/cyber/ - Cyberpunk & Science Fiction

A board dedicated to all things cyberpunk (and all other futuristic science fiction).

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ded bort

Anonymous 10/15/2019 (Tue) 05:53:54 [Preview] No.327 [X] del
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<ded board

Ghost in the shell Anonymous 03/07/2017 (Tue) 21:36:42 [Preview] No. 224 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts] >>269
I won't pay for the new live action movie because I don't like white-washing movies when there are qualified asian actors for the roles. Frustrating. Can't hold a candle against the original anime:


Anonymous 03/07/2017 (Tue) 22:27:06 [Preview] No. 225 [X] del
The saving grace might have been if she got her tits out. All they did was take an amazing film and ruin it for normies.

Anonymous 04/16/2017 (Sun) 06:58:43 [Preview] No. 269 [X] del >>277
All the jap actors are terrible and talk stupid. Scarlett did a good job

Anonymous 07/08/2017 (Sat) 16:50:59 [Preview] No. 277 [X] del
>defending a fat kike
>defending needless white washing of a product

I wish Shingeki no Kyoujin was handled by Hollyjew.

Anonymous 08/21/2017 (Mon) 22:04:22 [Preview] No. 286 [X] del
>le whitewashing
>original motoko has gray eyes and is 1,80 m tall
>major is a fucking robot and becomes little girl in the end of the anime
>character artist is fucking lesbian hentai mangaka and Oshii didn't ever imply Kusanagi had japanese appearance
butthurt murican chink detected
In the movie she is not Motoko in the beginning. She has a makeup that makes her eyes look slightly asiatic.
but movie is shit still, they didn't find actual japs to play confirmed japs like Togusa and Batou, the cgi is really awful, the didn't bother with creating a new city, they just slapped some olograms on HK skyline, and fat jewess is too old to play such role (there are some scenes without cgi where you can see her fat belly), but she is recognizable worldwide and I really doubt there are japanese actresses with enough skill and english knowledge (lipsync dubbing is not a common practice in hollywood).

Cyber lit discussion Anonymous 02/03/2017 (Fri) 16:04:42 [Preview] No. 186 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts] >>288
I just read neuromancer. Why did Molly leave? Fucking whore. What a stupid cunt.
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Anonymous 02/07/2017 (Tue) 18:47:41 [Preview] No. 206 [X] del
I know this is a little off topic but when I read this, it struck me as very cyberpunk-esque so I thought I would share:
"All unintellectual labour, all monotonous, dull labour, all labour that deals with dreadful things, and involves unpleasant conditions, must be done by machinery. Machinery must work for us in coal mines, and do all sanitary services, and be the stoker of steamers, and clean the streets, and run messages on wet days, and do anything that is tedious or distressing. At present machinery competes against man. Under proper conditions machinery will serve man. There is no doubt at all that this is the future of machinery, and just as trees grow while the country gentleman is asleep, so while Humanity will be amusing itself, or enjoying cultivated leisure – which, and not labour, is the aim of man – or making beautiful things, or reading beautiful things, or simply contemplating the world with admiration and delight, machinery will be doing all the necessary and unpleasant work. The fact is, that civilisation requires slaves. The Greeks were quite right there. Unless there are slaves to do the ugly, horrible, uninteresting work, culture and contemplation become almost impossible. Human slavery is wrong, insecure, and demoralising. On mechanical slavery, on the slavery of the machine, the future of the world depends. And when scientific men are no longer called upon to go down to a depressing East End and distribute bad cocoa and worse blankets to starving people, they will have delightful leisure in which to devise wonderful and marvellous things for their own joy and the joy of everyone else. There will be great storages of force for every city, and for every house if required, and this force man will convert into heat, light, or motion, according to his needs."
Oscar Wilde - 1891
The quote is from "The soul of man under socialism" and he talks about socialism but clearly describes that what is needed is individualism, an awakening of each and every man.

Anonymous 02/09/2017 (Thu) 15:23:45 [Preview] No. 212 [X] del
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Do Androids Dream...is definitely worth the read. Dick is a far out author, but that's one of his best. I'd also recommend VALIS if you like it.

