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Anonymous 07/31/2017 (Mon) 15:51:35 [Preview] No. 184
Here are some links to various VPN services with a little information on each. Feel free to add your own info and review of each.

Private Internet Access:
Cheap, lots of countries to choose from, claims to not keep logs, can be used on mobile devices, can be slow.

Accepts multiple cryptocurrencies, claims to not keep logs, IPv6 suppression doesn't work well with Fruho on Linux OS so IPv6 has to be maually disabled to prevent leaks.

Security Kiss:
Offers free limited version, stores information on users IPs, traffic volume and connection time, claims to not store information on type of traffic.

Anonymous 07/31/2017 (Mon) 23:55:00 [Preview] No. 186 del
free and payed versions
This is questionable but they claim
>The worlds best free VPN. Featuring multiple locations around the globe, DDoS protection, no logs, truly anonymous (no registration or payment) - in many ways this is inherently better than any paid VPN if you know why.

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