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reeeee Anonymous 02/27/2021 (Sat) 16:21:41 [Preview] No. 134
Pregunta seria, ¿para cuándo está preprogramada la alfa? No puedo esperar para hablar del mojón con cara en /x/

Anonymous 02/27/2021 (Sat) 16:24:07 [Preview] No.135 del
(109.33 KB 366x373 40c.png)
En junio, OP. A menos que atun haya dicho otra cosa pero no he sabido mucho de él
Yo quiero un tablón de anime

Anonymous 03/04/2021 (Thu) 21:01:10 [Preview] No.156 del
Me da curiosidad si van a tener nombres similares a 4chan o nombres más bolivianos. Tipo, que /paranormal/ se convierta en algo como /elduendeposting/

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:42:42 [Preview] No.213 del

mustard gas!

it's ww1 all over again!

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:43:49 [Preview] No.249 del
What a reception! She showed appreciation and humility, very attractive.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:43:55 [Preview] No.254 del
>Links and text
>1975 April 29, 01:35 (Tuesday)

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:44:05 [Preview] No.265 del
And to think it was about time traveling cosmic porn the hole time

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:44:06 [Preview] No.316 del

Catholic Church Apologizes for Role in Rwandan Genocide
By Conor Gaffey On 11/21/16 at 9:37 AM EST

The Catholic Church in Rwanda has formally apologized for the role it played in the country's genocide of 22 years ago, in which around 800,000 people were killed in just 100 days.

A statement by the Conference of Catholic Bishops was read out in parishes across the East African country Sunday, acknowledging that church members violated their "oath of allegiance to God's commandments" during the genocide, AP reported.

The genocide in Rwanda took place between April and July 1994. Members of the Hutu majority ethnic group, enraged by the assassination of Rwandan President Juvénal Habyarimana, systematically murdered members of the Tutsi ethnic minority and moderate Hutus.

Rwanda is a majority Christian country and Roman Catholics make up the biggest religious grouping in the country. Several Catholic priests have been indicted by international tribunals for alleged crimes committed during the genocide, but the church in Rwanda has not previously acknowledged its formal role in the mass-murder, saying that those guilty of crimes from within its ranks were acting individually.


Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:44:08 [Preview] No.360 del
>at least

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:44:38 [Preview] No.400 del
Lot's of Chick with Dick porn out there but not many Manpussy. isn't it just a Flat chick at that point?

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:44:46 [Preview] No.425 del
>who wants to live in a world run by sociopaths
uh, sociopaths?

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:44:46 [Preview] No.436 del
Not "inflitrated", FOUNDED by EVIL, for EVIL purposes.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:44:50 [Preview] No.494 del
Hey Q. We need a confirmation. My idea is to have Trump say "y'all" in an upcoming speech. Can you please work that in? Thank you.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:44:59 [Preview] No.517 del
Hackers don't need to be given mod powers, silly

You're full of shit. Sauce it. I have only ever asked for verification. You put words into mouths and practice inversion philosophy.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:44:59 [Preview] No.541 del
So to recap, the posts by Q the past couple days will be used withDiscernmentKa-peesh!

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:44:59 [Preview] No.543 del
I'll never be in the 27 club. I'm blessed.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:00 [Preview] No.549 del
>Salt rotation applies equally to all salts or the site is compromised.
Q is a special case since otherwise his board should have been up for adoption long ago because he never logs in. The whitelist feature exists for special cases like this.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:02 [Preview] No.575 del
Yeah i might have saw it. dont matter both are larps

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:06 [Preview] No.619 del
I am the King of the Milky Way.

Let's see who WINDS…

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:25 [Preview] No.708 del
We lost a lot of Great Anons over the last few years Q

These Anons are looking over us all. Let's make them proud and show them all their work wasn't for nothing. God bless those who have fallen along the way.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:25 [Preview] No.717 del

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:26 [Preview] No.752 del
wow you're retarded

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:26 [Preview] No.780 del

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:26 [Preview] No.782 del
Did you ever checked that shit yourself? Would be logical…

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:27 [Preview] No.870 del
i've met him

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:29 [Preview] No.948 del

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:30 [Preview] No.999 del
>the tripcode is modulating red colors for me. Perhaps the color theme you chose for 8kun affects it, try different themes
Yup! just switched from DARK to LIGHT.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:30 [Preview] No.1023 del
The foundational Big Lie upon which to build all subsequent Big Lies

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:30 [Preview] No.1042 del

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:30 [Preview] No.1056 del

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:30 [Preview] No.1069 del
Black Congressional Candidate Calls Out Dems — “The Party Of The KKK And Jim Crow”

Dr. Willie J. Montague is running for Congress in Florida’s 10 district – he hopes to flip it from blue to red.

