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(192.32 KB 1440x1316 1650984228573[1].jpg)
I could have saved her.

Anonymous 04/26/2022 (Tue) 15:07:16 [Preview] No.12152 [X] del >>12153>>19014
I guess she clings to "chinese" identity, but I look at her and I don't even see her as remotely asian. Maybe Latina.

Anonymous 04/26/2022 (Tue) 15:10:56 [Preview] No.12153 [X] del >>19014
For the record, she's a Spanish-Chinese ethnic mix. Many people falsely assume her dad was Jewish, when his obituary says he was a Spanish lifelong Catholic.

Anonymous 04/26/2022 (Tue) 20:05:48 [Preview] No.12158 [X] del >>12162>>18920>>19014
Jewish is an ambiguous identity. The different Jew movements have different requirements for recognition and there are non-Jews who have created legal criteria, like the Nazis did. Israel also has its own legal definition of Jew too. Not everyone who identifies or labeled a Jew looks like the stereotype or has genetic lineage to the original Jews.

Anonymous 04/26/2022 (Tue) 20:23:55 [Preview] No.12159 [X] del >>12162
As for her, her father could have been acceptably "Jewish" to Orthodox Jews, through genetic linage of grandmothers, even though not observing Judaism, but she would not be recognized because her mother isn't Jewish. Reform Jews would only recognize her if one of the parents were an observant Jew. So she wouldn't meet the criteria to most religious Jews, but she could still be considered "ethnically Jewish" or labeled so by distant heritage. Considering she has east asain dominant features, most people would not consider her a part of the big club.

Anonymous 04/26/2022 (Tue) 22:22:15 [Preview] No.12162 [X] del
6th day creation, ethno
*Umbilical cord-to-umbilical cord* Jews stem from the 8th day creation, with lots of mixing heretofore

I still can't get over the belief this is all probably true. Two of every flesh onboard the ark (nostril-less, "life"-bloodless bugs within, as well as without, and clinging to floating debris).

Probably not your job to

Anonymous 04/27/2022 (Wed) 04:33:02 [Preview] No.12163 [X] del
(65.48 KB 667x710 6586909869875.jpg)
you can save her bro

Anonymous 04/27/2022 (Wed) 06:56:04 [Preview] No.12168 [X] del >>40061
(648.42 KB 1264x3896 1651023175457[1].jpg)
She's an artist, but she really sucks. Her art is even being covered by real news.


Anonymous 04/28/2022 (Thu) 18:42:45 [Preview] No.12197 [X] del >>13082
Wow, another hapa having an identity crisis. A few years ago some anon posted pics of her with her chad bf from some social media account. She's still the same slut from the videos. She still likes to be face fucked. From my experience, girls who are into hardcore shit like this are absolute butt sluts who like to be peed on and slapped.

Anonymous 06/05/2022 (Sun) 02:58:06 [Preview] No.12866 [X] del >>12869>>18925
(1021.18 KB 874x925 1654396358254[1].png)

Anonymous 06/05/2022 (Sun) 02:59:19 [Preview] No.12867 [X] del >>12869
(365.10 KB 1170x585 1654396889507[1].png)

Anonymous 06/05/2022 (Sun) 03:00:05 [Preview] No.12868 [X] del
(75.83 KB 1024x726 1654393607010[1].jpg)

Anonymous 06/05/2022 (Sun) 08:53:37 [Preview] No.12869 [X] del >>12870>>15194
I don't get why people feel the need to "hunt" people who did porn.
That can only be something incels or other worthless misogynists do.
People who have felt no love in their life and feel the need to destroy other's lifes too.

Anonymous 06/05/2022 (Sun) 10:21:11 [Preview] No.12870 [X] del >>13090
Personally I don't advocate harassing or stalking people, but at the same time there's no way she can just move on and expect no one to point this out. she cannot have any internet presense at all. The fact she setup a youtube channel with comments open was absurd.

She appears to have room temp IQ which partially explains why she did porn to begin with.

Anonymous 06/14/2022 (Tue) 23:43:41 [Preview] No.13082 [X] del
>Wow, another hapa having an identity crisis.

likely that plus daddy issues, and likely mentally messed up as well.

Anonymous 06/15/2022 (Wed) 15:30:39 [Preview] No.13090 [X] del
>She appears to have room temp IQ
I think that's the case for the majority of people.
Had chan people not thought of her as "uwu why did such a cute girl go into porn to get her throat fucked? ;_;" emo reaction, she would have been forgotten like probably 95% of (wo)men) that did porn or something pornographic at one point.

