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Meta Thread

Meta Thread
Requests,Comments, Suggestions, Feedback.

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Sticky Thread

This is a Free Speech Zone.

This board is for conspiracies and conspiracy theories. Go wild. Nothing is off limits.

Links to conspiracy theory websites and resources will be added incrementally.

1) Follow the Global Rules
2) No Spam
3) No Child Exploitation Material

Political Conspiracy >>>/polcon/ Paranormal >>>/x/
Horror: The Occult Deception >>>/horror/ Pizzagate: Occult Pedophilia >>>/pizzagate/
Politically Incorrect >>>/pol/

[Onion Links]

[Clearnet Links]
The Government

The Globalists

The Cartel Capitalists

The Jesuits

The Jews

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1995 broadcasting

n 1995, an emergency alert was broadcast to inform and protect the residents of the city of Marion, no one else outside this city saw this message on their televisions, only us.

The point of these warnings is that cars started taking off and leaving on their own in the city and that it could be dangerous, so I thought it was ridiculous, but so be it, they said that the driverless car left our neighbors alone, so I kind of believed it. What happened 14. April 1995 was traumatic for me.

That day there was another alert about cars going by themselves, and my dad told me to record all the footage, so I recorded this one. I still have the record hidden away. I don't know if it's illegal to share it on 4chan, but I want to share it with you, God bless us

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1995 broadcast

in 1995, an emergency alert was broadcast to inform and protect the residents of the city of Marion, no one else outside this city saw this message on their televisions, only us.

The point of these warnings is that cars started taking off and leaving on their own in the city and that it could be dangerous, so I thought it was ridiculous, but so be it, they said that the driverless car left our neighbors alone, so I kind of believed it. What happened 14. April 1995 was traumatic for me.

That day there was another alert about cars going by themselves, and my dad told me to record all the footage, so I recorded this one. I still have the record hidden away. I don't know if it's illegal to share it on 4chan, but I want to share it with you, God bless us

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1995 broadcast

in 1995, an emergency alert was broadcast to inform and protect the residents of the city of Marion, no one else outside this city saw this message on their televisions, only us.

The point of these warnings is that cars started taking off and leaving on their own in the city and that it could be dangerous, so I thought it was ridiculous, but so be it, they said that the driverless car left our neighbors alone, so I kind of believed it. What happened 14. April 1995 was traumatic for me.

That day there was another alert about cars going by themselves, and my dad told me to record all the footage, so I recorded this one. I still have the record hidden away. I don't know if it's illegal to share it on 4chan, but I want to share it with you, God bless us

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Conspiracy Videos

Conspiracy Videos

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The advertising of these boards are completely false.

These are the 3 ugly, fake,free speech board they talking about,they all banned me from posting.

"itlog" is the username,you can see id never argued with anyone,the reason is exposing jewish/zionist crime is now a crime.

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Hey, Rabbi! Watcha doin'??

Who did this? The Goyim.

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What's the name of God?

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Chris Cornell

Chris Cornell Wife Says No Signs of Suicidal Thoughts

Chris Cornell was not depressed or in a suicidal state the evening he died ... this according to his wife.

Sources who spoke with Chris' wife Thursday morning tell TMZ, Vicky Cornell spoke with her husband during soundcheck before he took the stage in Detroit and after Wednesday night's show. According to our sources, Vicky says Chris was NOT in any way, shape or form in a suicidal state. She doubled down and said there were no signs he was at all depressed.

We're told Vicky tried reaching Chris in his hotel room early Thursday morning but he was not answering. She became concerned and asked someone to call hotel security. That's when Chris' body was discovered.

Vicky told people Thursday morning he was devoted to his kids -- ages 16, 12 and 11 -- and she didn't believe he would take his life.

That said, law enforcement says Chris' death is an apparent suicide, which raises the question about whether he'd fallen off the wagon.

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Manchester Terror

Manchester England Terror

Post any interesting info in here:

listen on endradio channel 393 BBC Manchester

- Ariana Grande Concert at 10:30pm explosion at the end of concert.
- Explosion in the main forum
- 23 murdered 59 Injured. Lone wolf with IED, suicide bomber.

