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(631.10 KB 1991x1120 Classification.jpg)
Egirl Classification Thread Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 12:21 [Preview] No. 84170 [X] >>84171>>84174>>84247>>84998>>85655
In this thread we classify egirls.

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 12:23 [Preview] No.84171 [X] del >>84998
Fyi iris has a failed twitch stream ^.^

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 12:24 [Preview] No.84172 [X] del
By that reckoning Belle Delphine is an organic egirl

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 12:35 [Preview] No.84174 [X] del >>84175>>84182
normie e-girls on the left, robot e-girls on the right

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 12:37 [Preview] No.84175 [X] del >>84177>>84180
How are right robots if they all had sex/do drugs? They're as normie as left just less popular.

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 12:37 [Preview] No.84176 [X] del
seething cewlcel detected

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 12:38 [Preview] No.84177 [X] del >>84179
females can't be incel

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 12:40 [Preview] No.84179 [X] del >>84182
Yeah females can't be incel and they can't be robot. Women are all normies, some of them just fail in that competition.

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 12:48 [Preview] No.84180 [X] del >>84181
(352.27 KB 469x885 Tinker-chan.jpg)
Tinker could easily be on the left since she fogs all those sluts but she's on the right because she's too weird for normies to like her and I doubt she would even want to engage with them.

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 12:49 [Preview] No.84181 [X] del >>84183
That's just cope. If she was really that attractive her tiktoks would have already blown up. Just accept that she will never be popular.

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 12:51 [Preview] No.84182 [X] del >>84185
so much this
make a robot vs non-robot egirls classification. I'm curious who you would consider a true female robot.

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 12:52 [Preview] No.84183 [X] del >>84186>>86058
(150.05 KB 1002x1112 IMG_4634.jpeg)
She looks like a homeless person

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 12:53 [Preview] No.84185 [X] del >>84187
Agatha was the most genuinely "Autistic" egirl, and even then she managed to become very popular online.

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 12:55 [Preview] No.84186 [X] del >>84196
because she is. kek

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 12:56 [Preview] No.84187 [X] del >>84188

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 12:57 [Preview] No.84188 [X] del
Yeah alright buddy we're on agatha2

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 13:42 [Preview] No.84196 [X] del
I genuinely don't get how she even has orbiters. But I guess as long as you're a female online it's pretty easy.

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 14:35 [Preview] No.84214 [X] del >>86058
(41.42 KB 442x590 fuark.jpeg)
tinker is a chad kek

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 14:54 [Preview] No.84226 [X] del >>84227>>84228>>87232
I think that we should further break down the egirl categories into; 1. Egirls that self posted but got enough fame to leave an imprint of their legacy online 2. Egirls that were brought over from other platforms due to some happenstance incels discovering them 3. Egirls that try to replicate the phenomenon (usually in later years) but fail (I can go in depth on the specific conditions needed for internet culture phenomenon to exist, in my opinion, but ill leave that for a dif discussion.)

Consider that since the an egirls usually defining trait being attentionseeking (even "innocent" egirls of this like agatha still posted content online) Ciara would be classified as the og/true egirl just from the AMOUNT of boxes she checks off for this criteria. Especially considering she succeeded the most in digital footprint(s)

I hope this makes sense I'm high af rn

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 14:59 [Preview] No.84227 [X] del
Almost no one remembers Ciara anymore, much less Agatha. Bianca won

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 15:00 [Preview] No.84228 [X] del >>84229>>84231
There are even more attentionseeking egirls like Empath though. It doesn't make them more of an OG egirl it just makes them a lolcow. In fact, the most powerful egirls are ones that actively didn't want themselves to get posted and discussed on imageboards but still were.

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 15:01 [Preview] No.84229 [X] del
Honestly, the one with the most lasting legacy imo is probably Rose. So many egirls nowadays are copying her early videos style, down to the crappy quality even though they were likely born after those videos were uploaded.

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 15:07 [Preview] No.84230 [X] del >>84240
Copying this from the marky thread:

>While girls like Boxxy or Rose are the ancient founding deities of e-girls, Marky, Agatha, Ciara, Erica, Ashley, Ken, Audrey and Sunny are the pillars of the e-girl canon, which flourished between 2015 and 2020. Other minor but significant e-girls like Bianca, Asteriaa, Tahlia, and even Brooke rank beneath them but benefitted from standing on the shoulders of giants by coinciding around the peak of e-girl culture.

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 15:07 [Preview] No.84231 [X] del
Yeah but thats why I specified in later years. They will never be nearly as popular just for the pure fact that most of the robots that would be interested normally are disgusted by the notion of a copycat, so much less impact (which is the reason I classified to an internet culture phenomenon)

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 15:18 [Preview] No.84234 [X] del >>84235
(153.54 KB 1080x1080 1631681205965.jpg)
For me it's Roz

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 15:21 [Preview] No.84235 [X] del
you can tell she's autistic just by looking at her face

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 15:23 [Preview] No.84236 [X] del >>84238>>84242>>84243
I'm trying to classify them all into virgins or used goods, but I have a few doubts.

1) Do you think Lucy is saving herself for marriage?
2) Does lesbian sex count? If it doesn't, agatha should be safe I guess.
3) Does rape count? Personally, I'd say yes.

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 15:26 [Preview] No.84238 [X] del >>84239>>84241
the only virgin is cewl

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 15:27 [Preview] No.84239 [X] del
>The one with the most nudes and is addicted to heroin is a virgin

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 15:28 [Preview] No.84240 [X] del >>84249
The peak of egirl culture is unironically now. That may have been the peak of 4chan egirl culture but egirls have become entirely mainstream.

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 15:29 [Preview] No.84241 [X] del
Press X to doubt

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 15:38 [Preview] No.84242 [X] del >>84253
>Does rape count?
it doesnt, unless it was "rape". some girls do drugs or get drunk and hang out with bad boys alone or let guys take advantage of them without fighting back. its not rape if theyre low key asking for it or let it happen

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 15:42 [Preview] No.84243 [X] del >>84253
Let's be honest. None of the girls posted here are virgins. Even Agatha likely had sex with a guy or a tranny at some point.

cewl 07/25/2024 (Thu) 15:57 [Preview] No.84247 [X] del >>84251>>84255>>84256>>84257>>84262>>84267>>85798
i dont want worldwide fame. i want to talk to people that actually understand what i mean. i like that people jack off to me because thats hot, and i dont care about any drama.

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 15:59 [Preview] No.84249 [X] del >>84254
>The peak of egirl culture is unironically now
Are you for fucking real now
Prominent e-girls are gone, some have walled hard, and some are even fucking DEAD lmao. There might be more but as always, quantity=/=quality. None of these boring ugly shitters like iris, vamp, cewl, empathchan, and others I don't even know the names of are remotely as memorable or important to this board's lore as a single girl from the era I quoted. Even forgotten bitches like Muffy have had way more character and relevance than today's "e-girls".

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 16:01 [Preview] No.84251 [X] del
shut the fuck up you tryhard ugly cunt
imagine feeling pride that permavirgin discord simps might jerk off to your ugly ass that you spam nonstop. fuckin die, unironically rope.

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 16:05 [Preview] No.84253 [X] del
Nah, agatha is disgusted by the mere sight of dick. She always wanted a girlfriend and she trooned out hoping to get one. At worst she had lesbian sex.

I think it counts because they still experienced sex and bear mental scars from it, which is even worse than losing your virginity young like most girls do. Even if it isn't their fault and they are not to blame, they are tampered product and not actual virgins.

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 16:10 [Preview] No.84254 [X] del
Yeah 4chan egirl culture is dead but as I said pretty much every teen girl is an egirl now. They just don't post on imageboards now.

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 16:11 [Preview] No.84255 [X] del
Even if you tried to achieve fame you wouldn't even reach 10k subs buddyboyo

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 16:14 [Preview] No.84256 [X] del >>84394
have you been tested for retard before? I'm surprised you are allowed to live without some sort of caretaker.

