11/30/2024 (Sat) 11:30
No.116578 [X]
link to her old tellonym account
and her twitter is rebbyislucky
i dont know a whole heap about her just general stuff i heard from having mutual friends with her
but i know she was living with her normie boyfriend of 3 years and had quite a good life, then cheated on him by getting back in contact with her mexican e boyfriend. so her and mexican get together, he flies over and visits for the first ever time. then they got engaged and he came over to live with her in Australia. her mum didnt like that he was mexican so vampjunk sold all her belongings in a raffle and bought a van and lived in a van with the mexican guy for a few months. during this time she went full junkie, was sending pussy pics to guys for heroin. her mexican guy looked through her phone and found all her nudes sent to other guys and got a plane back home the next day. she right now is just a junkie who has no belongings cause she sold them all. only thing she has is her job because her mother is her boss and owns the pottery place.