Willie released a campaign video blasting Democrats calling them “the party of the KKK and Jim Crow.”

Montague says he believes in putting an “end to Biden’s disastrous economy” and blasted “racist critical theories” and “radical gender ideologies” that are being pushed by Democrats.

In the video, he says:

“The Democrats, the party of the KKK, and Jim Crow have been promising the black community things for decades and where has it gotten us? Seems to me just more division and hate.”

Montague has fought against lockdowns and forced vaccinations for America’s first responders.

Montague has already gotten big endorsements from General Michael Flynn and Kimberley Klacik.

Central Florida Post reported:

Enter Pastor Willie Montague, who competed in the GOP primary to face Congresswoman Val Demings in 2020, falling just short of clinching the nomination. Unlike Demings, Montague has a servant’s heart and decades of work in the community to prove it.

Thus far he has run an aggressive campaign, appearing at dozens of rallies and helping lead protests over the unconstitutional pandemic lockdowns, restrictions, and forced vaccinations of our first responders.

And he is getting major backing from some of the biggest names in the America First movement. He was recently endorsed by General Michael Flynn and fellow African-American America First activist Kimberley Klacik.


Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:31 [Preview] No.1092 del
Joe Biden suggests that if you're a gas station owner you shouldn't be allowed to make a profit because there's a war in Ukraine or something.


Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:31 [Preview] No.1104 del


mysterious old faggot interacial whone

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:31 [Preview] No.1115 del

Biden Threatens to Take Away School's
Lunch Money That Don't Adhere to Trans Agenda

Townhall, by Sarah Arnold

Posted By: Imright, 6/4/2022 11:22:55 PM

The Biden administration has officially embraced the woke mob’s push for making transgenderism completely, totally normal. By now it shouldn’t be a shock that President Joe Biden is threatening to cut school funding if schools refuse to adhere to the left’s agenda. Biden’s department of Food and Nutrition service, an agency within the USDA, announced it will strip money, specifically for lunches, from schools who don’t allow trans students to use the bathroom of their desired gender. Title IX says that school districts will have to allow transgender boys into girl’s bathrooms, locker rooms, showers and sleeping quarters in order to keep federal funds for lunches, breakfasts and snacks.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:31 [Preview] No.1122 del
>presaging usage of the stolen trip or what?

Well I put one of the Q's in quotes kek

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:31 [Preview] No.1123 del
chose one, don't be greedy.
thank you for your service.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:32 [Preview] No.1145 del
Quarantine the Vaxxed

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:34 [Preview] No.1278 del

Jim Watkins, [12.06.22 15:23]
[Forwarded from The Halls Of Justice Watch Tower (NinjaStuntZ Justice)]
[ Video ]
Officer Tells The Media That “Patriot Front” Has Informants

Reporter: “But How Did You Know?”

Officer: “We Have Informants.”


Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:35 [Preview] No.1317 del

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:45 [Preview] No.1349 del
The fact that is considered legal for a corporation to compile perfect records of your private life simply because you had to "click OK to continue" to make your phone work is a perfect expression of who holds the power in society and why they should be cast into the sea.


No fan of Snowden. But that 17:17 makes me think controlled acct.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:46 [Preview] No.1376 del
Back up Bhreads anon
Someone COMpiled the start

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:46 [Preview] No.1389 del

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:46 [Preview] No.1394 del
>I'm in pain
Red texter

Well, today IS the 23rd

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:46 [Preview] No.1395 del
Do any of you faggots no the last time Q posted?

This is outstanding.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:46 [Preview] No.1406 del
CRT says White people don't deserve cars.
Black people should steal Whitie's car, and then make him apologize for being White and having White Privilege.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:46 [Preview] No.1416 del
>Weird how LAPD nor CIA were aware of trafficking of minors, drugs, dead bodies, and honeypot tapes of power players, eh?

