/dnm/ - darknet markets

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Black Hat Chat BlackHat (Staff) 03/21/2021 (Sun) 13:46:05 [Preview] No. 104 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

Anonymous 03/22/2021 (Mon) 15:39:36 [Preview] No.111 del
(103.42 KB 300x300 FBI.png)

Anonymous 03/22/2021 (Mon) 15:42:20 [Preview] No.112 del
(23.72 KB 268x202 moneruo.png)
I always kind of new that Whitehouse market and dread forums are FBI. Thanks for the homage.

how to join in the room bakulcilok 09/16/2022 (Fri) 04:36 [Preview] No.321 del
(13.76 KB 400x400 qwoihndsao.jpg)
how to join in the room

Anonymous 09/16/2022 (Fri) 15:03 [Preview] No.322 del
Even though we all know iirc is dead.
Here is something the dread feds wanted you all to visit.
The only true, DNMarket iirc.


(97.65 KB 1024x1023 dnmirc_logo.png)
You a hacker? Carder? Crack Addict? Shit poster? Well I got just the place for you!

Over at DNMirc, we understand that freedom and anonymity is key. Not everywhere can you discuss anything you wish, without being worried if some faggot admin/mod will ban you. The admin's at DNMirc do not care if your an asshat shitposter, we encourage it. We also don't care if your planning to hack Terry Davis website and re-uploading the videos of him having a wank, you get the idea. ANYTHING GOES, BESIDES PEDOs.

Anonymous 08/12/2022 (Fri) 07:18 [Preview] No.316 del
>What is IRC?
IRC is a cool-kid chat protocol widely used by cyber criminals, you can connect through Tor Browser or with your own client.

>Where is the link?
You can enter dnmirc4ammtmfnwtgomctcl7gdtwrkp2ymkzw6y6xelo5rqaqm3peiid.onion into Tor Browser and you will be presented with a chat client, choose a username or use the given one and click connect.
The same URL can also be used to connect with any IRC client with port 6667

The main channel is #hiroshima

>How safe is this?
You should never assume any server is safe, but IRC has stood the test of time, first being introduced in 1988, before HTTP!
Although this, anything is possible. Just as you should never say anything that can compromise your OPSEC on Dread, the same rules apply in IRC too.
For encrypted messages, you can install OTR encryption plugin and nothing can be intercepted.

Also, don't be a fucking idiot and get scammed. Following links and sending someone $$$ for an item whatever it may be, is 100% your responsibility.

>How is this different than any other IRC server?

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https://newstarget.com/2022-07-08-black-market-body-parts-funeral-home-operator-charged.html Anonymous 07/10/2022 (Sun) 17:39:55 [Preview] No. 310 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Hash: SHA512

^Now you know the shit is real.
email me for more information on how to obtain BlackMarket BodyParts for Research and Development utility only.
Please make sure you have your College ID numbers before ordering.
XMR preferred, BTC always welcomed.


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Capt.Blackbeard ep15, when 15.1? Anonymous 07/09/2022 (Sat) 20:15:28 [Preview] No. 309 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Thanks to Capt Blackbeards crew of neck tards and the think tanks behind Envoy forums. The 4th of July was celebrated something proper. On the 6th. Nevertheless, we blasted this special 3hr episode on the very soils where the failed Jan 6 insurrection happened. The people gathered, bought protected content on USB recording of Cpt. Blackbeard Ep15 for Monero, the only way to travel safe these days on the dark seas.
Thank you all.

Anonymous 06/28/2022 (Tue) 03:16:05 [Preview] No. 307 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Agora market is back July 11th 2022 also. The legends are all coming back to make the DNMarkets great again.
What a time to be alive!
What a time to die!
The future is so bright!

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AlphaBay Returns Anonymous 08/18/2021 (Wed) 07:51:15 [Preview] No. 223 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Get the link from https://alphabaymarket.org

(Current under-going DDoS attacks)

AlphaBay is back.

You read that right, AlphaBay is back. If you do not know who we are a quick search on the Internet provides enough information. (Wikipedia): AlphaBay
For those unaware of the legendary market that was by the FBI's own words the largest, most successful marketplace to date.

I welcome you to the re-opening of our professionally-run, anonymous, secure marketplace AlphaBay to buy or sell products and services. If you are tired of marketplaces run by inexperienced amateurs and/or ones which only copy/paste without having any goals or vision for the future, then we are here to bring you a fresh breath of air.

Who am I:
I am DeSnake, security administrator and co-founder of AlphaBay.
The following message is signed with authentic key. My original PGP key which expired 8th March 2019 has been extended. The key has the same fingerprint (95E7 766E 6AC8 AECD 1B6F 11A5 0E28 8FD2 E281 93C0) only expiry date now is up until July 3rd 2031.

