11/03/2022 (Thu) 18:44
No.17015 [X]
In many cultures across the world, once you hit 15 you were considered a man or woman. In fact, many people got married at this age. It's not logical to have a strict law to dictate that one day you are not allowed to engage in sex with a person a certain age range outside of you, then once the clock hits midnight, you suddenly have the wherewith al to have sex with someone older than you. Thank you feminists for raising the age of consent. You are basically saying that women are too stupid to make their own decisions, so they need a law to dictate when they are allowed to have sex with someone outside their age range. I think the younger a woman (within reason) is married, the better taken care of she is, resulting in a better woman. This is why see so many batshit insane women these days. They never had an older man taking care of them, looking out for them, while also keeping them in line in a loving way. Women need to be guided. Without guidence, they are easily lost. This isn't their fault, it is built into them. They are emotional creatures, which can be beautiful. However, it can also be abused. The powers that be know this, and have used women's emotions to sway agendas that end up damaging women. Notice that the feminist movement in the early 2010's quickly lead to the ushering in of transgenderism, ultimately destroying female communities and spaces. It's also important to note that these movements which are largely female motivated, end up damaging the mental health of females. Many women are very self conscious or crave the feeling of being a victim for the satisfaction of sorrow from others (because they don't have the care of an older male helping them navigate life) so these females look for labels for their issues instead of trying to cure their issues. This is largely where transgenderism comes into play. We have suddenly seen a huge pool of women claiming that all their problems in life revovle around them being in the wrong body. All of their problems stem from them being the wrong gender. However, once these women cut off their tits, get a skin graff to make a fake penis, take permanent life altering hormones, change their name, they are still unhappy. Because they did not solve their problem. Women are emotional, they get easily swept away in movements because it's exciting to them, women go through many phases in life, social phases especially. I know for a fact that the modern craziness of women stems from them not being cared for by an older male when they are young. This is why for hundreds of thousands of years, all cultures have had an older male take care of the younger female. It works. Our society is a result of this not in practice.
I also want to be clear that I have no desire to engage in sexual activity with a minor. Though I think 15 has been the age for thousands of years and across various cultures in which you are considered a man or woman, I think our current culture has "babified" people. Current day 15 year olds are much less mature than 15 year old in societies past. At 15 our culture has forced you into school, you have no personal say in what you want to do with your life, giving you less wordly experience. In societies past, you had much experience in the world and understood that 15 was adulthood. So to clarify, just because I say that in my world, age of consent should logically be lowered to 15 since it is legal to fuck animals who cannot consent, it does not mean I wish to have sex with animals or underage people.