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 16:18 [Preview] No.84257 [X] del >>84258>>84259
(2.28 MB 2316x3088 IMG_5963.jpg)
It's time to admit that Cewl is the best girl

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 16:19 [Preview] No.84258 [X] del
Cheap hooker

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 16:22 [Preview] No.84259 [X] del >>84266
Here comes her sole orbiter pushing this rat doused in makeup looking whore

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 16:25 [Preview] No.84261 [X] del
A funny thing I've always noted is how defensive and uppity these girls get when you remind them of their past.

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 16:27 [Preview] No.84262 [X] del >>84394
Self-hating old heroin-whore. It's time to retire and make peace with your mind.

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 16:38 [Preview] No.84266 [X] del >>84270
(481.93 KB 960x1318 1663354011764.jpg)
You only hate her because she is the cutest

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 16:38 [Preview] No.84267 [X] del
how would you feel if your classmates find out

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 16:45 [Preview] No.84269 [X] del >>84273
Cewl is the main reason this board is still active. Also bonus points for not being a sex haver.

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 16:47 [Preview] No.84270 [X] del >>84271>>84280>>84394
(1.23 MB 2062x3664 cewl.jpg)
>Image that's filtered to suicide

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 16:48 [Preview] No.84271 [X] del
What an ugly fucking bitch honestly, I’m not surprised she comes here for attention

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 16:53 [Preview] No.84272 [X] del
I put Bianca in kind of borderline tier because she was fairly popular on instagram and obviously post-humous fame.

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 16:55 [Preview] No.84273 [X] del >>84274
>Cewl is the main reason this board is still active
Holy delusion, it's only you and perhaps another faggot that bump her threads and derail other girls' threads to force this fugly bitch

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 16:57 [Preview] No.84274 [X] del
Is it delusion that this board was on its death bed before cewl moved from r9k to this place? A bunch of other girls followed too.

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 16:58 [Preview] No.84275 [X] del
Don't respond or engage with the cewltard
Thread was perfectly fine til the whore itself and her shill showed up

Carry on posting on topic after this post

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 17:00 [Preview] No.84276 [X] del >>84277
Where is Aggie nowadays anyway? What are her socials? Is she still a tranny?

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 17:01 [Preview] No.84277 [X] del
Last news about her was starting a band with a tranny but they didn't release any music.

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 17:20 [Preview] No.84280 [X] del
What an beautiful fucking angel. I'm surprised she comes here for attention

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 19:48 [Preview] No.84310 [X] del >>84315>>88157
where is fatsaturn and why isn't he spamming pukara?

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 20:02 [Preview] No.84315 [X] del
Pukara is firmly in forced egirl territory

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 20:08 [Preview] No.84317 [X] del >>84318>>84339
(22.55 KB 680x383 e39.jpg)
Ashley did post on imageboards.

Pic related is from 2017.

She also made several threads on /b/ in 2016.

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 20:11 [Preview] No.84318 [X] del >>84319>>84324
She was already popular by then. Most of her uploads were 7 years before she posted there. Even Agatha posted on 4chan because people kept making threads about her.

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 20:29 [Preview] No.84319 [X] del

Yes, but it was her 4chan post and the 8chan dox/civil war that made her more popular and her first exposure outside of imageboards was the old KYM article and a popular Reddit thread on r/DeepintoYouTube.

She made it to TikTok in 2021 and blew up in 2023.

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 20:57 [Preview] No.84324 [X] del >>84328
>She was already popular by then
She had no popularity outside of imageboards.

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 21:13 [Preview] No.84328 [X] del


Her popularity outside of imageboards is a recent thing because of TikTok and YouTube documentaries.

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 22:48 [Preview] No.84338 [X] del >>84340
(1.39 MB 245x300 1721774364258833.gif)
I can't help but think that the anons who hate Cewl actually love her

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 22:49 [Preview] No.84339 [X] del >>84347
Didn't she get outed as a slut?

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 22:49 [Preview] No.84340 [X] del
Nobody loves that rancid looking bitch except literal cucks

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 23:52 [Preview] No.84347 [X] del >>84356

Yes because she cheated on her boyfriend and has lewds.

Anonymous 07/26/2024 (Fri) 02:10 [Preview] No.84356 [X] del >>84368
Cheated on her boyfriend and then her fiancé lmao

Anonymous 07/26/2024 (Fri) 03:58 [Preview] No.84368 [X] del
Holy lmao
Any sauce for this or is it hearsay?

Anonymous 07/26/2024 (Fri) 05:25 [Preview] No.84374 [X] del >>84378>>84384>>84388>>84394>>84401
I saw today that the whore girl with the goats on YouTube has been on birth control since 16!
Holy shit are all normie girls whores from the age of 16???
Or earlier?

Anonymous 07/26/2024 (Fri) 06:24 [Preview] No.84378 [X] del >>84384
my mom put my sister on birth control at 15. my sisters a whore thats been dating since 13. i have to say my family is white trash but most teenage girls are fucking behind their parents back

Anonymous 07/26/2024 (Fri) 09:21 [Preview] No.84384 [X] del >>84385
Doctors most commonly put teenagers on birth control to help relieve period pain and ease heavy blood flow.

Anonymous 07/26/2024 (Fri) 09:48 [Preview] No.84385 [X] del
i know. she didnt have that. i remember my mom saying she didnt want her to get preggo so she was gonna get her on the pill

Anonymous 07/26/2024 (Fri) 10:40 [Preview] No.84388 [X] del >>84425
What goats wtf

cewl 07/26/2024 (Fri) 11:07 [Preview] No.84394 [X] del >>84395
yes i was diagnosed autistic pretty early and i was diagnosed with adhd at 18 or 19
>mfw 22 is old
go back to orbiting children on marcs e harem
i use it for PCOS. before birth control my periods were so bad i would not be able to get out of the bed for almost a week, or had to get iv infusions to function. i would not get good grades if i had an exam during my period. she could be the same.

Anonymous 07/26/2024 (Fri) 11:08 [Preview] No.84395 [X] del >>84397
Go back to your containment thread you dumb roastie

cewl 07/26/2024 (Fri) 12:15 [Preview] No.84397 [X] del >>84399>>84400
then stop talking about me~ obsessed-kun~

Anonymous 07/26/2024 (Fri) 12:29 [Preview] No.84399 [X] del
Honestly I can't, I'm in love with you. Please accept my heart

Anonymous 07/26/2024 (Fri) 12:33 [Preview] No.84400 [X] del
Not eventhe guy you replied to but the thread isnt even about you you stupid junkie. Literally no one likes you and I even regret wasting my time giving you this little attention since i know you just cream yourself for any you can get and thats why you must derail any thread you can with your ugly whore roast, but damn get it through your empty subhuman head already.

Anonymous 07/26/2024 (Fri) 12:36 [Preview] No.84401 [X] del >>84425
What whore girl with the goats? Who the fuck are you even talking about?

Anonymous 07/26/2024 (Fri) 14:19 [Preview] No.84421 [X] del
The most forced egirl has to be empath. She's such a lolcow kek.

Anonymous 07/26/2024 (Fri) 14:44 [Preview] No.84425 [X] del >>84428
(86.34 KB 268x219 goat whore.png)
Jewtube doesn't force feed you videos of this goat whore? I don't even know why/how this started. Why are you force feeding me this whore, jewtube?
She said she was on birth control from 16 to 26, and now her uterus could explode or something.
The sad thing is she has a good, funny personality, meaning she developed a personality before she realized she was pretty.
That's the only reason she gets views, for being pretty.
But of course she's a WHORE. Fucking since the age of 16 if not earlier. Like all normie women. Esp the pretty ones. And like all 4chan egirls, let's be honest.

Anonymous 07/26/2024 (Fri) 15:32 [Preview] No.84428 [X] del
>Jewtube doesn't force feed you videos of this goat whore?
No? Maybe because I'm not a zoomer cattle that lets himself be force fed by suits?