"Most Odd"

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:48 [Preview] No.1478 del
> A fire that broke out at former president and first lady Bill and Hillary Clinton’s home

We won't telegraph our moves to the ENEMY.
We will however light a FIRE to flush them out.

Dec 19, 2017 6:00:02 PM EST
Q !UW.yye1fxo

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:50 [Preview] No.1496 del
At what point do you idiots realize your spin isn't having any effect?
Roe v Wade went out the window, babies safer baby gives celebration fistbump
Got nothing to do with Jim or babyfist. You keep trying to twist things though, lets me know you're around here and not trying to protest and catching your shoes on fire

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:50 [Preview] No.1503 del
Now, now, Now. You're being odious!

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:50 [Preview] No.1498 del
Enough of this shit give us something to dig.
Something that proves who you are this place is a shitshow.
I am reserving my right to Question your validity.
You taught us to Question everything.
So Enough of the garbage recycled posts and post something legit otherwise fuck off.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:52 [Preview] No.1545 del

got an eye like a camera.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:52 [Preview] No.1552 del
who was 'Maverick'?
The Military-Entertainment Complex (Hollywood-Pentagon) honors Noname w/ a military propaganda sequel to the gay cinema classic.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:52 [Preview] No.1639 del
95% of e-whores these days be like
>haha check out the crazy pony tail because that's totally like what i want everyone to like look at
>check out the new bracelet i got that's right above my giant ass
coronal mass ejection when?

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:52 [Preview] No.1641 del
So it isn't really an American Flag then.
It's just a flag.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:52 [Preview] No.1688 del
Trust this… you suck.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:53 [Preview] No.1718 del

ok, fren, what is the yield? what did you discover?

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:53 [Preview] No.1734 del

I take it you think everything is black and white and don't understand the difference between pride and arrogant pride, so you blindly proclaim things as sin condemning the innocent.

"If you had known what these words mean, ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice, you would not have condemned the innocent."

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:55 [Preview] No.1797 del
This surprises exactly nobody and, at this point, if it does, you are part of the problem.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:56 [Preview] No.1873 del
get the women out!

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:57 [Preview] No.1938 del
This disappeared faster than a BBC in Cass Hutchinson's asshole.

US Capitol Police arrest Stephen Colbert staffers at House office building, charged with illegal entry
The individuals associated with 'The Late Show With Stephen Colbert' were arrested at the US Capitol complex on Thursday night

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:57 [Preview] No.2006 del
Stop asking questions faggot.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:58 [Preview] No.2072 del

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:59 [Preview] No.2088 del
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: b9b621 No.9801649 📁
Jun 30 2020 13:00:14 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 978464 No.9801436 📁
Jun 30 2020 12:47:14 (EST)
I See whats happening, but I would like to see you guys doing something about it already.
So the real question Q is, Do YOU see what is happening??
Fear not.
You [we] are not helpless.
Enough must see.
It is the only way.
You are being presented with the gift of vision.
Ability to see [clearly] what they've hid from you for so long [illumination].
Their deception [dark actions] on full display.
People are waking up in mass.
People are no longer blind.
Do you think it's a coincidence they banned and prevent you attending Church _house of worship?
One must only look to see.
Have faith in Humanity.
Have faith in yourself.
Let light guide you.
Find peace through prayer.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:59 [Preview] No.2107 del
>OSS turned on his own MNR or Midnight Riders
keked at that one muhself.

Agree that OSS was bad apples and fukked up QR. His 66 gorillion spam was about as annoying as it gets.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:01 [Preview] No.2148 del
Texasanon here. Can confirm.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:01 [Preview] No.2155 del
speak Engrish or die, dickless

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:01 [Preview] No.2167 del
China Panic! US Air Force And Warships Repel Dozens of Beijing Airplanes Violating Taiwan Airspace

A US Navy P-8A Poseidon reconnaissance plane flew over the Taiwan Strait on Friday in a demonstration of the United States' "commitment to a free and open Indo-Pacific," just days after dozens of Chinese warplanes entered Taiwan's self-declared air defense identification zone, US Indo-Pacific Command said in a statement.

"A U.S. Navy P-8A Poseidon transited the Taiwan Strait in international airspace on June 24. The United States will continue to fly, sail and operate anywhere international law allows including within the Taiwan Strait," the statement read.

