04/13/2022 (Wed) 14:29:34
No.11797 [X]
>>11791I didn't make this thread, Seymour did, but yes I made the chart, pretty good huh?
And no I don't have anorexia, I'm just a natural ectomorph who needs to exercise and put on more weight because I look like a Tim Burton Character.
I can't even lie guys, I fucking love it when you guys talk about me, it's a terrible addiction choking me from the inside.
I'm going to use this post as my personal blog for a second.
Basically the reason I came to /agatha2/ is because I'm a dorky nerd, who's not quite a normie or Chad irl, but I know that I'm better than most of the people in these parts of the internet, so a certain selfish part of my being admits that I came here to feel good about myself and be a big fish in a little pond. But that's over now, I recognize my flaws and after a few days of me just checking this thread for (you)s, I'll be leaving this place, and all r9k related bullshit in the past, for good.