Anyway, brootal goatpill. It's not out of nothing that Greeks invented Satyrs - they knew a thing or two about woman nature.

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 00:52 [Preview] No.84480 [X] del >>84481>>84482>>84484>>84485>>84492
btw guys how does Audrey have so many threads? She's not very attractive and most of the replies seem to just be hate. Is it one or two really obsessed guys?

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 00:57 [Preview] No.84481 [X] del
>She's not very attractive
this is the reason I've never clicked on a single thread of hers. she looks too masculine

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 00:57 [Preview] No.84482 [X] del >>84486>>84501
>She's not very attractive and most of the replies seem to just be hate. Is it one or two really obsessed guys?
that's literally cewl threads
Audrey's been around for way longer and has a solid fanbase like the other legacy girls (marky, ciara, etc), idk what to tell you

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 01:03 [Preview] No.84484 [X] del
i think it's mostly just her ex-boyfriend and one orbiter who's been seething for like a year because she had sex with someone that wasn't him

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 01:05 [Preview] No.84485 [X] del
from what I've seen, it's due to the leftovers their orbiters receive. anecdotes about her whoring, her posts on Telegram and there is always a new rare or leaked pic in each thread, it's fun

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 01:12 [Preview] No.84486 [X] del >>84495>>84499
(45.59 KB 678x718 20240726_201037.jpg)
cewl is very, very beautiful though

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 01:27 [Preview] No.84492 [X] del
>Is it one or two really obsessed guys?

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 01:41 [Preview] No.84495 [X] del >>84496
Nice filter to hide your huge jew nose lol

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 01:51 [Preview] No.84496 [X] del >>84497>>84499
she is objectively perfectly beautiful

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 02:00 [Preview] No.84497 [X] del >>84498>>84513
(1.23 MB 2062x3664 cewl.jpg)
dios mio

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 02:02 [Preview] No.84498 [X] del >>84499>>84508
(1.29 MB 3088x2316 23521451614.jpg)
beautiful simply beautiful

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 02:06 [Preview] No.84499 [X] del >>84500
Samefaggot posted these. The only one to ever post her nigger tier looks to the board and bump her threads. Just ignore.

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 02:12 [Preview] No.84500 [X] del
ok but I don't know what makes you think I was trying to pretend to be other anons

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 02:17 [Preview] No.84501 [X] del >>84502>>84507
Yeah but like 90% of the replies on her threads are just hate. When did that start happening and why?

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 02:19 [Preview] No.84502 [X] del >>84507
since the first thread or since her ex-boyfriend exposed her

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 02:46 [Preview] No.84507 [X] del
exactly as >>84502 said
if you read her very 1st thread and even her old /agatha/ threads it was all regular egirl simping and orbiting until her ex showed up and exposed her massively, then shit hit the fan and even more so as it was confirmed and more details and other really dirty stuff became known

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 02:47 [Preview] No.84508 [X] del >>84511>>84512
Yuck, would not give a second look in the grocery store

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 03:02 [Preview] No.84511 [X] del >>84515
you only say this to get my (you)

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 03:05 [Preview] No.84512 [X] del >>84513
>would not give a second look in the grocery store
same. she's pretty but too generic. she should dye her hair dirty blonde. blondes always stand out

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 03:15 [Preview] No.84513 [X] del >>84514
This is her with blonde hair and she looks like an albino abo

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 03:24 [Preview] No.84514 [X] del
I know your secret, you love her

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 03:38 [Preview] No.84515 [X] del
Look, I had to accept I wasn't that attractive, growing up, and it was hard

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 13:24 [Preview] No.84602 [X] del
Right can also be classified as lolcow egirls as a lot of their engagement comes from people who actively hate them.

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 13:25 [Preview] No.84603 [X] del >>84623>>84634
I'm starting to think Cewl suffers from delusions of grandiosity and NPD.

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 14:01 [Preview] No.84623 [X] del
She is a total lolcow, just as bad as Empath. I think she genuinely thinks she has online fame when she has 2 or 3 orbiters at best who are extremely low value people.

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 14:10 [Preview] No.84634 [X] del >>84680
>being delusional or excessively narcissistic is a disorder
psychology is a meme

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 14:58 [Preview] No.84680 [X] del >>84685
cope you are a loser

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 15:03 [Preview] No.84685 [X] del >>84687
no you. cewl is the cutest

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 15:04 [Preview] No.84687 [X] del >>84689
she is not even the cutest out of all the e-girls here she looks like a basement dweller tranny

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 15:08 [Preview] No.84689 [X] del >>84691
keep coping

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 15:10 [Preview] No.84691 [X] del >>84695>>84697
even bee mogs you ur a fat

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 15:11 [Preview] No.84693 [X] del
Anyone remember when iris doxed herself on r9k then pretended to be roping and then starting shilling her twitch stream? Was funny AF.

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 15:12 [Preview] No.84695 [X] del >>84698
I miss her bros...

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 15:15 [Preview] No.84697 [X] del >>84700>>84701
(174.50 KB 1153x2048 20240726_200954.jpg)
also stop derailing the thread, faggot

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 15:15 [Preview] No.84698 [X] del >>84702>>84703
bee was super cute I miss her too I guess we still have tinker but bee is cuter facially and more funny

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 15:18 [Preview] No.84700 [X] del
>derailing the thread
nice cope h4g this is not about you this is about all the e-girls. I would trade you to a mexican gang in order to have bee posting again, fucking boring bitch

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 15:18 [Preview] No.84701 [X] del
This thread has nothing to do with cewl. In this thread we make fun of cewl for being a lolcow roastie who defends pedrophiles for being a pajeet egirl.

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 15:19 [Preview] No.84702 [X] del >>84705
Bee is just Roz but ugly

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 15:21 [Preview] No.84703 [X] del >>84708
(1.24 MB 2640x1980 1719373305706515.jpg)
(240.85 KB 1080x1632 Screenshot_Chrome.jpg)
She was posting on /b/ but stopped
I hope she comes back

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 15:22 [Preview] No.84705 [X] del >>84707>>84709>>86058
nah ,bee has a better facial harmony, light eyes and a cool personality. Roz is schizo and uglier

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 15:23 [Preview] No.84707 [X] del >>84714
This + bee doesn't do porn or have leaks

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 15:24 [Preview] No.84708 [X] del >>86058
I hope she comes back we need our real queen here

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 15:24 [Preview] No.84709 [X] del
(47.49 KB 960x905 1493613073579.jpg)
kys nigger

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 15:25 [Preview] No.84711 [X] del >>84712
(524.75 KB 711x1203 b.png)
Big Bee Boobies

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 15:27 [Preview] No.84712 [X] del >>84713>>84718
Didn't bee fuck some fat spic and actually get pregnant? Also post her cut scars. KEK. She's a lolcow just as much as cewl.

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 15:28 [Preview] No.84713 [X] del >>84715
Who cares she has big tits now and is funny

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 15:28 [Preview] No.84714 [X] del >>84176
>bee doesn't do porn or have leaks
and that's a bad thing

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 15:29 [Preview] No.84715 [X] del >>84717>>84721>>84731>>84751
(821.60 KB 3008x4000 1684683561965.jpg)

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 15:30 [Preview] No.84717 [X] del
(549.05 KB 902x1454 1686072180453.jpg)

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 15:30 [Preview] No.84718 [X] del >>84719>>84733
(461.59 KB 1078x1058 30c56e8380317acf208b4b.jpg)
becoming a mom is based and counter culture pilled, cewl will never be a mom she is an abortist whore. Becoming a mom is blessed
>fat spic
cewl would kill someone in order to date michael (because cewl wants fame). Michael would never love a bitch so ugly as cringewl

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 15:31 [Preview] No.84719 [X] del >>84731
hello michael KEK

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 15:32 [Preview] No.84721 [X] del >>84723
Still cute tbh
Blond isn't very flattering on her though she needs to stick with black or brown, never do light hair again Beebee

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 15:33 [Preview] No.84723 [X] del >>84731
This thread has nothing to do with this cutting whore who gets creampied by fat spics.

