12/18/2021 (Sat) 04:33:41
No.7856 [X]
I also want to give you some kind of proof that I'm not her. I know what it means to be dumped, to be lied to, to be cheated on, to be treated with contempt and indifference, to be fooled. I know the humiliation, the frustration, the resentment, the rage and the desire for vengeance. I know all of that, in fact I've been through it quite a few times. it's also what stopped me for a long time from not depending so much on other people's behavior towards me, from all the nasty shit they did to me, and being responsible for my own situation. but you can believe me when I say that I can understand how you feel, and if you know anything about asteria, you know she wouldn't be able to say that.