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(131.67 KB 1500x1125 2048797449-purity_t.jpg)
NoFap/Purity Thread Anonymous 08/09/2019 (Fri) 00:26:22 [Preview] No. 52
NoFap/Purity Thread

Anonymous 08/09/2019 (Fri) 09:06:19 [Preview] No.54 del

Anonymous 08/09/2019 (Fri) 15:40:02 [Preview] No.55 del
Reiterating my request on 8chan for prayers to help me overcome the temptation of pizza

Anonymous 08/09/2019 (Fri) 18:38:56 [Preview] No.58 del

I don't know if this is what you mean, but these verses came up when I saw what you typed:

Deuteronomy 30:3-5

Joel 2:23-27


Will do bro. Praying for you.

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 21:22:31 [Preview] No.299 del
the nature of sin

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 01:40:50 [Preview] No.304 del
Any war stories? (Both successes and struggles?)

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 18:32:24 [Preview] No.306 del
I’d tell you about my recent struggle with a certain type of porn, but then the FBI might knock on my door

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 00:42:04 [Preview] No.307 del

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 00:42:50 [Preview] No.308 del

Say no more. Will be praying for you.

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 01:08:29 [Preview] No.309 del
Thank you, brother, God bless you

Anonymous 05/10/2020 (Sun) 17:54:10 [Preview] No.361 del
The post with the shrek was insightful. Although I don't struggle with fapping all that much, it's alcohol that has me by the balls and I can see how the tips there are applicable to that too. Thanks for sharing and if I could ask for one thing, it would be to pray for me to overcome my - equally disgusting, might I add - urge to drink.

Anonymous 11/06/2020 (Fri) 11:59:37 [Preview] No.368 del
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Need inspiration for NNN? Consider it as fasting to secure a favorable outcome in the US election.

Anonymous 12/04/2022 (Sun) 20:30 [Preview] No.377 del
I don't like touching my penis and I don't find anything attractive what's shown.
That's why I would survive NoFap.

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