on tiktok

Anonymous 12/20/2024 (Fri) 03:22 [Preview] No.122769 [X] del >>122775
She wears newrocks of course she is friends with trannies

Anonymous 12/20/2024 (Fri) 04:10 [Preview] No.122775 [X] del >>122795>>122796
Cosplay doesn't make you a tranny lmao.

Anonymous 12/20/2024 (Fri) 12:51 [Preview] No.122795 [X] del
New rocks aren't cosplay shoes. They're edgy zoomer bpdemon shoes that every other ethot have with bad taste wears.

Anonymous 12/20/2024 (Fri) 12:56 [Preview] No.122796 [X] del
well dressing in her clothes after no doubt rawdogging her is a bit sus if nothing else >>121610

Anonymous 12/20/2024 (Fri) 16:00 [Preview] No.122810 [X] del
damn yo she's even skinwalking marky by bumping uglies with trannies?!??

Anonymous 12/20/2024 (Fri) 17:48 [Preview] No.122825 [X] del
As long as she drains the money of that human trash, anything is fine.

Anonymous 12/26/2024 (Thu) 01:50 [Preview] No.123729 [X] del
Can someone post the Santa Marky background? I like the art

Anonymous 12/26/2024 (Thu) 20:33 [Preview] No.123780 [X] del

Anonymous 12/28/2024 (Sat) 08:00 [Preview] No.124153 [X] del >>124162
does her discord still exist the invite in her linktree aint working

Anonymous 12/28/2024 (Sat) 12:17 [Preview] No.124162 [X] del >>124174>>124218
you can thank ghosty for that

Anonymous 12/28/2024 (Sat) 17:05 [Preview] No.124174 [X] del >>124218
What did 🥥ghosty🥥 do?

Anonymous 12/29/2024 (Sun) 00:49 [Preview] No.124218 [X] del >>124220
who is ghosty?

ghosty Anonymous 12/29/2024 (Sun) 01:00 [Preview] No.124220 [X] del >>124221
12 year old who's part of JSN, likely homosexual. obsessed with spamming her and making bad fake screenshots. needs therapy.

Anonymous 12/29/2024 (Sun) 01:18 [Preview] No.124221 [X] del >>124232
What is JSN?

Anonymous 12/29/2024 (Sun) 05:12 [Preview] No.124232 [X] del
Might be outside the scope of this thread but..... try hard teenage "Nazis" (larps), unsure what the acronym is but think it's based off National Socialist Network.

They spend their time being cringe online & I think they "doxxed" /leaked some of the egirls posted on end chan. (Vera, Eva, etc)

Anonymous 12/29/2024 (Sun) 10:07 [Preview] No.124242 [X] del >>124265>>124270>>124397
how old is she her famous birthdays says September 15, 2010?

Hello H 12/29/2024 (Sun) 23:16 [Preview] No.124265 [X] del >>124266>>124267>>124270
That would make her 14 and a couple of months

Anonymous 12/29/2024 (Sun) 23:34 [Preview] No.124266 [X] del
>this over before it even begun

Anonymous 12/30/2024 (Mon) 00:02 [Preview] No.124267 [X] del >>124279>>124290
You're stupid for believing that.
She's 16.

Anonymous 12/30/2024 (Mon) 00:15 [Preview] No.124270 [X] del
>putting any stock in what's on some dumb AI-slop site

Anonymous 12/30/2024 (Mon) 02:56 [Preview] No.124279 [X] del >>124290
she's actually 17
i dont have the source but i know it right

Anonymous 12/30/2024 (Mon) 06:31 [Preview] No.124290 [X] del >>124291>>124313
shes 14, showed school certs on a live earlier this year lol vope

source: Trust me bro

Anonymous 12/30/2024 (Mon) 07:22 [Preview] No.124291 [X] del
Mmm 14 year old Kay... Yummy.

Anonymous 12/30/2024 (Mon) 11:22 [Preview] No.124295 [X] del >>124296>>124313
She was born in September 2007

Anonymous 12/30/2024 (Mon) 11:23 [Preview] No.124296 [X] del
I was born yesterday

Anonymous 12/30/2024 (Mon) 20:33 [Preview] No.124313 [X] del >>124332
this guy is right
I understand youre rage-baiting but just think here for one second
she's been on tiktok since atleast 2021 when, according to you, she wouldve been 11 or 10 years old considering how much of a following she's gotten she wouldve definetly been banned since tiktok has age restrictions not to mention she doesnt look like an eleven year old in her old videos

Anonymous 12/30/2024 (Mon) 21:56 [Preview] No.124321 [X] del >>124344>>124392
I find a cute e-girl that may or may not be a Nazi and that's all fine and good, but I just had to come to this fuckin' place and suddenly she's selling nudes to the highest bidder while being underage and there's nothing I can do but have my image of her destroyed, God damn

v b 12/30/2024 (Mon) 22:16 [Preview] No.124332 [X] del >>124490
late 2021 so 11
thena was 11 and on omegle talking to.adults about a nut room then, thats just as bad

Anonymous 12/30/2024 (Mon) 23:20 [Preview] No.124344 [X] del >>124350
the person accusing her of doing that has not provided any proof whatsoever.

don't believe everything you read online anon.