You can find my previous public PGP key on any market/website which has saved it or on pastebin when it was posted and verify for yourself

Anonymous 06/23/2022 (Thu) 21:10:53 [Preview] No.306 del

WARNING! Anonymous 06/21/2022 (Tue) 04:34:42 [Preview] No. 304 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
dread down, possibly compromised, clean house, good luck to all involved.

(9.81 KB 200x205 Ketamed.gif)
We are back. Apr 4 2022 Ketamed 04/04/2022 (Mon) 17:56:59 [Preview] No. 287 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
KetaMed Official Pastebin Menu
Visit the subdread for all news and updates: /d/KetaMed

All Research Chemicals are authentic Lizard Labs products unless stated otherwise. Analytical data available on request.
Shipping USA to USA only. Reach out via PGP email.

$110 USD Minimum Order Quantity
$10 Priority Mail

Email: ketamed@danwin1210.de (PGP mandatory, emails ignored otherwise. Temp.pm if you don't have PGP) Private Onion: coming soon Telegram Bot: almost ready!

Latest News?

Back in stock:
Ketamine HCl (rocks)
New products:

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Anonymous 04/04/2022 (Mon) 18:00:39 [Preview] No.288 del
https://rentry.co/s86ex for a more comprehensive guide.

Anonymous 04/12/2022 (Tue) 02:11:05 [Preview] No.292 del
I was pondering the darkseas, dread has been down for hours. Ran into this post and decided, why not fuck it. I seen this ad on dread and people were ranting about how great /u/KetaMeds services are. Now, I'm no stranger to ketamine, and darknetmarket purchases. Though this through me off, cause it wasn't a link to a market, but rather a pastebin with the low down on what to do to get some of /u/Ketameds Ketamine and other gooddies. Anyways, I took a $250 nose dive.
Fuck yeah, I don't regret it. Not only did I get an 8ball of Ketamine in 4 days, I also got to try some weird as other shit he sent out for free for mentioning that I saw the ad on endchan. He then told me to review it here and he would toss me a few bitcoins for the troubles and possibly some extra ketamine next time I order.
Which I just did.
Thank you /u/KetaMed.

Anonymous 04/12/2022 (Tue) 02:15:59 [Preview] No.293 del
> Be me.
> Don't be lonely.
> Visit the very best hidden services
> http://qo5i6olq6hay524jx2smexobmcyzicaqlroka3eeqeksrofveb36a4qd.onion/
> http://dkforestseeaaq2dqz2uflmlsybvnq2irzn4ygyvu53oazyorednviid.onion/
> http://c32zjeghcp5tj3kb72pltz56piei66drc63vkhn5yixiyk4cmerrjtid.onion/
> http://envoy2vxtsbz63bik33yb6vka2ed4x5leeisfg2isd2gz2eg4skwmbyd.onion/
> http://bbzzzsvqcrqtki6umym6itiixfhni37ybtt7mkbjyxn2pgllzxf2qgyd.onion/index.php
> alphabay522szl32u4ci5e3iokdsyth56ei7rwngr2wm7i5jo54j2eid.onion/forum/index.php?login/
> Become rich.
> Get laid.
> Owe tons of child support.
> Pay it off.
> Buy a brotherl in Thailand.
> Rinse and repeat.
> enjoy fat mai tais by the sunset in Thailand.

Anonymous 04/29/2022 (Fri) 17:26:06 [Preview] No.298 del
Hash: SHA512

This is KetaMed.

The main link to my pastebin is down (rentry.co), in the meantime, a mirror link is now available (rentry.org) - please use this mirror to access the pastebin until the main link comes back online.

Signed by my only PGP key, fingerprint: 0D06 F983 3D05 06FC 42EA 1CC4 8E70 5FFC 3121 FEC2


If your link is not one of the above, or is signed with a different PGP fingerprint, it is an impersonator.


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Anonymous 04/02/2022 (Sat) 03:01:53 [Preview] No. 286 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
DarkForest never went down. Nice work on the "screenshot". What did you use ? GIMP ? I checked out the site myself after your FUD. Everything is fine and their canary says they're ok. What SIMP tard led you to that site anyways? It isn't about selling drugs? Seems to be a bunch of pathetic Navy brats playing hackerman lol.

ShroompaLoempa Worldwide Mushroom dealer with best prices! Anonymous 04/01/2022 (Fri) 22:29:28 [Preview] No. 285 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Hi all,

I sell shroom products from Europe / USA and the UK.
This week I've sold out of free samples, But I want to do something more.
So that's why I am offering 1 free ounce with every 2 ounces of shrooms you buy from me!
Link to my store:

Normal prices:
1 ounce of shrooms / €75
1 ounce of capsuled shrooms / €95
10 chocolate Wonkybars / €175
Liquid shrooms 4 grams / €25

Product review:

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