/agp/ - Autogynephilia

God, I wish that was me

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Pair bonding Anonymous 07/26/2023 (Wed) 02:47 [Preview] No. 28
Anything can start out solely sexual and become an emotional attachment over time. When you're thinking of yourself as a woman in your fantasies for long periods of time and the reality is that your body is not at all what you fantasize about, you start to become so fixated on patching up the incongruence between your real body and the body you have in your fantasies. I've seen it myself. I went from "whatever" few years ago to "Oh my God, I want her dress and I want to be her". I think this is what separates the "Cis" AGP from the transexual AGP, the "Cis" AGP will form no attachment to the idea of being a woman and it'll just be a simple fap fantasy. the transexual AGP will welcome these feelings and believe he/she was supposed to be a man/woman with increased feelings over time, so even though it may have started out only sexual, the fetish takes on a life of its own without its host even realizing before it's too late

Anonymous 07/26/2023 (Wed) 04:23 [Preview] No.31 del
Seems reminiscent of Blanchard's beliefs, and also the idea that the condition of a trans AGP is one they inflicted upon themselves by burning so much energy and thought on the sexual fantasies. Like how TERFs are quick to label transgenders as "porn-sick males"

That said, it happened to me too. Went from "just a fetish" to feeling bad about my body not being like the pretty perfect girls in those fantasies, so fuck, maybe you're right

Anonymous 07/26/2023 (Wed) 04:43 [Preview] No.32 del
Yep, I was just fapping to TG comics until it became non-sexually daydreaming about being my female self to now taking estrogen. The pipeline is real.
Although I think in my case it was realizing I already had that emotional attachment but it was subconscious and I just became more aware of it over time.
Because I was already attached to girls growing up, idealizing them, idealizing female characters in fiction and so on.

Anonymous 07/27/2023 (Thu) 05:54 [Preview] No.38 del
>Because I was already attached to girls growing up, idealizing them, idealizing female characters in fiction and so on.
Why didn't you lead with that? It just sounds more like you had some form of innate gender mismatch and the porn and fantasies were just symptomatic, rather than the cause
While lots of AGPs claim that porn or longterm fixation or w/e turned them trans, it's more likely that they were never normal to begin with

Anonymous 07/27/2023 (Thu) 07:36 [Preview] No.40 del
It mirrors my self-understanding process, maybe I could have worded it like you've mentioned though.
After understanding I was different and then looking back on past memories, my actions and beliefs then made a lot more sense.

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