- She talks, looks, dresses, and acts like a long-haired, elegant, and "princely" bishounen (literally "pretty boy"). Though dressed like a boy outside of school, wears the mandated female uniform when attending.
- Has manly/masculine interests, tastes, attitudes, hobbies, speaking style, etc. Behaves exactly like a real guy-like guy, most other friends are male, instead of females, and even refers to herself with masculine pronouns.
- Skilled fighter and athlete, Highly intelligent, Cool and Badass personality.
- Most girls have a crush on her, and instead of ignoring this, she reciprocates by flirting and romantically/sexually pursuing other girls in whom she has an interest, even above and beyond what lengths most anime girls would go to, is open about finding females attractive, even moreso than males.
- However, she does not pretend to be male, she openly identifies herself as a female, and acting like a guy is simply her personality instead of a front that gets dropped as soon as her real sex is revealed. Her friends accept her as "one of the guys" and an "honorary bro" since they can effectively act around her and with her as if she were a male friend in a female body, and even the "body" part never comes up anymore because the novelty of it got old.
- Instead of being a straight girl with a female fanclub, or a bisexual who just needed to meet the right man, she is openly lesbian, and actually gay, she doesn't bend or change as the series progresses, the problem for her when it comes to romance is sorting out the girls who simply deeply respect her or are questioning themselves from the girls with whom she can expect a complete and long-term relationship, in both a romantic and sexual sense (as in, "rather than experimenting with the expectation that we'd break it off for heterosexual relationships down the line, we are going to commit to each other for a long time, dating, introducing ourselves as a couple, moving in together, marrying, even raising kids together, and we are going to fuck in all sorts of ways, real lesbian sex with all the erotic stuff that implies, not simply kissing, holding hands, or picking flowers together, none of that class S shit here - this is the real deal homo lezbo thing we are doing together").
- still, quite attractive from a male perspective, could be sexiest girl in the school if she acted more feminine and wasn't a openly expressing herself as a dyke, which is something her friends still tease her about. She has a feminine body shape, meaning an hourglass figure with large tits and ass on a tiny waist (0.6 ratio between her tits/ass and waist, along with a 1:1 ratio between her tits and ass).
She isn't entirely feminine she also has a muscular and /fit/ physique, meaning that every muscle in her body is extremely well exercised, and she is 6 feet tall at 13, making her taller than most of the boys in her school.
She hit puberty early, and ended it early as well, so a lot of this could be marked down to her having a head start developmentally, but most other girls will also never quite close the gap with her.
- lastly, her backstory is she was the daughter of a single father, and had nothing but brothers, uncles, and grandfathers around her in her family, her dad had always wanted a girl but also had no clue how to raise a girl when he finally got one, and his wife had died before their daughter turned 4, so he did the best he could.
This by itself did not make her into who she was, because for a large part the way she is is mostly genetic in origin, all her environment did was allow these traits to fully express themselves.