Anonymous 12/31/2024 (Tue) 01:43 [Preview] No.124350 [X] del
Thanks, maybe I just need to use some common sense

A B 12/31/2024 (Tue) 14:47 [Preview] No.124392 [X] del
she has never done that, don't worry. just one negger obsessed with that who spends months spouting the same nonsense for a reaction and replying to himself.

the worst she's done is raven / gwen cosplays and those posts & toks are very public.

Anonymous 12/31/2024 (Tue) 15:55 [Preview] No.124397 [X] del >>124490>>124502
She's 22 if people here could stalk a bit better.

Anonymous 01/01/2025 (Wed) 02:45 [Preview] No.124490 [X] del >>124500>>124507
omegle has nowhere near the amount of moderation as TikTok you're actual retard for making that comparison

Anonymous 01/01/2025 (Wed) 02:51 [Preview] No.124492 [X] del >>124493
she posts about white nationalism and insists only whites should live in Australia yet follows Iris. another larping whore who just wants to pander to right wing incels while she'd fuck a black tranny in a heartbeat. Move on.

Anonymous 01/01/2025 (Wed) 03:03 [Preview] No.124493 [X] del >>124495
>White nationalism means you hate black people

Anonymous 01/01/2025 (Wed) 03:08 [Preview] No.124495 [X] del
Obviously not quite but Kay has outwardly expressed hating black people. Clearly she just likes the attention she gets from racists.

V B 01/01/2025 (Wed) 05:01 [Preview] No.124500 [X] del
so you're saying...... she'd have to lie about her age then to use tiktok

Anonymous 01/01/2025 (Wed) 06:28 [Preview] No.124502 [X] del >>124508>>124518
I've heard 14, 17, and now 22. I've never seen evidence for any of these claims.

Anonymous 01/01/2025 (Wed) 06:46 [Preview] No.124504 [X] del
That's a man!

Anonymous 01/01/2025 (Wed) 07:00 [Preview] No.124507 [X] del >>124508
One of her Instagram perhaps? There's a post, I'd link that for you but nah, it's not hard to find it.
I'm just saying, you all are thinking she's an angel when she's not and there was evidence of it in this same thread.
I'm high as a kite right now but I hope everything turns out fine anons

Anonymous 01/01/2025 (Wed) 07:02 [Preview] No.124508 [X] del
You probably got the post which I said here >>124507
One of the comments highlighted "From 22 to 14 yay" as if she is 22 and the person was commenting as a compliment of some sorts IDK
It's pure gossip but I hope y'allst folx find the truth

Anonymous 01/01/2025 (Wed) 09:46 [Preview] No.124518 [X] del >>124526
School documents shown on stream said 2010 and her birthday cake this year had 14 candles

Anonymous 01/01/2025 (Wed) 11:32 [Preview] No.124526 [X] del >>124755
you're falling for a running gag from her discord indians you actual retard. The school document is photoshopped. The birthday cake photo is 3 years old, do the math nigger. She is 17, will turn 18 in September.

Anonymous 01/01/2025 (Wed) 20:04 [Preview] No.124550 [X] del >>124551
Seeing egirls "in their natural habitat" is always so weird.
It's like this fantasy cartoon character next to real people.
Really odd feeling.

Anonymous 01/01/2025 (Wed) 20:06 [Preview] No.124551 [X] del >>124552
no filters...

Anonymous 01/01/2025 (Wed) 20:24 [Preview] No.124552 [X] del
No, that's not it, did you even read what I wrote?

Anonymous 01/03/2025 (Fri) 02:22 [Preview] No.124685 [X] del >>124687
This Instagram account is back but she deleted this post

Anonymous 01/03/2025 (Fri) 02:55 [Preview] No.124687 [X] del >>124690>>124692
why does that post interest u so much?

Anonymous 01/03/2025 (Fri) 02:58 [Preview] No.124688 [X] del >>124689
still up lmao
At least now we get to see how lucky kay is , she gets to go to school with Marky after all!!

Anonymous 01/03/2025 (Fri) 03:25 [Preview] No.124689 [X] del
What's this?