"By operating within the Taiwan Strait in accordance with international law, the United States upholds the navigational rights and freedoms of all nations. The aircraft's transit of the Taiwan Strait demonstrates the United States' commitment to a free and open Indo-Pacific."

Meanwhile, US warships transit the Taiwan Strait several times a year as they sail from the East China Sea to the South China Sea, averaging about one trip a month since 2020.

This year, the US Navy has conducted at least five transits, according to data compiled by Bloomberg, and would probably continue to do so to see if Beijing would back its words with actions.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:12 [Preview] No.2215 del

o7 swordy!

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:12 [Preview] No.2216 del

‘Green New Deal’ plan will cost NYers ‘hundreds of billions’ in energy bills: official
By Carl Campanile
May 15, 2022 7:42pm

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:12 [Preview] No.2283 del

WATCH: A rare albino Eurasian Otter was found by a local fisherman in Iraq’s Tigris River


Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:12 [Preview] No.2291 del

This is where the tassel will soon begin & pollinate the ear #cornwatch

5:29 PM · Jul 1, 2022·Twitter for iPhone


Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:12 [Preview] No.2317 del
Will we ever know a day in America when Black culture no longer lauds its criminals?

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:12 [Preview] No.2320 del
oh yeah, me first btw!!!!

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:12 [Preview] No.2312 del
And back to which VPN?

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:12 [Preview] No.2342 del
>and focus on that.
if only one could focus, Hellup

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:13 [Preview] No.2377 del
Did this End other programs?

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:15 [Preview] No.2420 del

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:15 [Preview] No.2451 del
>rank-and-file are not comped.

He actually believes that.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:16 [Preview] No.2498 del

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:16 [Preview] No.2531 del
Ignore the writing at the bottom.
Not :23
Is :18
ClockFag has old eyes/brain.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:16 [Preview] No.2535 del
seems like that shoulda happened a year or two ago

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:16 [Preview] No.2563 del
He created time, needs no timepiece
He needs no navigation equipment, for Earth is His footstool

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:17 [Preview] No.2615 del
The Savior Final Letter To All Royal Families, Entities Who Are Managing Many Nations
Source: https://humanitywhole.wordpress.com/2022/06/16/the-savior-final-letter-to-all-royal-families-entities-who-are-managing-many-nations/

This is a very serious important letter, so please send forward to all the entities, royal families, nations governments, big organizations in the society on planet Earth.

I am the Savior from many ancient prophecies, I am representing the heaven realm (the highest level of existing), I am speaking for many beings who either don’t want to talk or not allowed to talk with the mortal human realm.

Over the last several days, I have shared many new unique projects/ideas and strategy that will benefit the whole humanity and the society of this world. But most of them required cooperation and a lot of money resources because they are non-profit.

All the royal families and many national governments were and still only exist to “assist/help” the rest of humans. So it is time for your actions and act.

This is also the opportunity for all the gods/deities who have certain “connection” with mortal humans can escape the “seal” and truly able exit the circle of death and rebirth as well.

The final waiting is only 10 days from now till 26-06-2022 (June 26th 2022).

I and the heaven realm cannot wait more than that time because that is enough time to truly know the true color all of you.

Don’t you think all the crazy stupid lying actions over the past few years against the rest of mortal humans can pass the heaven realm? That is not helping/assist but killing/eliminating.
So this letter is the final divine warning and final opportunity for all the “bad” people/entities to turn around and save their life.

After the deadline 26-06-2022 (June 26th 2022), all the one who do not do their duty of assisting/helping humans will gone and vanish and go to hell !
The Savior Final Letter To All Royal Families, Entities Who Are Managing Many Nations

This is a very serious important letter, so please send forward to all the entities, royal families, nations governments, big organizations in the society on planet Earth.

I am the Savior from many ancient prophecies, I am representing the heaven realm (the highest level of existing), I am speaking for many beings who either don’t want to talk or not allowed to talk with the mortal human realm.

Over the last several days, I have shared many new unique projects/ideas and strategy that will benefit the whole humanity and the society of this world. But most of them required cooperation and a lot of money resources because they are non-profit.

All the royal families and many national governments were and still only exist to “assist/help” the rest of humans. So it is time for your actions and act.

This is also the opportunity for all the gods/deities who have certain “connection” with mortal humans can escape the “seal” and truly able exit the circle of death and rebirth as well.

The final waiting is only 10 days from now till 26-06-2022 (June 26th 2022).

