/baph/ - Baphomet

Dox, Hax, Raids, and Casual Chat

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(37.94 KB 255x178 Baph.png)
Anonymous 03/25/2021 (Thu) 02:08:41 [Preview] No. 268
Some1 Please tell me where tf all the /baphomet/ fags are.
All boards are either down or dead.
There also was a discord invite on one site thats also not working.

Anonymous 07/08/2021 (Thu) 02:04:13 [Preview] No.270 del
(39.22 KB 1200x675 pewpew.jpeg)
Let's rebuild this shit.
Everyone who is interested in rebuilding the community and is not a moralfag, report to this irc: ukspblzeda3ruvru.onion
Channel: #baph

In order to join a tor IRC you need to set your IRC client to use tor's socks5 proxy, you can simply run tor browser and set your proxy settings to socks5 pointing at

Here, we can organize the rebirth of our beloved community, discuss schemes, team up, have fun, and make sure our long lived legacy never dies.

Anonymous 07/08/2021 (Thu) 02:06:22 [Preview] No.271 del
On tor, we can speak our mind in absolute freedom, without having to even compromise our VPN. Everything is encrypted through tor, the exit node cannot intercept our chat-logs because traffic on the tor network is end-to-end encrypted, thus ssl is not required for a tor irc.

Anonymous 07/08/2021 (Thu) 02:23:03 [Preview] No.272 del
I'll be on this IRC everyday, looking foward to reconnect with the scene.

You can imprison bodies, but not minds.
Fuck the FEDS!

Anonymous 07/16/2021 (Fri) 21:18:17 [Preview] No.276 del

Anonymous 12/13/2021 (Mon) 20:45:26 [Preview] No.284 del
Web Chat: http://dnmirc4ammtmfnwtgomctcl7gdtwrkp2ymkzw6y6xelo5rqaqm3peiid.onion/irc.cgi

IRC Hostname: dnmirc4ammtmfnwtgomctcl7gdtwrkp2ymkzw6y6xelo5rqaqm3peiid.onion
IRC PORT: 6667

Pidgin connection guide: http://mlyusr6htlxsyc7t2f4z53wdxh3win7q3qpxcrbam6jf3dmua7tnzuyd.onion/irc

Anonymous 12/13/2021 (Mon) 20:46:15 [Preview] No.285 del
Main channel #hiroshima

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