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We now have our own site! https://christchannel.xyz

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Can Big Chungus be Christian? Anonymous 08/01/2024 (Thu) 04:26 [Preview] No. 476 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Hello /christianity/,

Many Ideologies kinda have their own mascot now, Pepe is for 4chan users, Nick Fuentes's fans like to use Groyper the Frog and so on, So why don't us Christians use Big Chungus? it's funny and he could be the Perfect mascot for Christian Internet Users. So What do you guys think of this?

(97.43 KB 3072x1536 Naked Mole Rat.avif)
Troll these Zionists Anon 07/27/2024 (Sat) 01:35 [Preview] No. 474 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
>Be Me
>Finds a Christian Discord Server
>A Christian myself
>Joins it
>Gets banned due to an argument with an Zionist
>Finds out other users also got banned for being Anti-Zionist

Let's spam the server with some Naked Mole Rats.

Forgot to Link the Server The Same Anon 07/27/2024 (Sat) 01:58 [Preview] No.475 del
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PROPHECY- The End Of The Trump Administration Anonymous 07/19/2024 (Fri) 14:22 [Preview] No. 469 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
PROPHECY- The End Of The Trump Administration

“I must punish Trump. He must die, My son! Trump must be eliminated. I have decided that the CIA will carry out its operations against him shortly. I have decreed his death, it will be carried out shortly by CIA operatives. I have the final say, I AM The Living God. Trump must be eliminated to carry out the New World Agenda in the Earth. Many will die. He is an offense in My sight, molesting little children, committing all kinds of perversions before My sight. I must eliminate him from before public consciousness by eliminating his presidency. He is a wicked man, doing what others tell him to do. He has no consciousness to stand on his own against imperial world power. Israel’s expansion will continue, they will exceed their borders and absorb the enemy nations around them. I have decreed it. I will deal with him and Israel, both wicked nations refusing to repent and come before Me, both must be eliminated if they refuse Me. I have decreed it, the end of the Trump Administration and Netanyahu's, both wicked men, both will eliminated by armed men, I have decreed it. Trump must be eliminated, Israel’s whore, and spend eternity boiling in the Lake of Fire. I have called an end to both persons, to be replaced by powerful public movements of mine. The pedophile network must be stopped, it is an offense in My sight. Pedophiles will be eliminated from the land, for I have called an end to that wickedness. Both parties will be mine and no longer will the wicked rule the land. My people must be awakened to do My will. Thus says the Living God, Amen!”

asbjshjhsfbs usdj 07/26/2024 (Fri) 23:11 [Preview] No.472 del
(97.43 KB 3072x1536 Naked Mole Rat.avif)

PROPHECY- The End Of The Trump Administration Anon 07/26/2024 (Fri) 23:17 [Preview] No.473 del
(97.43 KB 3072x1536 Naked Mole Rat.avif)
Troll. What's wrong with you?

Prophetic Word To My Wicked Elites Of Sin Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 20:56 [Preview] No. 471 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Prophetic Word To My Wicked Elites Of Sin

"Say to the Elite who control the world of My enemy Satan, and do what he says, who are you to lord over My people the Elite of all eternity? For I shall surely put you in Hell for serving My enemy the Antichrist, and attempting to set him up on his throne on the Earth. For I know all things, and your puny lives are as nothing before Me, made up of material things, not spiritual. For you serve Satan before Me, and I know all you have done to try to subvert Me with your wickedness and evil. For Satan is as nothing before Me, a created being and doomed forever in the Lake of Fire. For I have created him to work his evil in the Earth for a limited time, then he shall be thrown into the Lake of Fire forever. And you shall too find your place in the flames of the burning Lake of Fire forever, unless you repent and serve Me. For you Elites are as nothing before Me the Eternal God, as dust on the scales, accounted for as nothing. For you think of yourselves as great, having wealth and power of Satan, which is for a limited time, which shall be taken away, and you enter the Lake of Fire forever! For in Hell where you are going there is no relief or relent for all eternity, where the flame always burns, and the worm never dies. For I have put you there to serve Satan in all of your ways, O wicked people, accounted as nothing before Me. For you do not compare against Me, the Eternal Living God, though you think of yourselves as great, you shall enter Hell as the common man, and endure suffering in there forever, unless you repent and come to Me, your LORD and Savior Jesus Christ. I have spoken, wicked Elites forever!"

CHRISTIAN BOOKS COLLECTION Downloads Anonymous 07/22/2024 (Mon) 01:14 [Preview] No. 470 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

PROPHECY- The Punishment Of My People Who Reject My Spirit Anonymous 06/24/2024 (Mon) 00:55 [Preview] No. 468 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
The Punishment Of My People Who Reject My Spirit

“To My people who resist Me—why do you quench My Spirit? Why do you not want Him around? You are of the Pharisaical religion of the Word, destined for Hell, dead forever, because you do not want Me around. You want religion, not the truth of the Word which you despise. You do not want My prophecies around, because they convict you of your dead religion with no power, no eternal life, and no Me around. You actively reject Me when I show up, so I Am devoid in the churches who don’t want Me. I Am active in the world with the sinners, but the Church does not want Me around for the most part. They reject My Spirit because they do not want Me around. I reject them forever because they do not want Me moving and working in the Church. Therefore, I reject them forever, wicked servants, Pharisees with dead religion destined for Hell forever. There are many of them around—the Church is full of them. They will not make it in to My Kingdom because they do not want My Spirit working in their lives. They will be destroyed in the Second Death because they do not want Me around. I Am the Source of eternal life—how dare they not want Me around and reject Me through My Spirit Who Is rejected by them. Therefore, their churches and lives are empty and dead because they want Me not. They will not let Me in to their presence because they reject Me through My Spirit. They are dead forever. I reject them, My wicked people. I stand at the door and knock, but few will let Me in. They will be saved, the rest damned. Few will make it in. I have spoken. Amen.”

