07/24/2021 (Sat) 02:39:01
No.3413 [X]
>>3410oh yeah honestly i just went shopping and that dress was a night mare.. an autistic kid asked if i was pregnant hahahah like reee holy shit. ive come up with some way more fire fits me.
Im really biased with women personally and a big white knight. It makes me feel good to open Instagram and just leave nice comments on girls posts and when i meet a girl thats like 14/15 ETC I just wanna protect her from whats gonna come.
As for them in my eyes I just see two struggling lonely kids. Asteria is doing well and is normie now and was never a truly bad person. old trivia we edated actually.
With Ciara i really feel for how she just mustve been so fucking lonely. She never got to have a fun life with going out for coffee and goofing off w ur girl best friends maybe smoke a joint or omg Katie brought Smirnoff
She just had us. Till we lost her. I used to cry really often.
anyway im trying not to respond to like anything stupid or seem attention whorey even though i literally posted a picture of myself holding racks.. but thanks for the posts anon we would have prolly beem friends if we met elsewhere.
sorry for rambling. Been isolative recently