/co/ - Comics and Cartoons

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Critic 05/14/2016 (Sat) 15:58:59 Id: 920660 [Preview] No. 72

well you dun goofed now, if i wanted a /co/ board where i can't post titti, i would have gone to 4chan where its offensive and you get banned on the spot.

Critic 05/14/2016 (Sat) 17:45:28 Id: cd74ce [Preview] No. 73 del
check back in 3 days

Critic 05/15/2016 (Sun) 02:06:00 Id: 920660 [Preview] No. 76 del
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alright i guess, maybe there will be whole 10 new posts by then

King Critic 05/17/2016 (Tue) 10:00:57 Id: 96bafc [Preview] No. 86 del
I think it's technically fine if you mark and spoiler your porn, but no fucking furshit, gimme a break, fam.

Critic 05/17/2016 (Tue) 11:55:23 Id: 4a9a30 [Preview] No. 87 del
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Why not just mark all NSFW material as spoilers, and maybe limited to designated shitting street threads so the board won't be flooded with porn.

Critic 05/18/2016 (Wed) 01:41:56 Id: 9b86ae [Preview] No. 88 del
>why don't we put the jews in designated camps and and make them all wear the same clothing so that germany isn't flooded with them?

nah, .net /co/ didnt force that shit down your throat, only .net /v/ did because mark is a cuckold, and apparently so are you.

Critic 05/18/2016 (Wed) 01:51:47 Id: 56c797 [Preview] No. 89 del
/co/ is for discussing shows, not for posting furshit. There are boards for posting furshit. 8chan /co/ made you spoiler your porn. I'm not "cucked," you are.

Critic 05/18/2016 (Wed) 01:58:41 Id: 157a65 [Preview] No. 90 del
fuck off emasculated faggot

Critic 05/18/2016 (Wed) 12:15:21 Id: a3bcb2 [Preview] No. 96 del
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Yiff in Hell, furfag!

Critic 05/20/2016 (Fri) 18:18 Id: ab1909 [Preview] No.105 del
spoiling porn is fucking retarded. we aren't fucking kids.

Critic 05/20/2016 (Fri) 19:09 Id: a7e77a [Preview] No.106 del
some of us like to read /co/ on work computers and in not so tolerant places

Critic 05/20/2016 (Fri) 19:21 Id: ab1909 [Preview] No.107 del
only faggots would read a slow as fuck imageboard at work.

Critic 05/20/2016 (Fri) 20:47 Id: a3a17b [Preview] No.108 del
why the fuck are you reading imageboards at work instead of working to make money for your jew boss, you dumb normalfag.

Critic 05/20/2016 (Fri) 20:56 Id: cd74ce [Preview] No.109 del
Yes exactly. That's why we need to spoiler them

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