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 15:34 [Preview] No.84724 [X] del >>84725
Sosa isn't even fat he posts selfies on r9k whenever he's mentioned he looks kind of tucked up though like a school shooter

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 15:35 [Preview] No.84725 [X] del
>tucked up
Damn autocorrect I'm turning you off

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 15:40 [Preview] No.84731 [X] del
bee is cute and has tomboy aura
he is in jail you fucking retard
cope this is about all the e-girls not a cewljeta thread lol

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 15:41 [Preview] No.84733 [X] del >>84749
(127.10 KB 685x680 1681337855978.png)
having children doesn't even make sense. I mean think of the terrible fates of some like Bianca. More personally I have known many people and animals who suffered (physically) a lot, recently a friend died during his dialysis and his father is going down the same path ahh how disgusting and retarded are the faggots who have children.

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 15:47 [Preview] No.84749 [X] del >>84766
I think this is Cewl because she's a hardcore antinatalist

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 15:48 [Preview] No.84751 [X] del
(205.41 KB 220x273 1711419500995666.gif)

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 15:55 [Preview] No.84766 [X] del
(593.73 KB 5312x2988 1511203743438.jpg)
i am not cewl and i am not an antinatalist, i am simply the opposite of edgy, i only want everyone to die so that they no longer suffer

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 16:49 [Preview] No.84878 [X] del >>84893
Empath and Cewl are the most forced egirls in history

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 16:59 [Preview] No.84893 [X] del >>84901
At least Cewl is hot

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 17:08 [Preview] No.84901 [X] del >>84915>>84977
she is literally empathchan 2.0 ugly fat and photoshops/edits her pics to look cuter

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 17:22 [Preview] No.84915 [X] del >>84918>>84977
>cewl is... le ugl-AAACK

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 17:23 [Preview] No.84918 [X] del >>84979
(1.06 MB 710x1244 48848.png)
>Cewl is beau-AAAAAACK

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 19:02 [Preview] No.84971 [X] del >>84975
All of you are pathetic for orbiting 4/10 girls who would not give you the time of day irl

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 19:09 [Preview] No.84975 [X] del >>84988
but most egirls do fuck their orbiters. it's like a lottery system except when your winning number is pulled you still need money drugs and/or clout to seal the deal

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 19:13 [Preview] No.84977 [X] del
Jesus Christ that nose has its own gravitational field

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 19:15 [Preview] No.84979 [X] del >>84984
(507.19 KB 903x614 Hypertelorism.png)
cewl be like
>pic related

stop forcing this ugly bitch nobody likes

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 19:18 [Preview] No.84981 [X] del
who the fuck is this !? e-girl board turning into the e-neckbeard board

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 19:23 [Preview] No.84984 [X] del
>stop forcing this ugly bitch nobody likes
I think it's the same 4 guys elliot included and cewl herself

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 19:33 [Preview] No.84988 [X] del
>at least you can fuck one of these 4/10!
woah... big change

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 20:12 [Preview] No.84998 [X] del >>85000>>85003>>85011
this thread is mean and hurts my feeelings, but you're not wrong. i am actuially probably one of the most pathetic failures of an egirl that ever existed. but its so unfair!!! most of these girls only wanted to be left alone and you all worshipped them!! meanwhile some of us go to great lengths just to have your attention and you just bully or ignore us. well um gonna most likely quit streaming anyways, everyone told me it would fail and it did :D

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 20:16 [Preview] No.85000 [X] del >>85002
of all the e girls you are the ugliest and as a person you are disgusting. you deserve nothing but being Bianca'd, nigger

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 20:18 [Preview] No.85002 [X] del
idk what to tell you why do think i stuck around so long. nobody notices me elsewhere cause i am ugly and although i am nice my personality is disgusting to people like you for some reason

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 20:23 [Preview] No.85003 [X] del >>85009>>85015
if they wanted to be left alone they wouldn't have constantly posted themselves and pandered to orbiters. but yeah, the egirls of yesteryear were more attractive and better at pretending to be interesting. now it's all been done and the internet isn't the same place. you new self titled egirls just come off as forced, desperate to attach yourself to girls who were actually orbited, memed and desired in their day.

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 20:29 [Preview] No.85009 [X] del >>85015
I have never seen the new e-girls getting used as reaction images in other boards while the older e-girls were used quite often

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 20:51 [Preview] No.85011 [X] del
You're just not interesting or quirky like Rose. Look at her videos and you can see she put in 10x more effort than you do in your streams.

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 21:24 [Preview] No.85015 [X] del >>85017>>85022
(98.46 KB 568x1000 12323232.jpg)
yeah its too late to ever make it as an egirl desu. i shouldve started years earlier. also not been born ugly. either way it is what it is, im thankful to even get a thread made for me on here at all when ive never been popular anywhere before
eh maybe.. from what i heard about agatha she hated you guys though. i couldve loved you guys so much but you only care about getting attention from certain girls (stacy). also i guess i could have put more effort to force an interesting personality instead of just gamin and beeing myself but that is so hard

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 21:28 [Preview] No.85017 [X] del >>85019
You aren't a virgin though so how can I orbit you? You have to give the orbiters a fantasy.

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 21:47 [Preview] No.85019 [X] del >>85020
ciara wasnt one
neither was bianca
and many others

what else can i do but say sorry i guess? ive been abstinent for years since. honestly even if i was one i would still not make it just cause of general social awkwardness and not being stacy

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 22:02 [Preview] No.85020 [X] del >>85071>>86036
They were never that popular, no matter what people on here say. The only truly popular egirls were the ones that were popular outside of imageboards. The egirl circlejerk here is like 10 people.

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 22:05 [Preview] No.85022 [X] del >>85023>>86036
consider not being black and you'd have a shot at e-girldom. otherwise forget about it.

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 22:06 [Preview] No.85023 [X] del >>85024>>86036
It's not that she's black. If she was attractive she could have made it or if she was more interesting.

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 22:08 [Preview] No.85024 [X] del >>85025
e-girls can't be black lol. hate to break it to you and her, but it's just not possible

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 22:12 [Preview] No.85025 [X] del
Doja Cat is a black egirl

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 23:35 [Preview] No.85071 [X] del >>85164>>85170
(110.50 KB 1143x993 1481792756610.jpg)
>The only truly popular egirls were the ones that were popular outside of imageboards.

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 02:17 [Preview] No.85164 [X] del >>85170
Agatha would have been popular on YouTube regardless of 4chan. According to her analytics most of her viewers were female.

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 02:22 [Preview] No.85167 [X] del >>85169>>85171>>85194>>86058
All these girls are trash compared to Goddess Angel Ken

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 02:23 [Preview] No.85169 [X] del >>85174
Tryhard whore

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 02:25 [Preview] No.85170 [X] del >>85173
Agatha wasn't popular before she blew up on imageboards.
Unlikely. And I think you've got that backwards. According to her analytics most of her viewers were male, a fact that she remarked upon several times.

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 02:26 [Preview] No.85171 [X] del >>85174>>85193
(99.33 KB 640x960 ken.jpg)
ugly forehead

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 02:28 [Preview] No.85173 [X] del
She would have been much more popular today with how popular asmr is + the 4chan crowd actually is a bad thing for the algorithm

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 02:28 [Preview] No.85174 [X] del >>85176>>85193>>85194>>85383
She's just original and actually has a personality unlike those e-hookers who hang around with normies on Discod.
Ken is high IQ and doesn't mingle with normalfags.

She's beautiful.

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 02:31 [Preview] No.85176 [X] del
Idk man the guys she dated/fucked are super ugly.

