04/02/2024 (Tue) 19:44
No.61359 [X]

>>60535You guys are derailing threads with this non-sense, and it really has to stop. There was unwarranted and baseless onslaught directed towards iris, who is a very sweet and cute girl that always participates in talking with people and from what Ive seen she havent done anything bad or out of pocket to anyone who was innocent. This whole scheme has resulted in a detrimental impact on her self-esteem and her whole percieving of herself. Upholding positivity towards puk can be achieved without hating other egirls or undermining their sentiments. This is also two sided, puk is sweet and pretty, she has alot opportunities in life however she spent it on the worst man-made schizoid forums which can fuck her mentality for ever. I sound like a hypocrite this way considering how old I was when I posted on 4ch but it's very different from what Puk is experiencing. The actual reasons her thread are getting deleted and why her name stays banned It's because she has been actually groomed by someone in the past,she has a weird kind of fanbase who is scarily obssessed over her and everytime there is a new thread about puk sensitive info gets leaked. I hope she doesnt text and involve herself with any of you mfs, and has a nice life outside of silly forums since she deserves one. Being positive to her its awesome, but inappropriate messages towards her are a no no which is something very common on her threads.
As I said stop thinking me, iris or any other egirl is larping as anonymously to spread hate towards puk, because we wouldnt, we want her safe. But yeah I can say you are right I am pretty much uninteresing and not pretty enough to be discussed or have people talk to me here and I'll just cope with it whatever. I resign myself to this reality, resigned to the notion that I must simply endure and accept my perceived insignificance. I have come to a conclusion that people dont find books, history or politics interesing to discuss in this website and I can do anything about it. I wish people would talk more to me but what I can do?