Anonymous 08/31/2022 (Wed) 22:39 [Preview] No.15181 [X] del
(1.51 MB 890x1053 1655805685004[1].png)

Anonymous 09/01/2022 (Thu) 20:34 [Preview] No.15194 [X] del
Youre right

Anonymous 10/11/2022 (Tue) 16:40 [Preview] No.16545 [X] del >>16552>>104623
It's surreal to see her moving in a non-porn setting since I'm so used to seeing her porn clips.

Anonymous 10/11/2022 (Tue) 21:21 [Preview] No.16552 [X] del >>16666
Is it seriously that hard for you to imagine she’s an actual real person and not a sex toy?

Anonymous 10/20/2022 (Thu) 18:42 [Preview] No.16666 [X] del
Just that the only other context of her moving around is violent throat fucking and eating ass. In contrast, I only know Sasha Grey from Hollywood and streaming. So in my mind it's jarring to see clips of her porn.

It's that htere's no transition period. If Kelly did a youtube channel and had a "here's how I got here" video, then did normal vids, I could get used to it.

Also I'm not into whites or asians, so she does nothing for me. A bit thin and pale. I like my darker latinas.

Anonymous 10/22/2022 (Sat) 23:00 [Preview] No.16701 [X] del >>16702
(416.37 KB 339x592 1666467113277521[1].png)
No clue why this was made but here it is.

Anonymous 10/22/2022 (Sat) 23:11 [Preview] No.16702 [X] del
>chink in the armor

Oh, I get it now. I never see her as asian to begin with, and I'm not good at non-linear thinking anyways so metaphors often elude me.

Trying to save all her princeton material in case it goes missing.

Anonymous 02/05/2023 (Sun) 11:14 [Preview] No.18915 [X] del >>117883
(148.94 KB 720x1333 1590611281288[1].jpg)

Anonymous 02/06/2023 (Mon) 00:11 [Preview] No.18920 [X] del >>18924
This is patently false. Judaism is an ethno-religion, one cannot simply convert or hold Jew ideals to become a Jew, much in the same way a Jew cannot become an atheist and a nazi and somehow no longer be a Jew. The closest term for her father is a shabbos goy, a lackey for the NWO at best.

Anonymous 02/07/2023 (Tue) 01:20 [Preview] No.18924 [X] del
Her dad was Spanish Catholic, and could kinda pass for Jewish. People just made assumptions because NYC Banker = Jewish.

She's a Spanish + Han mix. Physically she reads as Latina for me.

Anonymous 02/07/2023 (Tue) 02:35 [Preview] No.18925 [X] del >>18929>>19046
The fact that she commented that indicated that she did not, in fact, move on.

Anonymous 02/07/2023 (Tue) 07:40 [Preview] No.18929 [X] del
It's a sore spot. Bitches like this don't care about the porn it's the social reaction and shaming that gets to them. It's a huge hinderance in their lives.

Anonymous 02/10/2023 (Fri) 15:10 [Preview] No.19014 [X] del >>19021
Baltazar means Bel-at-assar is sirian name

Anonymous 02/11/2023 (Sat) 00:48 [Preview] No.19021 [X] del

Anonymous 02/12/2023 (Sun) 13:43 [Preview] No.19046 [X] del
the vid is not on youtube - it's likely removed.

Anonymous 09/11/2023 (Mon) 01:48 [Preview] No.30637 [X] del >>30670

Anonymous 09/12/2023 (Tue) 02:39 [Preview] No.30670 [X] del
(150.22 KB 1015x1024 1678660275697439.jpg)
Wait :^3

Anonymous 09/29/2023 (Fri) 22:08 [Preview] No.32095 [X] del
(963.18 KB 972x6183 1696022974831249[1].jpg)
(2.52 MB 2598x2789 1696022909556644[1].png)

Anonymous 11/29/2023 (Wed) 14:36 [Preview] No.40024 [X] del
(108.77 KB 958x960 1701260349859618[1].jpg)

Anonymous 11/29/2023 (Wed) 15:24 [Preview] No.40028 [X] del >>40030
(210.27 KB 800x1200 1701261744953752[1].jpg)
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(707.90 KB 750x1016 1701262911487386[1].jpg)
(291.01 KB 800x1200 1701261869375909[1].jpg)
more classy pics of this classy lady!