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 03:05 [Preview] No.85193 [X] del >>85413>>85416
Just how can a girl be this cute yet this ugly at the same time? I've seen the same phenomena happen to girls like Audrey, for example

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 03:06 [Preview] No.85194 [X] del >>85383
(545.00 KB 1080x1765 Commie_angel.jpg)
Great taste
She's the only good egirl
the rest are retarded whores

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 15:19 [Preview] No.85383 [X] del >>85384
She looks like she gives strawberry flavored kisses

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 15:23 [Preview] No.85384 [X] del
Yeah, her lips probably taste like heaven 😍

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 16:42 [Preview] No.85398 [X] del >>85402>>86058>>87866
(360.05 KB 1280x1280 1510859340643.jpg)
Literal tranny

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 16:56 [Preview] No.85402 [X] del >>85409>>85432
literal peak e-girl femininity

she looks so fragile one would need velvet gloves to even touch her

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 17:12 [Preview] No.85409 [X] del >>86052
(3.36 MB 1440x1440 1681452629301502.png)
Well put, anon. Well put.

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 17:17 [Preview] No.85413 [X] del >>85416
she and audrey are just ugly

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 17:20 [Preview] No.85416 [X] del >>85425
What a blasphemy.
Dont ever compare beautiful angel Ken to that ugly fat thing

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 17:34 [Preview] No.85425 [X] del >>85429>>85588
(91.30 KB 960x720 hapa.jpg)
this but the opossite
never compare the ass licking goddess with that ugly tranny again

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 17:42 [Preview] No.85429 [X] del
(17.49 KB 700x563 Audrey.webp)

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 17:47 [Preview] No.85432 [X] del
She looks like a caveman

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 22:16 [Preview] No.85582 [X] del >>85583
Why is cewl so desperate for fame? She really is the egirl equivalent of an Indian man on the internet.

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 22:28 [Preview] No.85585 [X] del
I will forever be a cewlfag, but this is fucking pathetic. Also i still can't believe that guy fucked Marky

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 22:40 [Preview] No.85587 [X] del >>85589
loool cewl is going to cuck her fans and get hydepilled

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 22:44 [Preview] No.85588 [X] del
Wow... the magic of camera angles ...

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 22:44 [Preview] No.85589 [X] del >>85617
She wishes she could but apparently she's too old and ugly for him

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 23:23 [Preview] No.85604 [X] del
dumb bitch just declared war on marky and all the markybros with this stupid little move. we will be notifying the channing chads as well

Anonymous 07/29/2024 (Mon) 00:00 [Preview] No.85617 [X] del >>85643
did he ghost her after seeing her face?

Anonymous 07/29/2024 (Mon) 02:37 [Preview] No.85643 [X] del >>85644
yep gg

Anonymous 07/29/2024 (Mon) 02:39 [Preview] No.85644 [X] del
(379.85 KB 500x809 1680390684264.png)
it's so over

Anonymous 07/29/2024 (Mon) 03:16 [Preview] No.85655 [X] del >>85658
would yall say the classifications for egirls are niche, mainstream and classic (retired)?

Anonymous 07/29/2024 (Mon) 03:23 [Preview] No.85658 [X] del >>85661
I think that's a pretty good way to classify them, but even inside niche there are egirls that were clearly popular on their own merit and others that are clearly just shilling themselves.

Anonymous 07/29/2024 (Mon) 03:53 [Preview] No.85661 [X] del >>85662>>85793
>egirls popular on their own merit

>egirls clearly shilling themselves
Rozelli, tinker, cewl, and the rest of the boring tryhard whores.

Anonymous 07/29/2024 (Mon) 03:57 [Preview] No.85662 [X] del >>85704
at least cewl is perfect

Anonymous 07/29/2024 (Mon) 05:09 [Preview] No.85704 [X] del
Shut the fuck up, stop samefagging and stop shilling the attention starved nigger nosed subhuman.

Anonymous 07/29/2024 (Mon) 11:42 [Preview] No.85793 [X] del
(373.38 KB 1920x1088 1494327384665.jpg)
Roz mogs all

cewl 07/29/2024 (Mon) 12:46 [Preview] No.85796 [X] del >>85797>>85799>>85808
bruh im just obsessed with fishtank i wanna interact with autists i would love to be friedns with josie or summer it just looks so fun im not fucking sam hyde the hell

Anonymous 07/29/2024 (Mon) 12:50 [Preview] No.85797 [X] del
only drooling retards like fishtank

Anonymous 07/29/2024 (Mon) 12:56 [Preview] No.85798 [X] del
Do you have a collection of cumtributes done to your pictures?

Anonymous 07/29/2024 (Mon) 13:18 [Preview] No.85799 [X] del >>85801
you sounded like you were simping for sam hyde tho

Anonymous 07/29/2024 (Mon) 13:58 [Preview] No.85801 [X] del
She would have tongued Sam Hydes ass to be on fishtank fr

Anonymous 07/29/2024 (Mon) 14:17 [Preview] No.85808 [X] del
of course you want to fuck sam hyde and befriend the two crazy trannies from the show

Anonymous 07/30/2024 (Tue) 00:05 [Preview] No.86036 [X] del >>86038
(198.62 KB 1024x1024 0002.jpg)
i would be happy being only popular on here and other small communities. yeah that would make me happy.
what qualifies as interesting to you guys is just being insane and evil and pretty. so i guess i was never gonna make it

Anonymous 07/30/2024 (Tue) 00:13 [Preview] No.86038 [X] del >>86045
just be white
don't be black, it's not that difficult

Anonymous 07/30/2024 (Tue) 00:41 [Preview] No.86045 [X] del >>86047>>86049
(196.43 KB 828x1472 4330.JPG)
wow you are so funny and original -_-

Anonymous 07/30/2024 (Tue) 00:46 [Preview] No.86047 [X] del >>86049>>86063
you just have to post nudes and everyone will "love" you.
but you won't do it, what a bitch, especially now that they doxxed you

Anonymous 07/30/2024 (Tue) 00:52 [Preview] No.86049 [X] del >>86063
also, honestly, this is the only pic where you look kinda cute for a nigger girl

Anonymous 07/30/2024 (Tue) 01:01 [Preview] No.86052 [X] del
This is the only good pic of ken

Anonymous 07/30/2024 (Tue) 01:09 [Preview] No.86058 [X] del >>86062>>87085
solidified post-2018, the "social internet", phone users, late adopters, discovered "layer 2 of internet" from journalists and Content Creators, blue collar in denial, beaten-down ultra passive-aggressive, gen x 2.0 (Billie Eilish speaks to them for a reason: >>85398 >>84214 >>84705 >>84708 >>85167 >>84183 )
people who use computers, actual social media avoiders (including chansites), actual autistics, internet early adopters (by modern standards), people whose IQ isn't rock bottom, middle class

It's that simple. Vel­ma (legal), Caseyf*ce (legal), Rose, etc., are of the second group. Pre-skeleton Ciara too, maybe. Most of the posters on this board and chansites are of the top group. Rose is so group 2 she only Content Creates once a year.

Anonymous 07/30/2024 (Tue) 01:25 [Preview] No.86062 [X] del >>87000
Ella Hollywood mogs all the bitches though

Anonymous 07/30/2024 (Tue) 01:26 [Preview] No.86063 [X] del >>86067>>86070
(123.96 KB 1024x1024 77768644.jpg)
you're retarded
>claims to be racist
>calls black fembots cute anyways
every time
its actually sad

Anonymous 07/30/2024 (Tue) 01:37 [Preview] No.86067 [X] del
i'm not racist when i'm hot!

Anonymous 07/30/2024 (Tue) 01:39 [Preview] No.86070 [X] del >>86079>>86092
Iris you are a failed egirl just fuck off my thread. Forcing yourself here isn't going to make you more popular.

