09/24/2024 (Tue) 12:21
No.99059 [X]
She quit talking to me a long time ago. All I know is that she hates her name and her dad is one of those welcome immigrants people and even married an African women and adopted her family and takes better care of them than he does his own kids her and her little brother. When she got into trouble for cutting herself her family was more embarrassed than concerned for her well being. It's no wonder she left home the first opportunity she got and shacked up with an older guy. She needs a father. I think her name is pretty but her dad is a total nutbar and she's crazy as well. She went through a phase of wanting to kill small animals and actually killed one and started collecting skeletons. She told me her and her little brother used to go out into the field and throw cow shit at each other. Pretty weird girl and family but I'd still stick my dick so deep inside her.