I and the heaven realm cannot wait more than that time because that is enough time to truly know the true color all of you.

Don’t you think all the crazy stupid lying actions over the past few years against the rest of mortal humans can pass the heaven realm? That is not helping/assist but killing/eliminating.
So this letter is the final divine warning and final opportunity for all the “bad” people/entities to turn around and save their life.

After the deadline 26-06-2022 (June 26th 2022), all the one who do not do their duty of assisting/helping humans will gone and vanish and go to hell !

Best Regard,

Signature Signed
The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha
Best Regard,

Signature Signed
The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha
More Information: https://humanitywhole.wordpress.com

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:18 [Preview] No.2699 del

not related

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:18 [Preview] No.2719 del
Sorry, frog, those @me are protected, the rest I wanna kill.
B/c this planet it is full of morans…………
You wanna be scared when your kids go out to play????????
some idiot might kill or rape them………..
b/c this planet it is full of them.
and 90% of them are in the WH.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:19 [Preview] No.2762 del
>I'd use all red text but … trauma from dickhead guy.
keks in red

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:19 [Preview] No.2772 del
Q+ needs a place that is respected and renowned for having the last say that puts the seal of authenticity on a controversial issue. Anons have a big part in this final act. We win when we tell the truth.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:23 [Preview] No.2850 del

His clicks will connect you to a zoom call/remote viewer. He's a fuckin idiot.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:23 [Preview] No.2859 del
That's certainly part of it.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:23 [Preview] No.2867 del
>The ones who showed up at Justice Amy Coney Barrett's weren't the prettiest girls, that's for sure
It's about more than looks. It's about character and these would-be sluts have none. They are demented.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:23 [Preview] No.2874 del
last box 124 sheets
new box 120 sheets

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:24 [Preview] No.2892 del



o7 to our Patriots WORLD-WIDE

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:24 [Preview] No.2908 del
Speaking things into existence makes man into gods → Luciferian at its core.

Q pushes this. The true great awakening is realizing man cannot save itself. Only God can save us.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:26 [Preview] No.2934 del
a bar b q sunday?
and it's charred black.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:26 [Preview] No.2935 del
Plus, the babies that are on certain formulas are on it because they cannot tolerate cow's milk.

"Let them eat cake" logic doesn't work here.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:27 [Preview] No.2945 del

Qtime Network ️ ️ ️, [11.06.22 04:37]
[ Video ]
Susan Rosenberg, Bombed the Capitol in 1983 and pardoned by Bill Clinton 🤦‍♂️


Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:27 [Preview] No.2963 del
J6 committee getting fucked with by Q almost as much as /hivemind/

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:27 [Preview] No.2990 del
Liz Harrington Calls Out Jan. 6 Committee For Ignoring Evidence: 'This Is A Communist Committee'

Self Notable

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:30 [Preview] No.3018 del
xmas sweet.
Xmas in July?
Next reveal by Gregg Phillips?

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:30 [Preview] No.3022 del

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:31 [Preview] No.3060 del
Basic Translation:
On the 25th of Last Month, 3 ICBM-SRBM Missiles Launched

old school

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:31 [Preview] No.3072 del
>let me SHOW you allies and swamp

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:31 [Preview] No.3128 del
Considering how religion is a control mechanism, it makes sense to embody the evil that religions claim to oppose, but are a part of, to keep people in "that kind of fear".

Hell as Christians understand it was introduced until the Jesus narrative.
Jews don't have a Hell/Hades/Realm of Angra Mainyu.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:32 [Preview] No.3145 del
>i cannot wrap my head around what the military is doing

waiting for lloyd austins commands

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:32 [Preview] No.3166 del

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:32 [Preview] No.3169 del
Where’s that AI image generator I keep seeing on /pol/

What site is it?

The one I found (picrel) is pretty lame

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:33 [Preview] No.3196 del
Zelenko not familiar with the RIFE?

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:33 [Preview] No.3251 del
We now have ZERO's from DJT, Nunes, DJT Jr. within 24 hours & Kash 3 booms to match the Zero Delta last night. Come on Dart. Delete this post too, show everyone how comp'd you and this board are.