Anonymous 07/30/2024 (Tue) 01:54 [Preview] No.86079 [X] del >>86083>>86092
what I don't like most about nigris is how she's always like
>i just want frens im such a loser no one likes me anyway and I'm so ugly please compliment me guys :(
nigga please

Anonymous 07/30/2024 (Tue) 02:05 [Preview] No.86083 [X] del
>Don't ask her how many guys have added her on discord in total

Anonymous 07/30/2024 (Tue) 02:25 [Preview] No.86092 [X] del >>86093
forcing myself might not make me popular but at least it might make people remember i exist and that i love them and want their attention
no i dont bruh
i am objectively ugly but some guys can find cuteness in ugly, men will want to fuck anything, i dont claim to be femcel or unable to find a bf or anything. i just dont want one

Anonymous 07/30/2024 (Tue) 02:26 [Preview] No.86093 [X] del >>86097
You don't love anyone, you just want attention.
>some guys can find cuteness in ugly
That's a phenomenon called settling

Anonymous 07/30/2024 (Tue) 02:31 [Preview] No.86097 [X] del >>86120
yeah, settling, whatever you wanna call it, its not hard to find a guy that would settle for you as a girl but desu i want experience being proper simped over like a stacy one day... even if its after surgery and whatnot. i dont have interest in masturbtion and etc and i do like having my personal space oftentimes. so i guess you're sorta right. but its not want its need., dont need a bf, do need attention

Anonymous 07/30/2024 (Tue) 02:33 [Preview] No.86101 [X] del >>86120>>86126
non white girls dont get simps. youll always be someones 3rd or 4th choice im afraid.

Anonymous 07/30/2024 (Tue) 03:17 [Preview] No.86120 [X] del >>86126
Maybe you could get a black guy to simp over you if you got a really big ass

Anonymous 07/30/2024 (Tue) 03:28 [Preview] No.86126 [X] del
i love bein skinny
well it is what it is, i won't take it to heart because a cute stranger girl irl said "you're really really pretty and i love your style" so nobody can take that from me desuw

Anonymous 08/01/2024 (Thu) 11:59 [Preview] No.87000 [X] del
>This is your brain on tranny porn

Anonymous 08/01/2024 (Thu) 21:23 [Preview] No.87085 [X] del >>87802
what do kennedi, tinker and bee have in common with billie eilish? your post is correct but your typing reads schizo

Anonymous 08/02/2024 (Fri) 15:08 [Preview] No.87232 [X] del >>87233>>87235>>87236>>87247>>87853
1. Successful selfposting egirls
Ciara, Marky, Kennedi, Cewl, maybe Bee, Pukara

2. Egirls that were brought over from other platforms
Rose, Agatha, Ashley from youtube
Bianca, Sunny, Tinker, Lucy from discord

3. Egirls that try to replicate the phenomenon but fail
Iris, Vore, Miyoko, Ika, French-chan, Wren, Vultz, Fia, Kasper, every literally who

Dont know where Audrey and Vamp fall on the list.

Anonymous 08/02/2024 (Fri) 15:18 [Preview] No.87233 [X] del >>87237
(73.15 KB 675x227 1662508989889719.gif)
for me it's obviously:
riffy 1. and vamputa 3.
the category 3 never take off because they are ugly as sin and boring as hell

Anonymous 08/02/2024 (Fri) 15:37 [Preview] No.87235 [X] del
Ashley, Sunny, Lucy all selfposted

Anonymous 08/02/2024 (Fri) 15:37 [Preview] No.87236 [X] del >>87237

Anonymous 08/02/2024 (Fri) 15:51 [Preview] No.87237 [X] del
Category 3 never takes off because they just dont have "it" and also give up. Kasper was pretty (was) and Vore is interesting. But they could never have orbiters.
She has orbiters right now. It will probably not last tho.

Anonymous 08/02/2024 (Fri) 16:30 [Preview] No.87247 [X] del >>87250>>87273>>87285
Horrid list. Move cewl and bee to tier 3. They're not succesful and they're not even e-girls, just forced mentally ill tryhards.

Audrey is clearly in 2. She was brought over from r9k in 2018 to the original /agatha/

Anonymous 08/02/2024 (Fri) 16:39 [Preview] No.87250 [X] del >>87254
(237.86 KB 487x858 2.jpg)
>anon is still coping over the impossible to dethrone queen, cewl of /cewl2/

Anonymous 08/02/2024 (Fri) 16:45 [Preview] No.87254 [X] del >>87257>>87258>>87259
(490.09 KB 449x401 bitcheslaughing.png)
>bitch had literally 2 discord simps self bumping her shitty ass thread after her original one went a year with 0 (zero) replies

Anonymous 08/02/2024 (Fri) 16:54 [Preview] No.87257 [X] del
(1.64 MB 1284x2074 1697551280277619.jpg)
it's obvious, you were the og cewl simp.
how did she butthurt you?

B 08/02/2024 (Fri) 16:55 [Preview] No.87258 [X] del >>87261
It's actually around 12 people (me included), but the server has more people
Cewl is precious, stop being salty

Anonymous 08/02/2024 (Fri) 17:08 [Preview] No.87259 [X] del >>87264>>87267
this audreyfag projection LMAO

Anonymous 08/02/2024 (Fri) 17:15 [Preview] No.87261 [X] del >>87263>>87266
(247.68 KB 475x411 00.png)
>Cewl is precious, stop being salty
Figures negative IQ inbred looking whores would link up lmao

Anonymous 08/02/2024 (Fri) 17:18 [Preview] No.87263 [X] del >>87267
(811.07 KB 1082x608 Audrey.png)
You simp for this

Anonymous 08/02/2024 (Fri) 17:19 [Preview] No.87264 [X] del
jeez the junkie whore getting catfish'd buckbroke her and her 2 cuck simps mentally to oblivion.

B 08/02/2024 (Fri) 17:20 [Preview] No.87266 [X] del >>87268
Why did you post a picture of yourself...?

Anonymous 08/02/2024 (Fri) 17:22 [Preview] No.87267 [X] del >>87272
What indication was there that that post simped for Audrey, you absolute mongs? I won't ask you if you're retarded because that's a given seeing who you simp for but damn, you must be the gayest niggers to ever disgrace this board

Anonymous 08/02/2024 (Fri) 17:24 [Preview] No.87268 [X] del >>87270
(98.33 KB 1157x782 bee.jpg)
>Why did you post a picture of yourself...?
Epic banter, racemixer-with-a-pedro skank

B 08/02/2024 (Fri) 17:28 [Preview] No.87270 [X] del >>87279
These images don't look similar beyond skin and hair color, you must have schizophrenia or a weird pattern seeking disorder
Btw you made this joke 4 times across the board already, so get new material please

Anonymous 08/02/2024 (Fri) 17:30 [Preview] No.87272 [X] del
(199.33 KB 1080x1920 1542242577783.jpg)
Jewish mouths full of cock, anyone who doesn't kneel before Audrey is a gay by default.

Anonymous 08/02/2024 (Fri) 17:34 [Preview] No.87273 [X] del >>87281
Cewl has 16 or so threads right now. Maybe it's just from the amount she blogposts, but Cewlarmy is a thing. Idk she has fans.

Anonymous 08/02/2024 (Fri) 17:49 [Preview] No.87279 [X] del
(25.07 KB 469x385 1657552903936.jpg)
>These images don't look similar
Lol shut up you ugly pedro loving freak lmao

Anonymous 08/02/2024 (Fri) 17:52 [Preview] No.87281 [X] del >>87284
have you even actually read them
60% of the posts tell them to kill herself and that she's an ugly drug addict, 30% are a couple of terminally online simps from discord, and the remaining 10% are other minor pseudo egirls. Nothing organic, nothing memorable, just contrived shit.

Anonymous 08/02/2024 (Fri) 18:03 [Preview] No.87284 [X] del >>87327
(116.23 KB 971x1368 IMG_1849.jpg)
At least Cewl knows how to draw

Anonymous 08/02/2024 (Fri) 18:08 [Preview] No.87285 [X] del
True, only two mentally ill simps of her bump her threads the rest is hate

Anonymous 08/02/2024 (Fri) 18:39 [Preview] No.87290 [X] del >>87307>>87889
whats really sad is, can you imagine if cewl didnt post a shitload of nudes constantly? lol. she would have literally zero orbiters.

