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Anonymous 08/16/2023 (Wed) 17:25 [Preview] No. 53
>be me
>go to take a shit
>sit on the throne for easily 20 minutes, and just can’t shit
>can feel the turd pushing against the inside of my asshole
>say fuck it and just take a shower
>while in the shower I get an idea
>soap up finger and stick it up my ass
>feel something hard but not very big
>get my finger behind it and pull it out of my ass, it hurts a little
>suddenly I lose control of my bowels and a torrent of yellow-green liquid shit forces it’s way out of me
>it burns
> I drop to my hands and knees with my front half hanging over the edge of the tub
>after a solid minute if shitting it ends
>it takes me a few more to recover and stand up
>shower as well as myself covered in liquid shit
>I can only describe the smell as “sour”
> turn shower up and hose myself down before stepping out to get some cleaner from under the sink
>while cleaning the shower I find it
>a hard as fuck turd the size and shape of walnut
>stand there amazed that it was the only thing keeping the torrent of diarrhea I expelled in check
>flick it into the toilet and flush it
> finish sanitizing the shower then properly bathe myself

Anonymous 08/17/2023 (Thu) 07:07 [Preview] No.54 del
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I just landed a shit that was so massive; it was the size and shape of Florida... I practically had to stand up to deliver it... seriously, Norse Sagas will be written about it.... I knew it was gonna be huge when I had to strip naked beforehand... fists clenched, body sweating and shaking... it seriously smelt like rotten prawns left laying out in the mid-summer sun for a week... it had glowing eyes of corn as well (I dunno when I last ATE corn - FUCK!) It stood up and was so long it nearly toppled out of the bowl, which I thought was gonna crack... I gagged - violently. My neighbors called out, worried I might need an ambulance. I think I tore something inside - Jesus. I had to stomp that fucker down with MULTIPLE flushes. Plus I ran out of paper. Afterwards, I just sat shivering on the tiled floor in the shower, sobbing. No more Scottish family restaurant food for me for a while, I think... just thought you should know about my day...

Anonymous 08/17/2023 (Thu) 09:44 [Preview] No.57 del
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I just had a shit so big it felt like a snake was leaving my ass followed by what felt like a barrage of small marbles leaving my anus in the form of undigested corn kernels… the turd that clogging my toilet was pointed straight up out of the water so I had to pull it out like Excalibur... I ended up having to dissolve it with nitric acid.

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