/bmw/ - Bureau of Memetic Warfare

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Is this our bunker? Anonymous 11/06/2016 (Sun) 08:50:47 [Preview] No. 15
I'm fine if it is... but how do we tell ppl on 8/bmw/ about it?

Anonymous 02/19/2018 (Mon) 20:47:56 [Preview] No.17 del
(201.67 KB 1368x768 benis.png)
Shhh, the thing about a bunker is it must be kept hidden like a jewel, lest someone comes and takes it from you to poop on.

Anonymous 11/25/2019 (Mon) 12:33:48 [Preview] No.20 del
>Is this our bunker?
Yes. Let's put our seal on the door.
>I'm fine if it is... but how do we tell ppl on 8/bmw/ about it?
If they found 8/bmw in the first place, they are the kind of people who will find their way to the bunker.

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