04/06/2024 (Sat) 14:22
No.62510 [X]

>>62197Japan is a Confucian culture which retained transactional prostitution, e.g. "Idols" are e-girls in variety of senses, commercially controlled by corporations.
Europe/Americas got sweeped with socialist ideals in early XX century, banning most forms of prostitution, so in the end we have decentralized small isles of icky transactional sexuality: prostitution, strippers and escorts (professionally listed models for hire), a huge empty area, and then there are e-girls like Eliza who post their boobs and face for attention and then fucks some dude for heroin. In Japan she'd work as a pretend girlfriend for salarymen, completely legal, regulated for a fixed hourly rate through some schoolgirl-for-hire agency. Sounds soulless as fuck, right?
It seems to me in later decades Orient-Occident cultures started blending together with the help of Internet, first we had Western girls gaining popularity in Japan, next we had Japanese formats imported to the West: cosplay, woman streamers, VA/vtubers, now we have subscription platforms where any western woman can do light Japanese-style prostitution in countries where penetrative prostitution is illegal. Mogusa isn't an e-girl. Someone found her personal tumblr and started forcing her on 4chans.