04/16/2024 (Tue) 10:10
No.64265 [X]
He had a post-panic attack/depressive episode stream 3 days ago.
Revealed that his grandparents survived the Cambodian commie massacre and escaped the country. His paternal grandma is British and grandpa is Hong Kong Chinese. He said he was raised by his grandparents because his parents weren't in his life. His parents divorced, his hald-white father remarried a mormon woman. He expressed lots of resentment against his family, especially mom and dad calling the family toxic. He also said in a previous video that he is a confirmed autist.
It makes sense: the fucked up family background, autism, playing tekken, interest in bay blades, gundam, anime... all indicators of him being a trooner. The thing that threw people off was probably the voice, but looking now at the bony hands and giant feet, no hips/ass and somewhat tall-ish stature for an allegedly asian female, it's more obvious. Generally SEAs trooners have it easy at passing because they are low T to begin with, unlike other races.
He also said that he plans to move to Japan permanently because of the cost of living in Canada. At one point in the stream a fat white dude with long hair walked into the apartment. He also appeared in the Japan vlogs couple months ago. It's either his bf or room mate.
tl;dr: Fake and gay NEET larper leaching off clueless orbiters