02/21/2024 (Wed) 14:12
No.50499 [X]
It's impossible if you have no way to meet up pretty soon.
You might be able to help her out with her problems (and let's be real here, all e-girls have some varying degree of problems) if you can meet up IRL.
But you need to make up a plan when to meet pretty early on, don't just keep it a general idea or let her IRL issues get in the way of it, unless it's something REALLY big.
So yeah, what you're surely going to need is decent financials, so you can either get to her or get her to you. Do not invite her into your house right away though, it's a better idea to just live together during a vacation for a week or two.
Of course, all of these things only apply if you two actually connect and think she's worth it.
Source? I know from experience.
But here is the best piece of advice to know if it's worth it; If she was a dude, would you hang out IRL just as friends and put with all the mental shit? If the answer is "no", then it's most likely not worth it.
If you are like
>>44548 and
>>44597, stay the fuck away from people no matter what though.
>>44727There undeniably is something hot about a girl chosing you, while those idiots online try really hard to even get a pic of an eye.
That being said, tell your bitch to stop having disgusting nails.