Anonymous 11/29/2023 (Wed) 15:31 [Preview] No.40030 [X] del >>40052
Didn't she hate her millionaire father and do porn just to spite him?

Anonymous 11/29/2023 (Wed) 15:39 [Preview] No.40031 [X] del >>44210
Her male hapa counterpart goes on an incel fueled rampage in Isla Vista while she looks 17 in her 30s.

How is that fucking fair?

Anonymous 11/29/2023 (Wed) 17:28 [Preview] No.40052 [X] del
She got over it. Daddy’s money keeps her happy.

Anonymous 11/29/2023 (Wed) 19:21 [Preview] No.40061 [X] del
>HAPA where are you from?

I'm not into modern performance art, but I kinda dig whatever she is doing. Guess it's kinda like observing a child playing in the mud.

Anonymous 12/24/2023 (Sun) 13:43 [Preview] No.43832 [X] del
No u couldn't

Anonymous 12/26/2023 (Tue) 22:11 [Preview] No.44210 [X] del
Someone I heard about used to know this half Chinese/White girl. They thought it was a guy (glowie). "Somehow" their dog ended up with all her socials, emails, passwords etc. Turns out she really was 22 and just looked 12. Her mother 42 and looked 20, grandmother 65 and looked late 30's, her great grandmother looked like the crypt keeper though.

tldr Asian pussy magic

Anonymous 05/04/2024 (Sat) 11:56 [Preview] No.66313 [X] del >>66400
(608.42 KB 578x908 1714823212295455[1].png)

Anonymous 05/04/2024 (Sat) 18:29 [Preview] No.66353 [X] del >>66398>>66449
kek cmon how is this a thread

Anonymous 05/04/2024 (Sat) 23:44 [Preview] No.66398 [X] del
(349.57 KB 1027x1613 1595641197382.jpg)
>how is this a thread
uhh, picrel

Anonymous 05/05/2024 (Sun) 00:34 [Preview] No.66400 [X] del
Does he know?

Anonymous 05/05/2024 (Sun) 05:00 [Preview] No.66431 [X] del
bro why would you ever entertain a bitch with a busted pussy for more than the smallest unit of measurement possible in a linear deduction of time?

Anonymous 05/05/2024 (Sun) 08:52 [Preview] No.66449 [X] del
>kek cmon how is this a thread

She's a Beautiful Angel. :3

Anonymous 06/12/2024 (Wed) 06:46 [Preview] No.72161 [X] del
Those incel retards she shot the video for got lucky. Anyone here know she's a dime-piece. Even today, looking fine as wine boyz!! #legit_fine_beaver

Anonymous 06/12/2024 (Wed) 07:20 [Preview] No.72163 [X] del
Her poor husband lmao that nigga must be on 24/7 suicide watch

Anonymous 06/16/2024 (Sun) 19:23 [Preview] No.73290 [X] del >>73293>>92695
(163.38 KB 810x1017 1718562339604902[1].jpg)
>2024 06 13

Anonymous 06/16/2024 (Sun) 19:32 [Preview] No.73293 [X] del >>73309
mega qt

Anonymous 06/16/2024 (Sun) 21:24 [Preview] No.73309 [X] del
Pure and wholesome.

Anonymous 06/16/2024 (Sun) 21:25 [Preview] No.73311 [X] del
File this girl under “don’t do meth even casually.” There has been no reference to meth in her backstory but that kind of young but hyper-sexual with no limits and doing porn are common in meth girls. Even the cutest bitch will sell herself after a few months on that.

Anonymous 06/25/2024 (Tue) 08:26 [Preview] No.75453 [X] del
beautiful angel mayli

Anonymous 07/14/2024 (Sun) 20:58 [Preview] No.80050 [X] del
(415.14 KB 1024x683 1720990608109700[1].jpg)
Mayli if full blooded Korean.

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 06:55 [Preview] No.85261 [X] del
(899.96 KB 1024x624 1722123334373249[1].png)
AI wants to make her more asian.

Anonymous 08/08/2024 (Thu) 21:35 [Preview] No.89225 [X] del >>92696
(81.50 KB 832x832 instagram profile.jpg)
>multidisciplinary artist, scholar, amateur mycologist, cat mom.