Anonymous 01/03/2025 (Fri) 03:26 [Preview] No.124690 [X] del >>124691
NTA but there's a nazi SS symbol.

Anonymous 01/03/2025 (Fri) 03:44 [Preview] No.124691 [X] del
oh yeah didnt notice the SS lightning bolts

Anonymous 01/03/2025 (Fri) 04:02 [Preview] No.124692 [X] del >>124694>>124745
I find it interesting that this post is the only one that was deleted.
I think she is probably trying to distance herself from Nazi stuff or trying to prevent new followers from finding out about her Nazi stuff.

Anonymous 01/03/2025 (Fri) 04:26 [Preview] No.124694 [X] del
idk most actual nazis arent ashamed of being nazis

Anonymous 01/03/2025 (Fri) 23:59 [Preview] No.124745 [X] del >>124747>>124748
idkmaybe istopped because police came to my house idk tho bro
also half the shit in this thread isnt true, dont belive anything unless proof is posted

Anonymous 01/04/2025 (Sat) 00:11 [Preview] No.124747 [X] del >>124748
what did the police come to your house for??

Anonymous 01/04/2025 (Sat) 00:29 [Preview] No.124748 [X] del >>124749>>124751>>124768>>124773>>124775>>124777>>124778>>124781>>124789
(2.04 MB 3088x2316 IMG_1978.jpeg)
For what I was posting, one of my friends and also I don’t post stuff like that because the school I attend also had problems with it. In Victoria, the state I live in they take that stuff more seriously then any other place in Victoria.
This is also my post fyi

Anonymous 01/04/2025 (Sat) 00:31 [Preview] No.124749 [X] del
imageboards are for adults only, kay. do yourself a favor and fuck off.

Anonymous 01/04/2025 (Sat) 00:52 [Preview] No.124751 [X] del >>124759
That's fucked up that that would be a police matter, sometimes I forget how cucked other countries are. So glad I can promote Nazism as much as I want with legal impunity.

A H 01/04/2025 (Sat) 01:03 [Preview] No.124755 [X] del
> calls people retarded
> is the actual one in the wrong

Anonymous 01/04/2025 (Sat) 01:13 [Preview] No.124759 [X] del >>124765
lead in the water supply but at least its okay to say the nword online
True freedom...

Anonymous 01/04/2025 (Sat) 01:28 [Preview] No.124765 [X] del >>124766
Don't forget to take your daughter to her daily state-mandated Paki-gangrape or we might have to have the police pay you a visit as well.

Anonymous 01/04/2025 (Sat) 01:32 [Preview] No.124766 [X] del
I'm not british,quit projecting your fetishes

Anonymous 01/04/2025 (Sat) 02:02 [Preview] No.124768 [X] del >>124818
the image is flipped. perhaps because she's in upside down land. if you flip it right side round you'll see the date reads April 1st, 2025.. she's posting from teh FuTuRe!!1 xD

Anonymous 01/04/2025 (Sat) 02:25 [Preview] No.124773 [X] del
are you retarded? how did you never expect this would happen to you eventually?

Anonymous 01/04/2025 (Sat) 02:31 [Preview] No.124775 [X] del
your IQ is maybe even lower than your age
you deserved it tho

Anonymous 01/04/2025 (Sat) 02:39 [Preview] No.124777 [X] del
That OnlyFans has a date and hour set

Anonymous 01/04/2025 (Sat) 02:43 [Preview] No.124778 [X] del
I know some of the posters here are being nasty to you but some of us really like your videos. Thank you for posting them!

Anonymous 01/04/2025 (Sat) 03:07 [Preview] No.124781 [X] del
either be normal, stay in school, and give it up or just start the OnlyFans. you cant have your epic based egirl life and your normal one too. that being said, i doubt this is what your mom would want to see.

Anonymous 01/04/2025 (Sat) 06:42 [Preview] No.124789 [X] del >>124792>>124796
(110.93 KB 1007x1006 KayNudeLeaks.jpg)
Is this real?>>124748

Anonymous 01/04/2025 (Sat) 08:58 [Preview] No.124792 [X] del >>124794>>124795
(3.44 MB 1170x2532 IMG_1981.png)
(2.73 MB 4032x3024 IMG_1984.jpeg)
Well I’ve never been tanned in my life and that poor photoshop is missing 2 moles on my neck, I can’t find the og pic if I do I’ll post it

Anonymous 01/04/2025 (Sat) 09:49 [Preview] No.124794 [X] del
Beautiful Kayneck

Anonymous 01/04/2025 (Sat) 09:50 [Preview] No.124795 [X] del >>124800

the tan line also changes

A random guy added me on discord from tiktok and he sent me this.