The Prophetic Judgment Of Michael Leroy Bickle And IHOPKC Anonymous 06/21/2024 (Fri) 21:30 [Preview] No. 467 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
The Prophetic Judgment Of Michael Leroy Bickle And IHOPKC

“I say to Mike Bickle, why do you resist Me and the move I have planned? For I see you are full of sin, and have been for years. For you abuse Me for sex, and My Anointing has been misused to satisfy your sexual desire with women galore. For My Anointing is not to be misused to get women into bed to satisfy your sexual desires, and similar prophets have done the same thing. For I will place you in Hell, for your heart still desires sin, and you have not cleansed it from your life, but are controlled by adultery and sexual sin galore. For you have let the demons in through your rock music which you practice, and they control your lives. Rock music is detestable in My sight, worship that I do not accept, but is repulsive in My ears. For you will not repent, because you cannot, for I have destined you unto the Lake of Fire for your many sins that you have deliberately committed before Me, and will burn forever, O Mike Bickle! For you cannot repent, for I have taken it from you, O damned man, for both you and your congregation of sin will go there for eternity. Prepare to burn, for there is no more sacrifice for you, O wicked man, for eternity you will be burning in the Lake of Fire, both you and your wicked congregation of sin. Your LORD has spoken. Amen.”

PROPHECY- The Punishment Forever Of My Wicked Benny Hinn! Anonymous 06/20/2024 (Thu) 20:55 [Preview] No. 466 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
PROPHECY- The Punishment Forever Of My Wicked Benny Hinn!

"My wicked man, Benny Hinn. Oh how I will punish you for all eternity in deepest fiery Hell, says the Living God of Israel. Oh how I will punish you forever for your wickedness, O wicked man of sin and selfishness. For what you call a ministry of Mine is just a moneymaking empire of selfishness and greed. Oh how I will punish you, O wicked man of sin and selfishness! For you refuse to help My disabled whom you seem to be unhelpable, and refuse to minister to My disabled, but send them away through your network of screeners. Oh how I will punish you, even in the Lake of Fire, for you will go there, O greedy man. And your sexual sins have not gone unnoticed by Me, for they were deliberately committed in far-off places of sin, islands of sin offshore. I will punish you forever, for you lead millions astray for money, and call that 'ministry!' Oh you greedy man, Benny Hinn, oh how I will punish you forever in the eternal burning Lake of Fire, for you refuse to serve Me, but serve self. You will not do it My way among the masses, but fly through the air to stages galore. For you will not humble yourself to serve Me, but prefer the high life among the masses: jet planes, expensive hotels, and perks galore. For you will not do anything without money, but demand big sums for your work. Abusing the Anointing for My money, which you abuse for self, not Me. For I will punish all your sins which you commit behind the scenes, and I know them all, says the Living God. Prepare to spend eternity in Hell, for I will put you there to be punished forever, O wicked man of sin and damnation. For I know all your sins, O wicked Benny Hinn, which you deliberately committed before Me, and you shall burn forever, says the Living God of Israel."

PROPHECY- I Am A God Of Justice, And Vengeance Is Mine Anonymous 06/20/2024 (Thu) 17:00 [Preview] No. 465 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
PROPHECY- I Am A God Of Justice, And Vengeance Is Mine

"I see what is done in the Earth, and I will repay, for vengeance is Mine, says the LORD of Hosts. Avenge I will, for I Am God of Vengeance! People of the Earth beware, for I will fully repay all wicked deeds. Vengeance is Mine, and I will repay, for I hear My peoples' cries night and day. A vengeful God I Am, for I call all people to repent of their sins, but few will, My son. So avenge I will, putting millions in Hell every year to suffer in flame forever. Even the Lake of Fire is waiting for them for a future time after the Great Day of Judgment, where I will put all not written in My Book of Life. Even My people who refuse to obey Me shall go there. I give sinners a long time to repent, for I Am slow to anger, but eventually justice must be served, for I Am A God of Justice. Your LORD has spoken, amen."

PROPHECY- The Destruction Of My City Of Sin, Las Vegas Anonymous 06/20/2024 (Thu) 16:54 [Preview] No. 464 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
PROPHECY- The Destruction Of My City Of Sin, Las Vegas

"I will destroy it all. Nothing will be left but dust and ashes. The city of sin will be gone. Test they will their particle beam weapons going way beyond nuclear weapons. All will be gone in a flash! The U.S. Army are traitors galore. They have eyes on the city. All will be dissolved away. Remember Maui? They have weapons way more powerful, particle beams from space. Satellites will test them on you, Las Vegas, from command centers deep underground. You evil city of sin have no chance of surviving this evil attack. City of sin must go, detestable in my sight. My judgment is arrayed against it through traitors in the U.S. Military, in the Army galore. They will destroy you, O Las Vegas. It will come in an instant without warning. All will be gone but dust and ashes. They hate you with an intense hatred. I have spoken, the Living God. Amen."