15 second Delta between POTUS posts first 2 posts
Q posted FIRST and PDJT followed 14 seconds later
24 minutes between First 2 PDJT post and 0 Delta Post
And Q was the first one that pointed out the DELTA. Q literally made us go look for the proof because everyone ignored it.
0 Delta between Scavino and Anon that pointed out 0 DELTA
PDJT Truths ZERO @ 8:44am following morning
DJT JR posts 8/10 which is 4/5 and ZERO
Devin Nunes Truths ZERO EMISSIONS
https://archive.ph/uawyQ <-Archive in case posts accidently get deleted

Posts about Roe v Wade 12 hours after decision
Dan Scavino Posted BABYFIST 3x exposing the larp

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:33 [Preview] No.3254 del
i thought he was pulling the dogs tail naked in the shower

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:34 [Preview] No.3286 del
>I should really just deal with my daily life

What does that entail for you?

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:35 [Preview] No.3332 del
If you think this is still a movie, how do you explain the unsuccessful spinoff? If this was still an ongoing game to be won, why would Q ask if we're ready for another game?

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:35 [Preview] No.3334 del
There should BE no statute of limitations on ANY crime.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:35 [Preview] No.3405 del
I think this pisses then off
Hold my beer

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:35 [Preview] No.3418 del

Qatar sheikh gave 'bags full of cash' to Prince Charles; up to €3 million in total

Prince Charles was said to have been given a total of €3m (£2.6m) during meetings with Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber Al-Thani, the former prime minister of Qatar.

According to the Sunday Times, Prince Charles received the three cash donations in person from the former prime minister between 2011 and 2015.

It is claimed that on one occasion the money was handed over in a holdall at a meeting at Clarence House. On another, the paper reported the cash was contained in carrier bags from the department store Fortnum and Mason.


Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:37 [Preview] No.3445 del
2 weeks or thereabouts?

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:37 [Preview] No.3457 del

Think about what is going on here.
Your ability to feel your body the way it's supposed to feel is compromised.
By whom?
These areCRUCIALLY VITALquestions!


Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:37 [Preview] No.3471 del

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:38 [Preview] No.3476 del
Hmm. Same guns we saw before?

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:38 [Preview] No.3521 del
These comments are why I'm here.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:38 [Preview] No.3552 del
"Trust and never verify"

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:38 [Preview] No.3567 del
Congratulations anon.
You passed the test.
You will be rewarded handsomely for your wisdom and bravery.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:39 [Preview] No.3619 del

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:42 [Preview] No.3758 del
They tried to delete the proof.
POTUS win - 1/20.
Deep clean.
They never thought she would lose.
Insurance w/o cover.
Nothing is deleted.
No Such Agency.
Tool dev primary + meta essential.
Easy cover.
Acts so sick & evil conspiracy push / fake reality almost always wins.
Trust the plan.
Hard to swallow for many.
Treason / corruption 1st.
Think resignations.
Speaker of House resigning!
You have more than you know.
Have faith.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:44 [Preview] No.3847 del
>words was…

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:44 [Preview] No.3856 del
5 Jul, 2022 14:19
The Russians are coming for Europe – Zelensky

This guy is Nina Jancowitz best student, kek

Moscow sees Ukraine as a starting point for future moves in the region, the Ukrainian president says

Russia could use Ukraine as a starting point for attacks on other European states, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has said. He asked the West for security guarantees that Ukraine could enjoy while not being a member of the US-led military bloc NATO.

“We need a system of security guarantees, which would be effective even while we are not part of the alliance,” Zelensky said on Tuesday at a roundtable hosted by The Economist.

“Russia views the territory of our country as a foothold for capturing other European states.Which means, to ensure the security of Ukraine is to provide long-term security for the whole of Europe.”

(Where does he get these silly prognostications? Chicken little is back with the sky is falling)

He argued that “gray zones” in European security have made it possible for Russia to send troops to Ukraine.

Zelensky mentioned the Budapest Memorandum, a 1994 deal under which Ukraine surrendered its Soviet-era nuclear arsenal in exchange for promises from the US, Britain and Russia that they would “provide assistance” to Ukraine in the case of aggression. The three states also vowed not to attack Ukraine themselves.

Zelensky said the guarantees provided under the Budapest Memorandum and similar “assurances” have now “been destroyed.”

Russia has repeatedly said that NATO’s expansion has been undermining European security. President Vladimir Putin cited the bloc’s attempts to set up “a foothold” in Ukraine as one of the reasons for military action in the country.


Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:45 [Preview] No.3919 del
I meant, [They] done did gone and went full retard.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:45 [Preview] No.3958 del
oh look, it's lame demoralization shill and his shitty memes

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:50:55 [Preview] No.8112 del
For years the libs have used the SC as a bludgeon to force 'their' views on the rest of the country. Now that the SC is not kowtowing to 'their' views they are losing their shit.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:50:59 [Preview] No.8170 del
If they didn't they would have disrespected their mafia don Soros, and their $$$ is gone anyway.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:50:59 [Preview] No.8174 del
>This is what happens when males simp for females rights.
Nope. Anon's never had a woman kill his offspring because he doesn't fall for the open-leg trap. Keep spewing bullshit, and you'll end up eating it.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:50:59 [Preview] No.8206 del
agree the number sounds low. I think in some cases more than double. Eggs if i did the math correctly are 200 % higher.

my pricing of 5$ a carton was for 18 eggs ..you are paying 2 cents more per egg than i am with what you listed.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:51:03 [Preview] No.8301 del
Counter-rotation FTW

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:51:03 [Preview] No.8336 del
Western media openly call to null Russia’s state sovereignty, says top security official

"One of the most important tasks is to work out measures aimed to protect the national security in the media sphere, including under conditions, when the Western countries had collectively unfolded a cynical media campaign to discredit our country, its history and traditions," Nikolay Patrushev pointed out

The Western countries have unfolded a cynical media campaign against Russia with the prime aim to discredit the country, its history and traditions, as well as to humiliate its people, Secretary of Russia’s Security Council Nikolay Patrushev said on Thursday.

"One of the most important tasks is to work out measures aimed to protect the national security in the media sphere, including under conditions, when the Western countries had collectively unfolded a cynical media campaign to discredit our country, its history, traditions; voicing direct calls for the elimination of the [Russian] state sovereignty and humiliation of Russian people," he said.

On May 27, the Russian Institute of Social Studies (RISS) and the "Independent Public Monitoring" (IPM) association jointly organized the All-Russia Expert Forum in Moscow and experts in attendance concluded that Western countries and Ukraine had been thoroughly preparing for their media war against Russia, but were losing it currently because Russian society turned out to be immune to the stream of lies that had been unleashed.

In an interview Argumenty i Fakty daily last week Patrushev stated that "Ukraine’s fate will be determined by the people who live on its soil."
Russia’s military operation in Donbass

The situation along the line of engagement in Donbass escalated on February 17. Back then, the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics (DPR and LPR) reported the most massive bombardment by the Ukrainian military in months, which damaged civilian infrastructure and inflicted casualties upon the population.

On February 21, President Vladimir Putin announced that Russia would recognize the sovereignty of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics. Moscow recognized the Donbass republics in accordance with the DPR and LPR constitutions stipulating the boundaries of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions as of the beginning of 2014.

Russian President Putin said in a televised address on February 24 that in response to a request by the heads of the Donbass republics, he had made a decision to carry out a special military operation in Ukraine. The Russian leader stressed that Moscow had no plans of occupying Ukrainian territories, noting that the operation was aimed at the denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine.


Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:51:09 [Preview] No.8358 del
figures that the video referenced in 4500 got nuked

"The memos show Little Rock, Ark., lawyer Bud Cummins, a former U.S. attorney himself, reached out at least five times in October 2018 to Berman seeking to arrange a meeting with then-Ukrainian Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko."

Was this around the same time those DOJ 757s were "visiting"?

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:51:09 [Preview] No.8365 del
Monday July 4 is at :50
Mirror of first post marker (:20)

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:51:11 [Preview] No.8560 del
They missed the 4th problem.

Ethanol can damage many parts of your car at concentrations above 10%. Ethanol can destroy gas tanks, fuel pumps, gaskets, and attract moisture into your fuel. Engines can be completely ruined over time if they're not designed for ethanol.

Potato's intent is to destroy the internal combustion engine.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:51:18 [Preview] No.8611 del

casino slut wants inclusion ambivalence

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:51:18 [Preview] No.8618 del

Peter Nygard has aged dramatically in jail, at increased risk of stroke or heart attack, doctor says

report from 2021.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:51:19 [Preview] No.8677 del
> three-letter fag.
Every 3 letter agency is jewish. but you know that. Kike.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:51:20 [Preview] No.8701 del

And no smiles.