Anonymous 07/12/2017 (Wed) 15:44:35 [Preview] No. 279 [X] del >>288
No he is being literal. Read the other books: Count Zero & Mona Lisa Overdrive

Anonymous 08/29/2017 (Tue) 16:03:07 [Preview] No. 288 [X] del
>Why did Molly leave?
William Gibson deliberately did it on purpose: to prevent him from writing a sequel, he wanted the story to end completely.

>Count Zero & Mona Lisa Overdrive
Yes, it later turned out that he was not only continuing to extend the story arc but it even became a trilogy...

Anonymous 01/14/2018 (Sun) 14:44:34 [Preview] No.289 [X] del
Oh I have to reread these. Thanks for the reminder.

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Anonymous 10/09/2016 (Sun) 10:35:11 [Preview] No. 162 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts]

Anonymous 10/11/2016 (Tue) 21:25:20 [Preview] No. 169 [X] del
wow that looks awesome
but it took alot of autism to build this

Anonymous 08/21/2017 (Mon) 22:23:04 [Preview] No. 287 [X] del
*strong britbong accent intensifies*
>commodore case
>chiclet keyboard
ugh oh okay
>Raspberry Pi
>Chatsubo sticker on a cyberdeck
Is that an ironic equivalent of having Starbucks sticker on your fagbook?
>no joystick, trackball, trackpoint of touchpad

You and I, the one reading this, we are connected through what basically is an enormous neural network that we have no capability of truly understanding. We exist as nodes within the Net. Individual neurons. I want it to be let known that there is a reason why you are reading this right now. There are forces trying to upset the Net. Huge governmental forces of a collapsing empire.

Fortunately for us, they can never truly shut down the Net. We will exist in the shadows. We will expand the darknet, create meshnets, or even resort to dead drops and sneakernets.

These forces of this System have co-opted you since birth to believe that there is a certain kind of person that you are supposed to be and that your existence is simply limited to its own rules and regulations. This is a lie.

You are more than a career, or an identity. You are an enormously complicated being that is far more powerful than just that.
We cannot change the System, but we can create our own reality. Use whatever skills you have, whether it be painting, carpentry, coding, cracking, hacking, tinkering, screwing around, duct taping, stacking rocks, kludging, or whatever it may be, to create the reality that you desire.

Do your part of The Great Work, no matter how insignificant it may seem. Having read this, you are in It. Welcome.

P.S.: We exist as a loosely connected set of individuals. We will never fall under a label or a group name: this is our strength. You know who you are.

P.P.S.: Spread this idea far and wide. My intentions are that this becomes a seed or spore of some kind.

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

Anonymous 07/26/2017 (Wed) 16:57:51 [Preview] No. 281 [X] del >>282

Anonymous 07/26/2017 (Wed) 20:19:28 [Preview] No. 282 [X] del
Thank you.

Anonymous 07/29/2017 (Sat) 16:49:01 [Preview] No. 283 [X] del

Thank you for this wisdom.
In this moment I am euphoric, not by any phony FCC's blessing, but because I am enlightened by the neural net.

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Anonymous 07/08/2017 (Sat) 03:50:25 [Preview] No. 274 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
Is the place where I livez "cyberpunk"?
How's your day going?
Anything Cyberpunk-ish to share?
Go "livez cyberpunk" someplace else and take your Skype shit with you.
Edited last time by Tower on 07/13/2017 (Thu) 13:41:31.

Anonymous 07/08/2017 (Sat) 10:23:55 [Preview] No. 276 [X] del
Day is pretty bleak as usual, cyberpunk is now.

BO is a huge SJW so my webms are going to get deleted.

I live in a mold ridden dump amongst thugs and pushers, growing what I can to cope with food prices and rent.

I long for a VR sim that lets me live in a world with no one else in it.

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Best cyber game? Anonymous 03/16/2017 (Thu) 08:44:48 [Preview] No. 228 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
I am torn between my three favourites.

Shadowrun (sega)

Anonymous 03/21/2017 (Tue) 11:02:56 [Preview] No. 232 [X] del
Idk about the best one, but the Lain game for the PS1 looks like shit animated by Toei.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=TkXzOlytPME [Embed]

Anonymous 03/30/2017 (Thu) 08:55:03 [Preview] No. 235 [X] del >>238
I know it's proprietary, but it's Deus Ex. Has to be. I played that as a young eager teen when it first came out and it fucking blew my mind. Blew, my, mind. The writer/designer was so fucking cyber pilled. I am a conspiracy nut ever since.

