/cryptbb/ - CryptBB

Open source encrypted forum

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CryptBB - Open source encrypted forum VanDerSaAr 08/31/2022 (Wed) 01:04 [Preview] No. 1

CryptBB is an open source encrypted forum that provides securer private communication between people since 2012. All messages are transmitted over the Internet and stored in a database in encrypted format. All mathematical cryptographic operations are executed by the client (Internet browser), not by the server. This forum uses the military-class symmetric cipher AES (Rijndael) 256 CTR (Counter mode) for encrypting messages and one of the best asymmetric ciphers RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) 768-2048 OAEP for exchanging passwords between users. You can create Your own forums and securely discuss any topic with Your friends. No one (even administrator) can read Your closed messages. Join the encrypted community!

Official website:

Read also the previous announcement thread:

Anonymous 08/31/2022 (Wed) 17:24 [Preview] No.5 del
Have an issue with the "open source":

if($PremoderateLevel>=$hz)if(((strpos($SiteModerators," ".$Ql.",")!false)and($CD[$tQ]$LM))or($Ql$CD[$ui]))$CR.='<BR><B>'.$Ha.'</B>';}else $CR="<B>".$CR."</B>";$HS.=$CR.'</FONT></A>';if(($PremoderateLevel>=$hz)and(strpos($SiteModerators," ".$Ql.",")!false)){$HS.='<TD BGCOLOR='.$iK[$wg].' ALIG

This code has been obfuscated/minimized. It's all on one line.

I don't trust you it enough to deploy it. I can't even read it to trust it.

The tools and utils are just inline JS and much easier to read and trust.

If you're going to continue to make the open source claim, get yourself a git repo and post the sources source.

CryptBB - News VanDerSaAr 01/17/2023 (Tue) 11:03 [Preview] No.7 del
The latest version of the CryptBB forum is

Major features: The premoderation of unencrypted topic titles has been realized. CONSOLE captcha has been enhanced and implemented as a PHP class, not a function. Both modules VEIL have also been implemented as PHP classes. In the NOISE algorithm the minimal string length has been reduced from 255 to 69.

Download the following signed files.

English (290 KB):

Russian (307 KB):

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