Catalog of /asatru/


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What is Asatru?
Long before Christianity came to northern Europe, the people there – our ancestors – had their own form of spirituality that influenced every aspect of their culture. One expression of this European spirituality was Asatru. It was practiced in the lands that are today Scandinavia, England, Germany, France, the Netherlands, and other countries as well. Asatru is the original, or native, religion for the peoples who lived in these regions. Nevertheless, Asatru is more than just a religion in the narrow sense of the word. It is our way of being in the world; some of us call it the “Germanic Folkway” to underline this larger concept.

What does the word “Asatru” mean?
It means, roughly, “belief in the Gods” or “those true to the Gods” in Old Norse, the language of ancient Scandinavia in which so much of our source material was written. (A more literal translation would be “gaining experience of the ancestral sovereign gods.”) Asatru is a name given to the religion of the Norsemen, but we use this term to include the spiritual worldview of all the Germanic peoples, not just the Scandinavians.

When did Asatru start?
Asatru is thousands of years old (though it is practiced in a modern form today, to meet the needs of our age). Its beginnings are lost in prehistory, but it is older than Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, or most other religions. The spirit it expresses, though, is as ancient as the northern European peoples themselves because it is an innate expression of who and what we are – not merely a set of arbitrary beliefs we have adopted.

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wiccan hate thread

wiccan hate thread

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Anyone else pumped for Varg's new book? It just came out a few days ago! I just put in my order this afternoon.

The cover isn't as snappy as Sorcery and Religion, but I hope the content is just as good.

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A rare sighting of Thor crossing the bridge to Valhalla.

Photographed in Leipzig, Germany.

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So I am an avid fan of mead and drinking mead. To the point where I am currently brewing two one gallon batches of my own mead.

Anyone else like mead or are brewing mead? If so what brand do you drink or what recipe are you brewing?

Do you use mead for blots? Or drink it on holidays?

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Asatru/Heathen wellness and nutrition thread

Been wanting to make this thread for a while. Just a general thread on what your diet looks like,suggestions, and stuff to help combat allergies, illness, muscle pains, etc

Been using Alive Men's One a day and been getting more energy and generally feel better. Also my receded hairline is growing back somewhat due to Saw Palmetto which is included in the multivitamin.

Also been using Dr. Teals for muscle aches and pains it helps a lot.

Also taking fish oil, apple cider vinegar, and broth.

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Celtic Heathenry

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Norse Prayers General

From 8gag:
ITT we collect everything related to vocal ritual worship of the gods.

Prayer texts, prayer beads et cetera are all welcome ITT.

Recital in Old Norse from the original Edda text, Voluspa (The Sibyls Prophecy or Divination of the Witch)

Voluspa 1-4 Poetic Edda Recital in Old Norse

Voluspa as recited by Sveinbjorn Beinteinsson

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Documentary - Europes Last Pagans

This is a documentary about Europe's last unbroken pagan tradition. In ancient times, people of most ethnic groups used to pray like the Mari El pagans do to this day. These people are so loyal to their gods that their belief survived both the Christian expansion and the ban on all religions during Soviet times.

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I demand an official stance on race mixing before I waste time investing in this board. Are you wiccan or are you folkish? Choose one and only one.