Anonymous 08/02/2024 (Fri) 19:53 [Preview] No.87307 [X] del >>87314>>87327>>87813
She could unironically and potentially have thousands of followers if she took her art seriously by growing her community on sites like twitter, because she does have the talent.

Unfortunately for her, her incredibly low subhuman-tier IQ makes her prioritize discord drama, drugs, and having a few imageboard simps jerk off to her. She had the talent to be known as a very good artist and maybe even live off it, but instead chose to be a shitty failed egirl.

Anonymous 08/02/2024 (Fri) 20:07 [Preview] No.87314 [X] del >>87317
Normalfags don't deserve even a bit of Cewl

Anonymous 08/02/2024 (Fri) 20:26 [Preview] No.87317 [X] del >>87320>>87818>>87832>>87844
Yeah, you are entirely correct. She is exactly where she deserves to be. A laughing stock drug abusing whore with a few people who enable her dumb shit on discord and imageboards. She doesn't deserve to be an actual interesting, succesful and talented person because she's too stupid to become one in the first place. If she wasn't she wouldn't think having a thread on endchan and a discord server where she spreads her asshole to anyone to be the epitome of existence.

Anonymous 08/02/2024 (Fri) 20:37 [Preview] No.87320 [X] del
(1003.59 KB 400x323 1682347972690592.gif)
I must agree with you, a little, Cewl is spoiling herself between us. I won't fall for the meme of being successful either thoughnever

Anonymous 08/02/2024 (Fri) 21:21 [Preview] No.87327 [X] del >>87334>>87353
Nigger, it's literally anime art, tranime art, fucking calm down. Anyone who thinks that shit deserves any artistic merit should be tortured and raped, in that order.

Anonymous 08/02/2024 (Fri) 21:56 [Preview] No.87334 [X] del >>87339
She's obviously talented at drawing pose and conveying emotion through expression even if it's tranime, which beats shit like hyperrealism in artistic merit every time. Plus, good artists who are smart enough to become visible on social media and know their targets can and do make bank on commisions alone, if not even approached by animation studios.

Anonymous 08/02/2024 (Fri) 22:09 [Preview] No.87339 [X] del >>87353
>which beats shit like hyperrealism in artistic merit every time
You're trans, without irony, you say this as an anime consumer. Art or not, it's tranime

Anonymous 08/02/2024 (Fri) 23:05 [Preview] No.87353 [X] del >>87357
Don't you have to be over 18 to use this website or something

Anonymous 08/02/2024 (Fri) 23:21 [Preview] No.87357 [X] del
(275.75 KB 750x1200 1697049682545727.jpg)
>mfw the manchild who watches cartoons for specifically children talks about age

Anonymous 08/03/2024 (Sat) 00:57 [Preview] No.87369 [X] del
every retarded tranny can draw anime. not even real art tbh

Anonymous 08/04/2024 (Sun) 10:20 [Preview] No.87802 [X] del >>87808
>what does Kurt Kobain have to do with grunge kids?

Anonymous 08/04/2024 (Sun) 10:49 [Preview] No.87808 [X] del >>87866
>billie eilish

Anonymous 08/04/2024 (Sun) 11:10 [Preview] No.87813 [X] del
(178.75 KB 1280x720 maxresdefault.jpg)
Her art is trash, it's like Pewdiepie tier. Any retard can draw tranime with enough effort.

Anonymous 08/04/2024 (Sun) 11:19 [Preview] No.87818 [X] del >>87835

Anonymous 08/04/2024 (Sun) 12:46 [Preview] No.87832 [X] del >>87835
I hope cewl reads this

Anonymous 08/04/2024 (Sun) 13:17 [Preview] No.87835 [X] del
(1.46 MB 282x278 91K5.gif)
someone has already said it (and with the same words) to her many times.
i can say that cewl's studying a good career, she is supposedly a little rich and has friends and more importantly, apparently she's quitting drugs (i am one of those who thinks dhe will die of OD though). cewl just wants to have fun with us.
The truly brutal thing that she should read, what I think will really affect her, is what concerns her trannyme art.
cewl literally has no talent, unlike what the other anon said

cewl 08/04/2024 (Sun) 13:47 [Preview] No.87844 [X] del >>87845
(665.34 KB 2360x1640 Untitled_Artwork.jpeg)
my art took a huge blow after having an art block because i havent drawn during my addiction a lot. it became worse than what i was drawing in high school tbqh. im still glad people like it, but im trying to improve it.
thank you for the constructive critisism

and what i do with my life i dont care what you think because im just doing whatever and then ill die. im just doing what i wanna do for the day or week.

i just hate myself for entertaining some people who shall not be named, and not drawing when i was getting high. i hate 70% of what i draw rn. i cant finish any drawing.
(before heroin art)

and thank you to those with kind words.

Anonymous 08/04/2024 (Sun) 13:52 [Preview] No.87845 [X] del >>87847
Draw more rape its epic

cewl 08/04/2024 (Sun) 13:53 [Preview] No.87847 [X] del >>87871
i like drawing sex. thank you :)

Anonymous 08/04/2024 (Sun) 14:14 [Preview] No.87853 [X] del >>87860
I would put Vamp in tier 3 because she tries hard by selfposting and seeking attention when in reality she's just another failed normie tiktok user.

I would also move Cewl down to tier 3. Frankly I think shes a bit of a bastardization of orbitting culture, whoring around on agatha herself and talking to her sole 2 simps who only want her free nudes.

Would also move Bee down to tier 3. She's a bit more subtle because her presence is bigger on discord and the only reason she overlaps with agatha-type egirl culture is because of her association with her pedro baby daddy.

Shes a bit of a wild card because although she is popular its only because her only orbitters (which are plenty) are actual pedrophiles on telegram. I wouldn't put her in 1, probably 2 because shes moreso on the streaming/discord aspect of egirl culture.

Did she ever selfpost?

Does she really belong in tier 2? I feel like shes a bit closer to "literal who" status especially since shes averse to the attention now before she got a chance to be big.

Other than that I agree with the list

Anonymous 08/04/2024 (Sun) 14:32 [Preview] No.87860 [X] del >>87861>>87863>>87874>>87880>>88009
Kennedi used to post her face on r9k when young.

Anyway I've decided the best way to sort egirls is just the egirl to lolcow gradient spectrum.


Anonymous 08/04/2024 (Sun) 14:33 [Preview] No.87861 [X] del
Some can be switched around like marky and ciara and anyone in the iris/audrey/tinker/bee area

Anonymous 08/04/2024 (Sun) 14:39 [Preview] No.87863 [X] del
(279.37 KB 1024x768 1678240852244166.jpg)
i can't believe you put Rozelli in the middle of Iris and Empath, disgusting bitches that i want to kill

Anonymous 08/04/2024 (Sun) 14:55 [Preview] No.87866 [X] del
Excuse the wall of text.
>Lefty memes

Not what I meant - [Kurt Kobain/Billie Eilish/Bauhaus/Johnny Rotten/Blackpink] is the Wuhan lab and [grunge teens/wiggers/goths/punks/kpop fans] are the wet market for spreading the virus.
>usually teenage but the majority of Western adults have elements of this
>fake cuteness as self-shielding form of aggression: anime, deliberate fake smiling, jester toddler clothing >>85398, typing in lowercase bc ur just chill asf or w/e forreal *squishy cheek peace sign*, "amy they/them (smol kitten !!)". "Look at this grown ass man getting mad at cute little old me xD" (meanwhile overhauled their entire life and identity in order to own people)
>deliberate ugliness as an attempt to get under people's skin: intentional torn and unfitting clothing, unshaved pits, glib offhanded carefreeness, irony, green dreadlocks, greasiness, eyebags, intentional low intelligence identity ("we're the young generation maaaaan", "bruh were just chill asfuck idek why your so mad forreal")
>default passive aggressive due to abusive working-class parents and getting mind-cooked by school social dynamics (popularity, bullying, etc.) or by politics in the case of Tumblr and Nick Fuentes streetwear wignats
Punks break out of their shell by just openly covering themselves in shit, instead of risking bullying by being sincere and privately trying to fix their minds to handle embarrassment. Posting pictures of yourself at 15 years old on goddamn chansites is a form of covering yourself in shit, which brings it back to selfposting. They also use drugs and get teen pregnant not because of the animal pleasure, but to convince themselves to "not worry about my problems", "everything will work out". Again, this does not just apply to teenagers.

