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Artwork Anonymous 08/10/2019 (Sat) 03:56:32 [Preview] No. 46
Bubblegum art

Anonymous 08/10/2019 (Sat) 03:57:11 [Preview] No.47 del

Anonymous 08/10/2019 (Sat) 03:58:08 [Preview] No.48 del

Anonymous 08/10/2019 (Sat) 03:58:42 [Preview] No.49 del
(240.21 KB 795x1107 252325.jpg)

Anonymous 08/10/2019 (Sat) 04:06:43 [Preview] No.51 del

Anonymous 09/13/2019 (Fri) 19:55:55 [Preview] No.104 del

Anonymous 09/21/2019 (Sat) 08:18:25 [Preview] No.118 del
Some of these pretty good.

Anonymous 09/21/2019 (Sat) 08:24:29 [Preview] No.119 del
(166.83 KB 1414x2000 emi bubblegum 01.jpg)
(163.23 KB 1414x2000 emi bubblegum 02.jpg)
(162.20 KB 1414x2000 emi bubblegum 03.jpg)
(238.44 KB 1414x2000 emi bubblegum 04.jpg)

Anonymous 09/21/2019 (Sat) 13:48:02 [Preview] No.128 del

Anonymous 10/06/2019 (Sun) 00:49:40 [Preview] No.144 del

Anonymous 12/28/2019 (Sat) 15:42:55 [Preview] No.374 del
Really love the Dva animation. Is there anymore? Would pay money for it.

Anonymous 01/02/2020 (Thu) 03:05:28 [Preview] No.412 del
(13.20 MB 540x540 giphy.gif)

Anonymous 01/09/2020 (Thu) 18:42:42 [Preview] No.484 del
(65.16 KB 457x425 4222-1.jpg)
Best item in the game.

Anonymous 01/10/2020 (Fri) 15:59:34 [Preview] No.498 del
>>374 unluckily there only one more animation like that, and it's a variation. Look for @finalfeels on Twitter, aka Cold Star

Anonymous 01/11/2020 (Sat) 07:33:37 [Preview] No.501 del
It doesn't look like he made it and doesn't say where he got it from and doesn't respond to messsages. A shame, since I would definitely buy some commissions from the artist.

Bradleyni66erNoble Anonymous 01/19/2020 (Sun) 14:17:35 [Preview] No.576 del

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

Anonymous 01/20/2020 (Mon) 11:52:33 [Preview] No.583 del
(82.23 KB 1080x360 1080x360.jpeg)

Anonymous 01/20/2020 (Mon) 15:35:54 [Preview] No.584 del
What manga is this from?

Anonymous 01/20/2020 (Mon) 15:45:12 [Preview] No.587 del
(4.12 MB 2974x4231 13.jpg)
Yancha gal no anjou-san Vol.3 Ch.32 last page

Just reverse image search my guy, took me <5mins.

Anonymous 01/20/2020 (Mon) 16:25:20 [Preview] No.589 del
(5.29 MB 2978x4229 09.jpg)
This might be the only manga in history to show a girl blowing a triple bubble.

Anonymous 01/20/2020 (Mon) 17:00:57 [Preview] No.590 del

Anonymous 01/21/2020 (Tue) 22:44:07 [Preview] No.600 del
(146.03 KB 425x567 41b6a04c.jpg)

Anonymous 01/29/2020 (Wed) 00:17:48 [Preview] No.658 del
(59.65 KB 450x298 bubblegum09.jpg)

Anonymous 02/17/2020 (Mon) 22:57:26 [Preview] No.670 del
Anyone know which program was used to create the animation of Dva on the left? Would be willing to make some similar ones.

Anonymous 02/19/2020 (Wed) 19:46:27 [Preview] No.677 del
it most probably was sfm

Anonymous 05/08/2020 (Fri) 22:23:02 [Preview] No.1045 del
Just so you know, this character became a thing recently. From Persona 5 Royal. Celestine.

Anonymous 05/08/2020 (Fri) 22:27:06 [Preview] No.1046 del
(1.56 MB 1650x1146 P5RCelestine.png)

And I posted the wrong art somehow.

Anonymous 05/09/2020 (Sat) 03:08:14 [Preview] No.1047 del
(3.21 MB 360x202 40pxo3.gif)

Anonymous 05/12/2020 (Tue) 18:52:42 [Preview] No.1055 del
Would be cooler if the character actually blew the bubbles normally instead of them just appearing. They did the same thing in Ninjala where the bubblegum bubbles were huge but it was more just visual flair than actual bubble blowing.

Anonymous 05/16/2020 (Sat) 09:16:58 [Preview] No.1068 del
(2.49 MB 360x202 41ofem.gif)

Oh no, it has that as well.

you ni66er Anonymous 05/16/2020 (Sat) 18:27:45 [Preview] No.1069 del
NO NO NO Get the fuck outta here with this shit. Human females only, and preferably white.

Anonymous 05/16/2020 (Sat) 19:49:55 [Preview] No.1070 del

Anonymous 05/18/2020 (Mon) 14:53:47 [Preview] No.1077 del
How about YOU get the fuck out of here. All you do is complain and troll.

Anonymous 11/20/2020 (Fri) 10:46:32 [Preview] No.1319 del
(726.46 KB 1043x527 Untitled2.png)
Does anyone knows who made this animation? Its on the viola right now.

Anonymous 11/21/2020 (Sat) 08:50:15 [Preview] No.1321 del


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