Manchester Arena explosion: 22 killed in terror attack by lone suicide bomber at Ariana Grande concert

May 2017 • 7:07am * Manchester Arena hit by suspected terror attack * 22 people confirmed dead, 50 more injured * Lone suicide bomber behind attack * 'There was blood and bodies everywhere': witnesses describe aftermath * ​Islamic State supporters celebrate Manchester attack online * ​Frantic parents hunt for missing kids  * Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn halt election campaigning​ * Ariana Grande 'broken' following the suspected terrorist attack​ * Offers of help pour in on social media  * Everything we know so far so far about the 'terror attack' * Emergency phone number for those who are concerned about loved ones or anyone who may have been in the area - 0161 856 9400

At least 22 concert-goers were killed last night and 50 injured after a lone suicide bomber targeted Manchester Arena at the end of a pop show. Witnesses described hearing a huge bang shortly after 10.30pm at the entrance to the Arena as thousands of people made their way out of a concert by the American singer Ariana Grande. Explosion rocks Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, in pictures Some witnesses described seeing smoke and smelling burning in the foyer area of the Manchester Arena, others said they had seen nails on the floor. Theresa May, the Prime Minister, suspended her General Election campaign in the wake of the apparent terror attack and there will be an emergency Cobra meeting at 9am this morning.

It is the worst terror attack to hit Britain since the July 7 2005 suicide bomb attacks in central London in which 52 people were killed.  It came four years to the day Lee Rigby was murdered by Islamist extremists. Grande said she was "broken" by the incident but she was not harmed.

Death toll now 22 Twenty two people were killed and 59 people were injured in the Manchester Arena attack on Monday night, Greater Manchester Police chief constable Ian Hopkins said. Mr Hopkins said the lone male attacker, who died in the blast, was carrying an improvised explosive device which he detonated.

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Video Thread

Post Videos.

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A hypothesis concerning Trump

The subject of this thread is bait. I have got a multilayered metaconspiracy hypothesis about Trump. It's so meta, it's not even about Trump per se, but how inaccurate and pathetic the consensus of speculative geopolitics is at guessing certain future events, the general "attention span" of remembering past events, the quality of the sources of information to retrieve data from, and how blaming a Jew is a counterargument to shut down the minds of critical analysis from transpiring. I will give a few scenarios and past examples, but I'm not going to "prove" my hypothesis.

Even before the beginnings of the Anonymous Imageboard, there were already Scholars, Hippies, NatSocs, Conspiracy Theorists, Christians, and of course, Jews and Spooks (government agencies) among them both, prior to and after Web 1.0 became available for middle class people with some money to purchase a Personal Computer and pay for a Dial-up connection. These old people oldfags have a firmer grasp on history, had more "attention span", but had less access to information. As time went by, more and more rabbit holes of disinformation and even misinformation came about, even unlearning their previously learned conspiracy theories to be replaced or improved with more information after it occured. Know that these old people oldfags were at least 21 through 50 years old before 9/11, held their beliefs prior to the internet and essentially didn't change much. These people are valuable sources of intel even if they're wrong about some things, they are justifiably wrong which is better than merely being wrong. Experience doesn't mean much of anything, but these people know somewhat on how to think. These people "gain value" in time the longer they maintain their presense. It's funny how Alex Jones is most likely Bill Hicks with plastic surgery, is COINTELPRO, appeared in a movie, said that he was a Jew, and he even married a Jew, yet even the most discerning people still value the contributions that the Infowars team provide in spreading a level of awareness to others even about very important info from better sources although if they named those sources, he would lose viewers and might get blacklisted. The guest speakers are very noteworthy people that are merely using Jones to share their own ideas, ranging from Trump to Richard Stallman to David Duke, Lyndon LaRouche, even Texe Marrs and Leo Zagami although ALL of said people dislike Alex Jones. Anyways, there's plenty of better people than Alex Jones out there that has a fairly competent understanding of geopolitics not too blinded by their own ideological purism that are old people oldfags. I am not said old people oldfags with a mind, but I picked their brains for a good seven years or so (but was awoken years prior) and still doing just that. There's people who's been on the internet longer than my current age, but again, experiences doesn't matter, for it is knowledge, wisdom, skill, good computer specs and a good internet connection that matters on the internet, and common sense is for sheeple. After 9/11, a whole bunch of normalfags fell for these rabbit holes and many had failed to see the real ones from the fakes, but fortunately, the collective internet consciousness had risen in the better spreading and gathering of information that was sown and harvested from those that invested in investigating what the sower had given some clues for people to look into that they share back to the harvester, which everyone became their own sower and harvester whether that be citizen science or citizen journalism, everybody contributed, remembered, and grown, looking both back in time and forward in the future through understanding current events and the history of all things behind everything that you can humanly gather at your own pacing. Cont.

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Conspiracies That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

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Basic Conspiracy Theories