Am I being too harsh? Absolutely. Being forthright is not entirely bad. You need some way to get out of your shell without spending years fixing every mental problem you have. I'm just here because Ciara is hot.

Anonymous 08/04/2024 (Sun) 15:27 [Preview] No.87871 [X] del >>88249

Anonymous 08/04/2024 (Sun) 15:37 [Preview] No.87874 [X] del >>87980
Pukara definitely needs to be put lower towards the lolcow tier. The shame she has probably brought onto her family with her pandering to pedrophiles online must be immense and embarrassing.

Where would you put Miyoko, Lucy and Cewl?

iris 08/04/2024 (Sun) 16:12 [Preview] No.87880 [X] del >>87892
i am not a lolcow
i should be nowhere near empath

Anonymous 08/04/2024 (Sun) 16:53 [Preview] No.87889 [X] del >>87912
yep just today she posted her gross HRT looking tits on her board to prove she doesnt have brown nips

Anonymous 08/04/2024 (Sun) 16:57 [Preview] No.87892 [X] del >>87995
You are absolutely a lolcow, you posted your name, and ssn on r9k then pretended to be killing yourself then a day later you were promoting your twitch channel

cewl 08/04/2024 (Sun) 17:37 [Preview] No.87912 [X] del
>on her board
>her board
heh.. yes... this is my board, /cewl2/

you can tell the haters are teenagers

Anonymous 08/04/2024 (Sun) 20:19 [Preview] No.87980 [X] del >>87983
Pukara is too young to be a lolcow and doesnt recieve enough hate

I would put Lucy in between Kennedi and Pukara, Miyoko in between Iris and Roz, and Cewl in the ciara/marky/audrey tier

Anonymous 08/04/2024 (Sun) 20:24 [Preview] No.87983 [X] del >>87991
Cewl is even below iris. If cewl didn’t post nudes she wouldn’t even be discussed.

Anonymous 08/04/2024 (Sun) 21:04 [Preview] No.87991 [X] del
100% this. cewl has a bloated hrt body and is ugly as sin and has a horse face. we should all do our best to erase her from our minds and pretend she doesnt even exist and hopefully she will go the fuck away

Anonymous 08/04/2024 (Sun) 21:10 [Preview] No.87995 [X] del >>88061>>88138
(867.96 KB 2160x2700 1708714487328292.jpg)
ok some people harrassed me for a few months over just posting some selfies. they, tried to make my parents believe the lies you guys spread with zero actual proof because the worst things i did was just chatting with r9k people and wanting validation. i never posted nudes or anything bad like how empath literally scams men and spits on the homeless. also not a lolcow cause barely anyone knows i exist

Anonymous 08/04/2024 (Sun) 22:23 [Preview] No.88009 [X] del
No, Kennedi did not do that. She wasn’t mentioned on r9k until like 2017 and it was by Donatello who found her tumblr through rym threads, because she was massively popular on rym. The archives are free.

Anonymous 08/05/2024 (Mon) 03:41 [Preview] No.88061 [X] del
>lolwcows don't know they're lolcows

cewl 08/05/2024 (Mon) 08:14 [Preview] No.88138 [X] del >>88142>>88144>>88244>>88250>>88307
irl fat cows cant help but put us queens down so they can feel higher babes. keep your head up and dont let your crown fall queen. they just hate anything they see. the same 3 people hate me and i can figure out every one of them because they just talk about the same stuff like over and over it makes me not care anymore. they cant find anything new and claim lies they make up are real even peetend to be me to stir things up and answer themselves 5 minutes later. they stoop too low and just hide under the fact they are anon.

Anonymous 08/05/2024 (Mon) 08:32 [Preview] No.88142 [X] del >>88150
Based sweetheart Cewl. I agree with everything you said btw, really obvious that each egirl tends to have some specific haters and schizos that frequent the threads more than anyone else, looking like more posters than they are.

Anonymous 08/05/2024 (Mon) 09:04 [Preview] No.88144 [X] del >>88150
Cewl types like a black lady from lipstickalley. Cewl african confirmed.

cewl 08/05/2024 (Mon) 09:52 [Preview] No.88150 [X] del >>88244
ikr!! at least sage right? theyre acting like i ruined their life like dude just close the tab. like if u didnt care that much you would hide the thread. make the same exact comment you make about my body with a picture you downloaded of me, repeat every hour or so. like ... its repeatitiveness makes me stop getting hurt by it. find sth new dude. lol
whats black about my comment i didnt mean to say anything and didnt use aave i just made another form of you dropped your crown; king meme im not appropraiting cultures i swear

Anonymous 08/05/2024 (Mon) 10:47 [Preview] No.88157 [X] del >>88508
>where is fatsaturn and why isn't he spamming pukara?
she deleted her instagram and all her videos showing her face

Anonymous 08/05/2024 (Mon) 16:14 [Preview] No.88244 [X] del
(5.55 KB 230x219 38476389339.png)
what a boring and shitty cheap whore and don't even think about the fact that you are defending (almost without irony) iris, that disgusting ugly nigger

Anonymous 08/05/2024 (Mon) 16:25 [Preview] No.88249 [X] del
I wish I had a clussy like that. Even Joker in his new movie has a clussy.

I'm always left behind 😞

Anonymous 08/05/2024 (Mon) 16:27 [Preview] No.88250 [X] del >>88265
>us queens
You're a rancid looking brown subhuman. You're not the queen of shit. Nobody simps for you save for 3 discord faggots who are only in on it because you give away your putrid roastie unsolicited. Get the fuck off this board for fucks sake.

Anonymous 08/05/2024 (Mon) 17:15 [Preview] No.88265 [X] del
cewl is brown

Anonymous 08/05/2024 (Mon) 18:57 [Preview] No.88307 [X] del >>88310
(152.87 KB 850x479 64838.JPG)
true bleh they are baiting me and i keep walking right into it. keep your head up and keep being cute and cewl ily

Anonymous 08/05/2024 (Mon) 18:59 [Preview] No.88310 [X] del >>88363
go back to africa, nigger

Anonymous 08/05/2024 (Mon) 20:05 [Preview] No.88363 [X] del
>Said a brownoid

Anonymous 08/06/2024 (Tue) 03:26 [Preview] No.88508 [X] del >>89003
she only deleted the youtube videos, her instagram is still up and full of pics of her

Anonymous 08/08/2024 (Thu) 01:47 [Preview] No.89003 [X] del
It's a good thing I saved her vids
tee hee

Anonymous 08/08/2024 (Thu) 02:27 [Preview] No.89008 [X] del >>89015>>89036
i just realized this today: im following at least 4 egirls that have a sore on their bottom lip. weird isnt it? is it herpes?

Anonymous 08/08/2024 (Thu) 02:44 [Preview] No.89015 [X] del
It's from biting the dead dry skin off of their lips.

Anonymous 08/08/2024 (Thu) 06:48 [Preview] No.89036 [X] del
Yes, from sucking my cock

Anonymous 08/08/2024 (Thu) 22:16 [Preview] No.89236 [X] del >>89242
can anyone tell me who would be classified as 'classic e-girl'? i know that the ancients like cracky/boxxy would classify but what about others that everyone still thinks about?

Anonymous 08/08/2024 (Thu) 22:37 [Preview] No.89242 [X] del
ciara, erica, marky, kennedi, sunny, agatha, crispy, would all be from the golden age of egirls

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