Anonymous 01/04/2025 (Sat) 09:57 [Preview] No.124796 [X] del >>124797
LOL that is such an obvious airbrush AI job.

Anonymous 01/04/2025 (Sat) 10:00 [Preview] No.124797 [X] del >>124798
(2.24 MB 720x1280 m2-res_1280p.mp4)
"Lol" go back to reddit.com

also lets talk about this video

Anonymous 01/04/2025 (Sat) 10:02 [Preview] No.124798 [X] del >>124799
LMAO I have been on the chans longer than you alive XDDD

Anonymous 01/04/2025 (Sat) 10:06 [Preview] No.124799 [X] del

get a job then you 30 yr old loser

Anonymous 01/04/2025 (Sat) 10:12 [Preview] No.124800 [X] del >>124801>>124802
oh my god lol yeah trust the guy that said he was gonna come to my school and rape me, joined all my friends roblox games to harras them, faked discord screen shots (badly) spamms coconuts undermy posts joins my discord and says "marrissa im going to rape you" use critical thinking skills please.. he sent friend requestst to everyone in my server and spammed them gay porn as well, its just a 15 yearold jsn faggot who got mad that i banned his little girlfriend because she sent CP into my discrd server

Anonymous 01/04/2025 (Sat) 10:31 [Preview] No.124801 [X] del >>131215
i think i know his real name when i blocked him on tiktok i got a random follow out of no where from a account named Steven edmondson

Anonymous 01/04/2025 (Sat) 10:53 [Preview] No.124802 [X] del >>124803
whyd you attract these people if you dont wanna deal with them?

Anonymous 01/04/2025 (Sat) 11:38 [Preview] No.124803 [X] del
because woman

Anonymous 01/04/2025 (Sat) 13:08 [Preview] No.124818 [X] del >>124819
there's no way you're actually serious rn

The US is the only place that stupidly uses mm/dd/yyyy instead of dd/mm/yyyy

Anonymous 01/04/2025 (Sat) 13:10 [Preview] No.124819 [X] del >>124820
Sorry you can't understand freedom

Anonymous 01/04/2025 (Sat) 13:31 [Preview] No.124820 [X] del >>124822
how is being stupid freedom?

Anonymous 01/04/2025 (Sat) 13:56 [Preview] No.124822 [X] del >>124829
(53.13 KB 600x450 chris-chan.jpg)
I mean in a lot of ways it is, yeah

Anonymous 01/04/2025 (Sat) 14:32 [Preview] No.124829 [X] del
Yeah I guess your kinda right

Anonymous 01/04/2025 (Sat) 19:31 [Preview] No.125008 [X] del
sorry i don't speak child porn language

Anonymous 03/08/2025 (Sat) 02:06 [Preview] No.131218 [X] del >>131235>>131241
where is that even from?

Anonymous 03/09/2025 (Sun) 15:19 [Preview] No.131235 [X] del

Anonymous 03/09/2025 (Sun) 20:54 [Preview] No.131240 [X] del >>131241>>131252
i was asking where this video is you fucking faggot

Anonymous 03/09/2025 (Sun) 21:09 [Preview] No.131241 [X] del
Learn how to reply to posts you dumb cunt

Anonymous 03/10/2025 (Mon) 02:04 [Preview] No.131247 [X] del >>131251
go suck Mussolini's cock you fucking albanian

Anonymous 03/10/2025 (Mon) 15:49 [Preview] No.131251 [X] del
Holy mother of based

Anonymous 03/10/2025 (Mon) 16:17 [Preview] No.131252 [X] del

Anonymous 03/16/2025 (Sun) 08:53 [Preview] No.131301 [X] del >>131302>>131308>>131312
Kay does shit like this and wonders why she gets shit on she really must be retarded

Anonymous 03/16/2025 (Sun) 10:27 [Preview] No.131302 [X] del
Incels being reincarnated as attractive women is real

Anonymous 03/16/2025 (Sun) 11:33 [Preview] No.131303 [X] del
god i hope thats true

Anonymous 03/16/2025 (Sun) 22:08 [Preview] No.131308 [X] del
Man, if she thinks she's an incel, I'll prove her wrong with my mighty 18cm.

Anonymous 03/18/2025 (Tue) 01:07 [Preview] No.131312 [X] del

I mean seems pretty obvious tbf to her

Anonymous 03/21/2025 (Fri) 09:14 [Preview] No.131386 [X] del >>131448
does anymore have any good videos off her feet? im high as fuck and want to cum really bad

Anonymous 03/22/2025 (Sat) 11:15 [Preview] No.131448 [X] del
(2.14 MB 720x1280 toes.mp4)
Pretty sure this has been posted here before but whatever (I didn’t name the file btw)>>131386

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