03/21/2020 (Sat) 23:34:56
No.785 [X]
>>778The problem is that you and that other guy just use this board to take your daily dumps in and provide no content while outwardly trying to disuade others from sharing/posting. Normally it wouldn't be a big deal since we could just ignore your childishness, but since there's so few actual content posters it just ends up turning this board into a board where the two of you come to whine and try to harvest your daily reply.
If your goal is to have a safe haven from storm and his mods then you might want to rethink your provocateur shitposting because it doesn't help. I've been the only person posting any content here for the past two weeks because no one cares for the bickering. If your goal is to destroy this board out of spite, then unfortunately, you are succeeding.