Anonymous 08/13/2024 (Tue) 17:49 [Preview] No.89974 [X] del >>89976>>91031
(2.84 MB 2587x3264 IMG_1258.jpeg)
(2.84 MB 2587x3264 IMG_1258.jpeg)

Anonymous 08/13/2024 (Tue) 17:56 [Preview] No.89976 [X] del
Imagine eating this good

Anonymous 08/19/2024 (Mon) 20:01 [Preview] No.91031 [X] del
I can fix her.

Anonymous 08/31/2024 (Sat) 08:57 [Preview] No.92695 [X] del
>>73290 She's hot AF. Not only would I cuddle up on her, I'd eat her ass, clit up down and all around, balls deep sweet love. Hot babydoll made a mistake, big deal. If she's a legit 5'8, goddamn, marry her and move to Cypress. Get the fuck out of NY and NJ at least. Those lads at Facial Abuse sure found a novel hustle. Fucking gross cunts (the guys) :P

Anonymous 08/31/2024 (Sat) 08:59 [Preview] No.92696 [X] del
skinny chic. Hot hot hot

Anonymous 10/03/2024 (Thu) 22:13 [Preview] No.104138 [X] del
Say what you want, but no e-girl has ever delivered like she has.

Anonymous 10/06/2024 (Sun) 08:01 [Preview] No.104524 [X] del
All this yapping and no one has posted footage of that * fucken slacking anons

Anonymous 10/07/2024 (Mon) 09:37 [Preview] No.104623 [X] del
damn she good at art

Anonymous 10/16/2024 (Wed) 07:08 [Preview] No.105580 [X] del >>105617>>106876>>108944
(133.83 KB 1191x985 1729051342989086[1].jpg)
newest pic.

Anonymous 10/16/2024 (Wed) 12:19 [Preview] No.105617 [X] del
would rape her throat

Anonymous 10/23/2024 (Wed) 13:07 [Preview] No.106876 [X] del >>108944
beautiful neck and collarbones, absolutely gorgeous

Anonymous 10/30/2024 (Wed) 01:03 [Preview] No.108944 [X] del >>109113
Angelic. I hope she has children!

Anonymous 10/30/2024 (Wed) 14:54 [Preview] No.109113 [X] del >>115089
if she has children i hope they arent sent to a public school, imagine being bullied because your mom made porn to epically own her dad kek

Anonymous 11/24/2024 (Sun) 12:26 [Preview] No.115089 [X] del
>👩🏻‍🎨 multidisciplinary artist, scholar, amateur mycologist, cat mom.

ie childless cat lady and soon to be wine aunt.

Anonymous 11/24/2024 (Sun) 12:29 [Preview] No.115092 [X] del >>115099>>115136>>115143
New frontpage pic for her art site.

Anonymous 11/24/2024 (Sun) 13:10 [Preview] No.115099 [X] del
angel :)

Anonymous 11/24/2024 (Sun) 18:28 [Preview] No.115136 [X] del
Beautiful pure angel

Anonymous 11/24/2024 (Sun) 19:16 [Preview] No.115148 [X] del
some images with extreme dimensions may not go through

Anonymous 11/24/2024 (Sun) 19:19 [Preview] No.115151 [X] del >>115207
What the heck, oh right 9000 px is too fucking high of resolution for endchan, anyways here's the link:

Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 01:10 [Preview] No.115207 [X] del >>115438
is the source elsewhere on her site? or some other photo shoot?

Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 22:32 [Preview] No.115438 [X] del
It's original file of one from site's front page. That link looks like this:

All of these can be changed, I'm not an expert but they look like ImageMagick parameters:
/v1/ to /v2/
/fill/ to /crop/
w_980 = width
h_406 = height
al_c = alignment
q_85 = jpeg quality
usm_0.66_1.00_0.01 = unsharp mask
enc_avif = codec
quality_auto = some another quality
112d56_a85e84fefec9485fb47c0e657f81d3dc~mv2.jpg = download filename

Usually there are just a few versions of same image pre-scaled and pre-cropped to set number of resolutions for use as thumbnails and at different browser window sizes. This one does 'em all. You can pass any parameters, and it will letterbox, crop, scale and compress in real time, server-side. This is how WIX handles images apparently.

"srcset" tag in page's source points to another resolution, which loads when your page is scaled at >200%:

Anonymous 12/03/2024 (Tue) 06:49 [Preview] No.117361 [X] del
she's back to being reddit famous now.

Anonymous 12/04/2024 (Wed) 21:21 [Preview] No.117883 [X] del
(34.49 KB 535x577 1658493175067064.jpg)
This will not end well... We must save her...

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