08/13/2024 (Tue) 17:37
No.89970 [X]
>>89950Also the main reason I don't like to talk about that shit here is because I don't wanna namedrop the guy, nor do I wanna namedrop other people who I know who are heavily invested in what went on. All his biggest knights keep showing up to this thread and namedrop him, namedrop everyone, some retard in the last thread even posted the video FBW took of him, which itself is revenge porn (a crime). I don't want any of that aired out publicly because HE wouldnt want that to happen, yet you and presumably the 1 or 2 other people alogging me, seemingly in his name, have absolutely no respect for his privacy and post all this shit about him here with no regards for how he feels and without his consent. He's been my friend for like 4 years at this point, I wouldnt have wanted anything bad or insane to
happen to him, and as a result I won't share any intimate details about it here. Ideally, if I'm gonna talk about it at all, i'd like for him to be present, but you niggas dont even care about him. You just wanna alog me because youre bored. It's why this topic never even comes up until every other piece of dirt you have on me is exhausted, which it always is, because all the other shit about me is total bullshit. This situation in particular is a "checkmate" because, yes, I refuse to share anything involving it publically with respect to him. If you want to talk to me about it, talk to me about it. You know where to reach me.