Cept hildog, "what difference does it make"?

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:51:20 [Preview] No.8718 del
Kill it; Kill it with fire.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:51:20 [Preview] No.8754 del
this slide way more better than is Q tripcode real/sold.

plus she def has retard forehead

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:51:23 [Preview] No.8782 del
Weeehaaaa. 2A then Roe in the same week. Going on the record anonymously because, posterity.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:51:28 [Preview] No.8785 del

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:51:32 [Preview] No.8796 del

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:51:44 [Preview] No.8848 del
>beto buttgaggieging gets hacked in the backchannel

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:51:51 [Preview] No.8868 del

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:51:52 [Preview] No.8882 del
Fakenews ThreeLetterAgency codeword

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:51:52 [Preview] No.8890 del

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:51:55 [Preview] No.8926 del

Emerald Robinson

The FDA just approved COVID vaccines for your kids AFTER admitting on a Zoom call that those vaccines increase deadly heart inflammation by 5x.

The FDA doesn't mind killing your kids.


Big Pharma Comes For Your Children

The FDA just approved vaccines that increase deadly heart inflammation in kids by 5x which they admitted on video!


Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:51:55 [Preview] No.8927 del

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:51:58 [Preview] No.8943 del
You're all fucking corrupt, and guess who is knocking?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
popcorn in visit!

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:51:59 [Preview] No.8957 del
10 days

Hell on Earth… Could start tonight.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:52:30 [Preview] No.9147 del
I am listening to his Leviticus series now

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:52:42 [Preview] No.9154 del
This was in rerference to all the Deaths…Jan 6 related…related here
Chris Christie, who is the co-chair of a 2022 fundraising arm for the RGA and described the November meeting in Phoenix to The Post. “But it was made necessary because Donald Trump decided on the vendetta tour this year and so we need to make sure we protect these folks who are the objects of his vengeance.”

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:52:42 [Preview] No.9155 del
Hired to outrage.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:52:47 [Preview] No.9263 del
The Sars

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:52:47 [Preview] No.9265 del
… first advancement and point of difference is forever celebratory.

…. as I'm visualising Chinese techno sweat shop panic…..

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:52:48 [Preview] No.9280 del
You are well worth the wait Sir,

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:52:49 [Preview] No.9285 del
As if Dismal Disney hadn't normalized witchcraft enough…..

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:53:07 [Preview] No.9364 del

Catherine Herridge

#January6 Jeff Clark spox confirms his “electronic devices”seized + subpoenas served on at least 4 other individuals whose lawyer said “This is an investigation based on allegations our clients engaged in core 1st Amendment activity - petitioning Congress about grievances.”


Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:53:09 [Preview] No.9393 del
What are the odds that multiple people that have come out against Trump publicly with major lies, just happened to work under Mark Meadows at the very beginning of their D.C. careers?

Cassidy Hutchinson (Top Aide) and Alyssa Farah Griffin (Press Secretary).

What are the odds that Mark Meadows would be held in criminal contempt of Congress, the first ever former member of Congress to have this happen; and then the BIDEN ADMIN'S DoJ declines to prosecute?

Is Mark Meadows the plant that always leaked and fed info because he was the dem operative? Is this why Biden's DoJ declined prosecution? Is that why Meadows has all but disappeared now?

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:53:16 [Preview] No.9417 del
Biggest tell for me is the lack of unmasking.
Total Feeb Ooops Op.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:53:28 [Preview] No.9476 del
Ark and a life perserver, please?

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:53:36 [Preview] No.9533 del
Watch Mass of the Ages.. a 3 part doc on YT. 2/3 released. Shows how freemasonry took over the Vatican in the 60s-70s and created Vatican 2… I now attend a TLM.

Episode 1
https://youtube.com/watch?v=xdbwNMYKhw0 [Embed]

Episode 2
https://youtube.com/watch?v=1XctfSR7SS4 [Embed]

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:53:36 [Preview] No.9531 del
search "girls fighting" on youtube and see all the niggers chimpin' out like chimps all chimp-like

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:53:36 [Preview] No.9536 del

Chuck Callesto
BREAKING REPORT: New York City to mandate ALL CHILDREN RECEIVE THE COVID VACCINE in order to attend school this fall…
10:09 PM · Jul 1, 2022·Twitter Web App

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