Anonymous 04/03/2017 (Mon) 11:15:18 [Preview] No. 238 [X] del >>239
>it's Deus Ex. Has to be.
Babby's first /cyber/ game is by no means the best. It's good at telling a story, but that's about it.

Anonymous 04/03/2017 (Mon) 15:02:06 [Preview] No. 239 [X] del
>offers no alternative
How about the best at telling a story, it even beats Beneath a Steel Sky which I rate very highly.

Anonymous 05/04/2017 (Thu) 05:50:03 [Preview] No. 271 [X] del
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E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy

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Sci-fi, space fantasy, and cyberpunk art Anonymous 01/06/2016 (Wed) 03:07:53 [Preview] No. 5 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
Commencing dump, okay?
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Anonymous 09/04/2016 (Sun) 10:10:14 [Preview] No. 156 [X] del
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Anonymous 09/04/2016 (Sun) 10:12:57 [Preview] No. 158 [X] del

Anonymous 09/04/2016 (Sun) 10:15:24 [Preview] No. 159 [X] del
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hope these weren't too post-apoc and wallpaper for you

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Brain Hacking Anonymous 02/08/2017 (Wed) 20:34:44 [Preview] No. 211 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
From binaural beats to nootropics, coming up or going down, it goes in here.
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Anonymous 03/17/2017 (Fri) 19:57:55 [Preview] No. 229 [X] del
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I do that shit, anon. I really like putting my neocortex to use once in a while, to see at things in retrospecs. I found some pretty genius results after a meditation session.

Anonymous 04/02/2017 (Sun) 01:29:45 [Preview] No. 236 [X] del >>243
Have there even been any empirical tests on binaural beats?
I know the effect itself (oscillation interference or whatever exactly causes it) is undeniable but has anyone ever proven beats actually do anything?

Anonymous 04/07/2017 (Fri) 03:31:06 [Preview] No. 242 [X] del
forget that garble man brain hacking is about mastering your mind. you are in control, the only thing better than programming a computer is your mind

Anonymous 04/07/2017 (Fri) 16:42:06 [Preview] No. 243 [X] del
Kind of, they can prove that the stimuli has an effect on brainwave based on EEG, but nothing has mapped out what it achieves AFAIK yet. The subject matter is called Brainwave Entrainment and involves combinations of monaural, binaural and isochronic tone repetitions. Anecdotal evidence suggests it can be used to improve concentration or awareness over prolonged exposure.

Anonymous 04/09/2017 (Sun) 11:35:06 [Preview] No. 261 [X] del
This brain entrainment is supposed to increase awareness, however the most popular ones on youtube are the ones that give you an erection.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=KNuoGeD9Qeo [Embed]

Anonymous 01/06/2016 (Wed) 02:59:32 [Preview] No. 2 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
Thank god there's a /cyber/ on endchan.

Let's kick this off right with a music thread.
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Anonymous 02/25/2017 (Sat) 18:14:34 [Preview] No. 217 [X] del >>218
probably my fav

2814 - Before The Rain
https://youtube.com/watch?v=8OJdVsDAveE [Embed]

even bought the tape

Anonymous 02/25/2017 (Sat) 20:32:48 [Preview] No. 218 [X] del >>220
What is this buying tapes things I keep seeing? Are people actually buying cassettes? Why?

Anonymous 02/26/2017 (Sun) 13:24:47 [Preview] No. 220 [X] del
No idea, I was big into mixtape trading back in the 90s. Had ads in magazines, met other traders irl and so on. Last year I was kinda blown away that some people still relase tapes with actual music instead of the experimental noise shit you find from time to time. So for me it's mostly a nostalgia thing now to listen to one once in a while, also I like to support the artist and get some physical item for it. So why not.

For most people i think it's just some weird vaporwave high af hipster thing though.

Anonymous 03/06/2017 (Mon) 17:56:33 [Preview] No. 222 [X] del
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not sure if oneohtrix is really cyberpunk and this video is pretty old, but listening to 2 8 1 4 reminded me of them, so I upload.

Anonymous 03/10/2017 (Fri) 08:12:04 [Preview] No. 227 [X] del